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  • Fiche technique Numéro du document : Date de publication
    Electrical Sampling Modules Datasheet
    The DSA8300 Series Sampling Oscilloscope, when configured with one or more electrical sampling modules, provides complete test solutions for multi-channel, high-bandwidth electrical applications. This highly configurable solution is well suited …
  • During ECOC 2014, Tektronix demonstrated 56 Gb/s Eye Diagram analysis on a DSA8300 Sampling Oscillocope.
    Durée: 2m 10s
    See how to conduct PAM-4 Analysis using PPG3204 Pattern Generator and DSA8300 Sampling Oscilloscope on multi-level eye diagrams.
    Durée: 2m 6s
    Watch Tektronix experts as they provide a brief overview of test technologies being demonstrated on 100G components, transceivers and systems for the Datacom and Long Haul Networking Design …
    Durée: 2m 16s
    This webinar reviews TDR basics and the ability to create S-parameters using TDR/TDT measurements to validate high speed channels for debug or de-embedding in a Serial Data Link Analysis …
    Durée: 21m 50s
    With PAM4 moving into production and 400G design efforts in full swing, the test challenges around characterization, verification and debug, and manufacturing testing have never been greater. This …
    Durée: 18m 33s
    Learn how more margin and higher yields are made possible with lowest optical noise, highest sensitivity solution available today. See comprehensive characterization – TDECQ accuracy and …
    Durée: 1m 33s
    At OFC 2018 it’s not just about speed but also interoperability both between standards and among equipment vendors. Here Tek’s Pavel Zivny showcases a demonstration system with a Tektronix DSA8300 …
    Durée: 3m 27s
    At this booth, we're demonstrating our DS8300 Digital Sampling Oscilloscope including new PAM4 software modules. 
    Durée: 2m 10s
    View this demonstration of interoperability at OFC2013 using Tektronix DSA8300 Sampling Oscilloscope and BSA286C BERTScope. Tektronix assisted the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) and member …
    Durée: 4m 56s
    Designing and developing 100G components, modules and systems requires the latest tools and techniques. In this video, you'll learn how to:Set up a complete system for active optical cable …
    Durée: 2m 7s