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PSPL5361 14 dB 5x Pick-off Tee
PSPL5361 Datasheet
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PSPL5361 Datasheet
The PSPL5361 is a broadband, resistive pick-off tee. The pick-off Port 3 output is a 1/5 scale replica of the signal passing through the tee. The PSPL5361 exhibits excellent through-line insertion loss and pick-off stability from DC to over 40 GHz. It also features
Key performance specifications
- DC to >40 GHz
- 11 ps rise time
- 14 dB
Typical performance
Frequency Domain Responses from 40 MHz to 40 GHz

Parameter 1 | Value |
Rise time | 7 ps, through-line 11 ps, pick-off line |
Bandwidth | DC to >40 GHz |
Through-line Insertion Loss, DC | 0.8 dB |
Through-line Insertion Loss, AC | ≤2.0 dB, 0 – 40 GHz, guaranteed |
Pick-off Resistor | 200 Ω ±1% |
Pick-off Insertion Loss, DC | 14.8 dB |
Pick-off Insertion Loss, AC | 15 ±1 dB, 0 – 40 GHz |
Delay | 98 ps |
Input Impedance, DC | 41.7 Ω, port 1 and 2 |
Return Loss (Port 1 and 2) | >20 dB, DC >17 dB, 0 – 15 GHz >12 dB, 15 – 40 GHz |
Max Input Power, avg | 3.5 Watts, CW |
Temperature Range | -55 to 90 °C @3.5 W, linearly derate to 0 W at 110 °C |
Connectors | 2.92 mm jacks (f) |
Warranty | One Year |
1All parameters listed are typical unless max/min guaranteed limits are provided. The DC specs are valid only when used with 50 Ω source and terminations.
Mechanical dimensions

Ordering information
- PSPL5361
- Pick-Off Tee, 14 dB, 5x
Ordering information
- OPT 292JJJ
- 2.92 mm connectors, Ports 1,2,3 = jacks (f)