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Partner Details
InterNET S.R.L.

InterNET S.R.L. provides equipment and complex solutions to the educational, scientific and industrial markets. The wide range of solutions includes test and measurement equipment for electronics, electrical engineering, industrial informatics and physics combined with consultancy, training and turnkey solutions including hardware and software development.
Spécialisation du produit
DMM4000 Multimeters, SourceMeter SMU Instruments, Scientific Sensitive Instruments, Switching Products, Power Supplies, Semiconductor Characterization Systems.
- Site Web:
- Téléphone:+40213121662
- Fax: +40()21 312 16 62
Pays de commercialisation
Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Republic Of, Romania
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Romania | Bucharest | Téléphone: +40213121662 Fax: +40()21 312 16 62 |