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Partner Details
TekInsite Video Technologies Pty Ltd

TekInsite Video Technologies is a company founded by industry veteran Domenic Pupo, specialising in supply and distribution of equipment and technology for the video and television broadcast industry. Specialties include Broadcast Equipment and Systems, Video and Audio Test and Monitoring Solutions, Network Monitoring Systems, File-Based QC Systems, HDMI Test Solutions.
Spécialisation du produit
With over 35 years experience and association with Tektronix, Dom brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the portfolio of products and solutions supplied by the Video Product Line of Tektronix. For more information relating to TekInsite Video Technologies and Tektronix Video Test Solutions, please contact Dom by phone on 61 2 9533 3085 or by email at [email protected]
- Site Web:
- Téléphone:+61 (2) 9533 3085
Pays de commercialisation
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Australia | Narwee , New South Wales | Téléphone: +61 (2) 9533 3085 |