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K1297/K1205 Series Protocol Tester
Transport, ISUP, and Intelligent Network Software. This product is no longer sold

This product is no longer sold by Tektronix. Contact NetScout for more information.
Features & Benefits
- Monitoring, Simulation and Emulation of:
- SS#7
- IP
- MTB3b
- IN
- Emulation of SSP and SCP
- Signaling Test of Transport Layers (Narrowband, Packet Data, Broadband)
- Signaling Test of ISUP/TUP Components
- Signaling Test of Intelligent Network Components
Transport software packages are the basis for most of other application software for K1297/K1205 Protocol Testers. These products provide monitoring/simulation/emulation capabilities for transport protocol layers, i.e. OSI layer 2 and layer 3. Depending on the upper layer protocols, appropriate transport packages need to be ordered.
ISUP software packages extend the broad basis of protocol software for K1297/K1205 Protocol Testers. ISUP Protocol Packages run together with all Transport Protocol Packages (SS#7, IP, ATM). Because of this, the customer can test signaling of ISUP Components (e.g. IN interworking or interoperability tests).
Tektronix offers a complete range of monitoring applications for IN Protocols for Protocol Testers K1205 and K1297-G20 and in addition simulation/emulation capability of IN protocols on K1297-G20. MBS provides the possibility to change parameters for simulation and to emulate network elements SSP and SCP. IN Protocol Packages run together with all Transport Protocol Packages (SS#7, IP, ATM). Because of this, the customer can test signaling of IN Components in Mobile and Fixed Networks in active and passive mode.
Monitoring Features
- Decoding of Transport Protocols and Decoding of ISUP/TUP Protocols
- Call Detail Records (CDR)
- Call Statistics
- Free Programmable Counters
- Call Trace
- Busy Hour Call Attempt (BHCA) Measurements
- Decoding of IN Protocols
- IN Call Trace
Simulation/Emulation Features
- Simulations and Emulation Capability of SS#7 Protocol Elements
- Simulations and Emulation Capability of ISUP/TUP Protocols
- Simulations/Emulation of IN Protocols
- IN Call/Transaction Generator
- Free Programmable Statistics
- SSP Network Element Emulation (acc. ETSI)
- SCP Network Element Emulation (acc. ETSI)
Examples for Protocol Solutions
Test Solution |
Ordering Numbers*1 |
IN over SS#7 |
7PK12xx-xCJ |
7PK12xx-xTC |
7PK12xx-xTN |
IN over IP |
7PK12xx-xCJ |
7PK12xx-xTC |
7PK12xx-xJS |
7PK12xx-xTP |
IN over ATM |
7PK1221-xCJ |
7PK1221-xTC |
7PK1221-xTB |
*1 For x insert relevant code: 05 for K1205, 21 for K1297-G20 application; 6 for monitoring, 7 for simulation/emulation.
Ordering Information
Please refer to K12XX Hardware for further information.
Please note that besides the following ordering numbers (for complete version) upgrades and offline software are available.
Transport, ISUP and IN Protocol Packages for K1205
7PK1205-6TN11 - K1205 Protocol SW Mon Transport Narrowband Package; MTP L2, MTP L3, MTP T&M, LAP D, LAP D Management, LAP V; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1205-6ABxx) and Narrowband Line Interface Board.
7PK1205-6TC11 - K1205 Protocol SW Mon Transport SCCP Package; SCCP/SCMG; TCAP; OMAP; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1205-6ABxx) and 7PK1205-6TN.
7PK1205-6TP11 - K1205 Protocol SW Mon Transport Packet Data Package; incl. X.25, LAP B, FR, IPv4, IPv6, ARP/RARP, EGP, RIP, TCP&UDP, ICMP, IEEE802.3 MAC; GPRS Gi; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1205-6ABxx).
7PK1205-6CS11 - K1205 Protocol SW Mon Core ISUP/TUP Package; for standard, country and vendor specific ISUP/TUP variants; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1205-6ABxx) and 7PK1205-6TN11 and/or -6TC11.
7PK1205-6CJ11 - K1205 Protocol SW Mon Core Intelligent Networks Package; for standard, country, and vendor specific variants; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1205-6ABxx) and 7PK1205-6TC11.
Transport, ISUP and IN Monitoring Protocol Packages for K1297-G20
7PK1221-6TN11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport Narrowband Package; incl. MTP L2, MTP L3, MTP T&M, LAP D, LAP D Management, LAP V; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and Narrowband Line Interface Board.
7PK1221-6TC11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport SCCP Package; incl. SCCP/SCMG; TCAP; OMAP; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and 7PK1221-6/7TN11 or -6/7TB11.
7PK1221-6TP11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport Packet Data Package; incl. X.25, LAP B, FR, IPv4, IPv6, ARP/RARP, EGP, RIP, TCP&UDP, ICMP, IEEE802.3 MAC; GPRS Gi; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and Ethernet or ATM board.
7PK1221-6TB11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport Broadband Package; SSCOP (Q.2110), SSCF-UNI (Q.2130), SSCF-NNI (Q.2140), MTPL3b (Q.2210); Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and ATM HW.
7PK1221-6CS11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Core ISUP/TUP Package; incl. standard, country, and vendor specific ISUP/TUP variants; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and 7PK1221-6/7TN11 or -6/7TC11.
7PK1221-6CJ11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Core Intelligent Networks Package; incl. standard, country, and vendor specific INAP/TCAP variants; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and 7PK1221-6/7TC11.
Transport and ISUP Monitoring/Simulation/Emulation Protocol Packages for K1297-G20
7PK1221-7TN11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport Narrowband Package; incl. MTP L2, MTP L3, MTP T&M, LAP D, LAP D Management, LAP V; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and Narrowband Line Interface board.
7PK1221-7TC11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport SCCP Package; incl. SCCP/SCMG; TCAP; OMAP; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and 7PK1221-6/7TN11 or -6/7TB11.
7PK1221-7TP11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport Packet Data Package; incl. X.25, LAP B, FR, IPv4, IPv6, ARP/RARP, EGP, RIP, TCP&UDP, ICMP, IEEE802.3 MAC; GPRS Gi; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and Ethernet or ATM board.
7PK1221-7TB11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Transport Broadband Package; SSCOP (Q.2110), SSCF-UNI (Q.2130), SSCF-NNI (Q.2140), MTPL3b (Q.2210); Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and ATM HW.
7PK1221-7CS11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Core ISUP/TUP Package; incl. standard, country, and vendor specific ISUP/TUP variants; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and 7PK1221-6/7TN11 or -6/7TC11.
7PK1221-7CJ11 - K1297-G20 Protocol SW Mon Core Intelligent Networks Package; incl. standard, country, and vendor specific INAP/TCAP variants; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and 7PK1221-6/7TC11.
7KK1223-8JS11 - K1297-G20 Emu entity Network Element Core&Intelligent Network (SCP); for CAMEL Ph1 and ETSI Core INAP CS-1; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx) and 7PK1221-7CJ11 or -7MG11.
Transport, ISUP and IN Bundles
7KK1205-6SC11 - K1205 SW Mon Core&Intelligent Network (SS#7 + IN); Containing: 7PK1205-6TN, 7PK1205-6TC, 7PK1205-6CS, 7PK1205-6CJ; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1205-6ABxx).
7KK1221-6SC11 - K1297-G20 SW bundle Mon Core&Intelligent Network (SS#7 + IN); incl. country variants; containing: 7PK1221-6TN, 7PK1221-6TC, 7PK1221-6CS, 7PK1221-6CJ; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx).
7KK1221-7SC11 - K1297-G20 SW bundle Mon/Sim/Emu Core&Intelligent Network (SS#7 + IN); incl. country variants; containing: 7PK1221-7TN, 7PK1221-7TC, 7PK1221-7CS, 7PK1221-7CJ; Prerequisite: Current System Version (7KK1220-0SCxx).