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Partner Details
Technocomm Instruments Private Ltd
Pioneers in Marketing and Supporting of highly sophisticated overseas products in India.
Spécialisation du produit
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes and Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes, High Speed Digitizers, Probes and Accessories, Arbitrary Function Generator, Arbitrary Waveform Generator, RF Spectrum Analyzer, USB Spectrum Analyzer, DMM and DAQ,, Source Measure Unit, Electrometers, AC - DC Current Source, Nano-voltmeter, Pico-ammeter, Semi-conductor Parametric Analyzer, Electronic Load, Battery Simulator, DC Power Supplies, Bi-directional Power Supplies, Regenerative load, Frequency Counters, Optical Modulation Analyzers
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- Téléphone:919880859795
Pays de commercialisation
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Bangalore , Karnataka | Téléphone: 919880859795 |