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Partner Details
Fotronic Corporation dba Test Equipment Depot

Fotronic Corporation dba Test Equipment Depot, offers the ultimate value in high quality test equipment. Our factory-trained technicians completely refurbish, align, and calibrate all Pre-Owned equipment to the original manufacturer's specifications. All new equipment shipped from The Test Equipment Depot undergoes a performance test and burn-in. This service is unmatched anywhere. Whether it is new or pre-owned equipment, our rigorous quality control assures that the product that you purchase will be the best possible. Don't settle for second best!
Spécialisation du produit
4, 5 & 6 Series MSO, 3 Series MDO, RSA series, DPO/MSO2000B, TDS1000B/TDS1000C-EDU/2000C/3000C, TPS2000B, MSO3000, AFG1000/3000, FCA3000, Probes and Accessories, Keithley: DMM, SMU, Power Supplies and Switching.
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- Téléphone:+1 (781) 665-1400
- Fax: +1 (781) 665-0780
Pays de commercialisation
United States
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
United States | Woburn , Massachusetts | Téléphone: +1 (781) 665-1400 Fax: +1 (781) 665-0780 |