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Environment Plug-in
The Environment plug-in is used to emulate the interference between Radar and other communication standards to test Radar receivers under realistic and worst-case conditions. The users can configure the various standard-specific parameters of these interfering signals including power levels, start time, and duration. The time and frequency overview enables them to adjust the above parameters to quickly create worst-case scenarios.
The standards that are supported in the environment module include WiMAX, WiFi, GSM, GSM-EDGE, EGPRS 2A, EGPRS2B, CDMA, W-CDMA, DVB-T, and CW Radar. It also allows seamless integration of signals created using other AWG plug-ins such as Generic, Radar, OFDM and User captured signals.
Caractéristique | Gain |
Réplication de scénarios | Les signaux de test sont produits de façon numérique et toutes les configurations des générateurs de formes d’onde arbitraires et les scénarios peuvent être répliqués en quelques secondes sur un autre générateur. |