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Partner Details
Vicom New Zealand Limited

Vicom provides test, measurement, monitoring and communications infrastructure solutions and expertise to improve their customers’ effectiveness. The company is a growing organisation recognised as a key contributor to each of the market segments they operate in. Customers think of Vicom as their “go-to” people! Office address : Grnd Floor, 60 Grafton Road, Auckland, New Zealand
Spécialisation du produit
Full Range of Oscilloscopes, Probes and Accessories, Spectrum Analyzers, USB Spectrum Analyzer: RSA306B/500/600, Power Analyzers, Parameter Analyzers, Bit Error Rate Testers, Optical Modulation Analyzers, Logic Analyzers, Protocol Analyzers, Frequency Counters, Arbitrary Function Generators, Arbitrary Waveform Generators, Vector Signal Generators, Power Supplies, DC Electronic Loads, Source Measure Units, Digital Multimeters, RF Power Meters, Low-level Instrument/Sensitive and Specialty Instruments, Switching and Data Aquisition Systems, Semiconductor Test Systems
- Site Web:
- Téléphone:+649 379 4596
- Fax: +649 379 4597
Pays de commercialisation
New Zealand
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
New Zealand | Auckland , Auckland | Téléphone: +649 379 4596 Fax: +649 379 4597 |