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Partner Details
RomTek Electronics SRL

RomTek are a full solution provider for the entire Tektronix and Keithley portfolio. This includes the latest Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes, Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes, Sampling Oscilloscopes, Signal Sources, Performance Signal Sources, Digital Multimeters, Source Measure Units, Logic Analyzers, Probes and accessories, Real Time Spectrum Analyzers, Diagnostics, USB Spectrum Analyzers, Arbitrary Waveform Generators, Power Analyzers, Parameter Analyzers and more.
Spécialisation du produit
3 Series MDO, 4/5/6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes, TPS2000, DPO2000/DPO3000/4000 Series Oscilloscopes, AFG3000, Signal Sources, DMM4000 Multimeters, MSO2000/MSO4000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, TLA5000B Logic Analyzer, Performance Signal Sources, 5000 scopes, 6000-7000 scopes, 70000 scopes, LA Solutions and Probes, TLA5000, TLA7000, Probes and Accessories, Wireless Field Test, Real Time Spectrum Analysers, Diagnostics, Video Test Equipment and MPEG Segment, USB Spectrum Analyzers.
- Site Web:
- Téléphone:+40 (21) 269-2008
- Fax: +40()21 269 2009
Pays de commercialisation
Moldova, Republic Of, Romania
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Romania | Bucharest | Téléphone: +40 (21) 269-2008 Fax: +40()21 269 2009 |