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HDMI compliance test software
Options HDM, HDM-DS, HDM-DSM, HT3, and HT3-DS Datasheet

Options HDM, HDM-DS, HDM-DSM, HT3, and HT3-DS Datasheet
HDMI compliance test software
Engineers designing and validating the HDMI physical layer of their devices face constant pressure to improve efficiency. Designers need to perform a wide range of compliance tests quickly and reliably right on their bench. HDMI 2.0 supports features like 2160p (also known as Ultra HD/4K 2K 60/50 Hz), operating at 5.94 Gcps apart from 4K 2K 4:2:0, using the same Cat 2 cable and HDMI 1.4b connector. HDMI 1.4a/b introduces Automotive HDMI (Type E) in addition to Mobile HDMI (Type D), HEAC, 3D HDMI, 4K × 2K patterns, and new Calorimetric patterns, all operating up to 3.4 Gb/s.
Option HDM and HDM-DS Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software automates a comprehensive range of tests according to CTS 2.0. TDSHT3 and HT3-DS HDMI Compliance Test Software automate a comprehensive range of tests according to CTS 1.4b - enabling unprecedented efficiency with reliable results. HDMI 1.4b compliance testing is a PREREQUISITE for HDMI 2.0 testing.
The new Option HDM-DSM adds Advanced Analysis and Characterization support for HDMI 2.0 Receiver tests.
Key features
- Conformance to HDMI 2.0 Compliance Test Specification (CTS)
- Introducing the innovative HDMI protocol analyzer solution for HDMI 1.4b
- One-box solution for HDMI 1.4b physical-layer and protocol-layer testing
- Fast, efficient direct synthesis solution
- Conformance to HDMI 1.4a/b Standards and Compliance Test Specification 1.4a/b (CTS)
- Complete validation to standards with wide range of tests for source, sink, and cable devices
- Accurate source tests using precise measurement techniques
- Dependable sink tests with closed-loop measurements that eliminate nonlinearities in test setup
- Automation of complex sink and cable tests with remote control of signal sources and software emulation of cable effects, eliminating the need for hardware transition time converters (TTC) and cable emulators
- Quick results with automatic mask fit, measurements and Pass/Fail notification, and in-depth results with statistical analysis and mask margins
- Quick testing with one-button selection of multiple tests and CSV-format test summary and reports
- Comprehensive HDMI 2.0/1.4a/b solution including test fixtures, DPO/DSA/MSO70000 real-time oscilloscopes, P7313SMA differential probes, AWG70000/7000 signal sources, HDMI fixtures, and DSA8300 sampling oscilloscopes
Option HDM-DSM
- Supports HDMI2.0 Pattern creation.
- Supports all the VIC (video identification code) specified CEA861-F specification
- Supported color depths: 24 bits, 30 bits, 36 bits, 48 bits
- Supported color sub-sampling: RGB, YCBCR 4-4-4, YCBCR 4-2-0, YCBCR 4-2-2
- Supported Image types: Gray scale, Color bar, Chess board, Aspect ratio and Custom images
- Supports all 3D frame types
- Customized for HDMI2.0 test specific configurations
- Ability to sync the patterns created in the AWG with TekExpress HDM solution
- Supports Closed loop calibration and has the ability to create patterns for margin tests
- Design and validation of HDMI 2.0/1.4a/b physical layer
Reliable and dependable results
Option HDM embeds HDMI forum CTS 2.0 compliance test procedures, ensuring reliable results. Option HDM-DSM allows you to create required HDMI2.0 patterns. It also supports closed loop calibration and has the ability to create pattern for margin tests. TDSHT3 embeds the HDMI CTS 1.4a/b compliance test procedures, including the software clock recovery (SoftCRU), ensuring dependable results. Accurate eye rendering and precise violation testing deliver credible results. Perform accurate Sink tests with closed-loop measurements that eliminate nonlinearities of the test setup. Authentic measurement techniques and automation eliminate errors to provide repeatable results.
Faster validation cycles
The unparalleled automation offered on the HDM, HDM-DS, HDM-DSM, TDSHT3 and HT3-DS enables faster validation. Reduce test times for complete HDMI Sink testing with HDM, HDM-DS, TDSHT3 and HT3-DS by digitally controlling cable emulator and TTC effects. Demonstrate efficiency by using the "Select All" feature to perform multiple tests. Quickly generate CSV-format summaries or detailed reports at a press of a button.

HDM SW - Source Test

HDM-DS SW - Sink Test

HDM-DS SW - Sink Protocol Test

HDM-DSM software

HT3-DS software
Test descriptions
Test | Description |
Source tests | |
Eye diagram 1 | PLL, raw, and ideal clock 2 |
Clock jitter 1 | PLL, raw, and ideal clock 2 |
Clock duty cycle | |
Rise time and fall time | |
Inter-pair skew | Data-Data |
Low amplitude | |
Sink tests | |
Jitter tolerance 1 | |
Jitter frequencies (D/CK) | 500 kHz/10 MHz or 1 MHz/7 MHz |
DUT frequency (pixel clock) for HDMI 1.4b | 25, 27, 74.25, 148.5, 165, 225, 297, 330 MHz |
DUT data rate for HDMI 2.0 | 3.71, 4.46, 5.94 Gbps |
Direct Synthesis Solution provides a selection of cable emulators' emulation in the software. 1st Cable Emulator or 2nd Cable Emulator or Both. Covering the various Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type E cable emulators required in CTS for HDMI 2.0/1.4a/b based upon resolution selection. | |
Min/Max differential swing tolerance | 250 mV - 70 mV, 20 mV steps. Direct Synthesis setup can also be used for this test |
Intra-pair skew | <1 ns, 0.1 Tbit steps. Direct Synthesis setup can also be used for this test 3 |
Deep color tests | Selection under Direct Synthesis method 3 |
Cable tests 3 | |
Eye diagram 1 | TP1 and TP2. Direct Synthesis setup can also be used for this test |
Repeater cable inter-pair skew test | Selection under Direct Synthesis method only |
1 Requires record length of more than 16M on each channel. HDMI 2.0 Eye Diagram is at TP2 after cable emulator effect.
2 The PLL, raw and ideal clock options are applicable only for HDMI1.4/b
3 Applicable for HDMI1.4/b

Tektronix is supports HDMI 1.4/b with the HDMI protocol analyzer software developed by our third-party partner for the DPO/DSA/MSO70000B/C/D Series real-time oscilloscopes with bandwidth ≥12.5 GHz and above. Salient features include:
- One-box solution for both HDMI physical- and protocol-layer testing leveraging real-time oscilloscopes.
- Detailed HDMI protocol decodes. Multi-view decode capability:
Bus viewer
Frame viewer
Event viewer
Data packet viewer
Protocol viewer
- Seamless link layer to physical layer analysis and decode capability:
Ability to view analog waveform with protocol decode
- Common probing technique for physical-layer and protocol-layer testing.
Refer to the Prodigy techno visions website (http://www.prodigytechno.com) for more details on the HDMI protocol analyzer software.
HDMI Protocol Tests (CTS 1.4a/b)
Source protocol tests:
- 7-16 legal codes
- 7-17 basic protocol
- 7-18 extended control period
- 7-19 packet types
- 7-23/7-24 pixel encoding
- 7-25 video format timing
- 7-26 pixel reception
- 7-27 AVI info frame
Source audio:
- 7-28 IEC 60958/IEC 61937
- 7-29 ACR
- 7-30 audio sample packet jitter
- 7-31 audio info frame
- 7-32 audio sample packet interoperability
- 7-33 source interoperability with DVI
Source advanced features:
- 7-34 deep color
- 7-35 gamut metadata transmission
- 7-36 high bit rate audio
- 7-37 one-bit audio
- 7-38 3D video format timing
- 7-39 4KX2K video format timing – record length dependent
- 7-40 extended colorimetry transmission
Combined HDMI and MHL protocol solution
We offer a combined HDMI and MHL protocol analyzer software to enable customers who work on both the technologies to leverage a cost-effective protocol software bundle. The bundled HDMI/MHL protocol analyzer software is a stand-alone option for the Tektronix real-time oscilloscopes with the following nomenclature: TEK-PGY-HDMH-PA-SW.
MHL protocol compliance tests (CTS 1.1)
Source Protocol Tests:
- Legal Codes
- Basic Protocol
- Packet Types
- Source Video
- Pixel Encoding
- Video Format Timing
- Video Quantization Test
- AVI Info Frame
Source Audio Tests:
- Audio Test
- Audio Clock Regeneration Test
- Audio Info Frame
Supported Tektronix instruments
- Real-time oscilloscopes
DPO/MSO70000 series real-time oscilloscopes support HDM, HDM-DS, HDM-DSM, HT3, HT3-DS, DPOFL-HDM and DPOFL-HDM-DS
Note: The recommended oscilloscope bandwidth for HDMI 2.0 is ≥16 GHz. Although a 12.5 GHz bandwidth oscilloscope is supported, it will have as much as a 10% variation in test results.
- Sampling oscilloscopes
TDR tests: DSA8300 oscilloscope with 80E03 and 80E04 modules
- Generators (using direct synthesis method)
AWG70002A with Opt. 02, Opt. 225 and Opt. 03 (sequencing option) (Qty: 2), or AWG7122B/C with Opt. 01, Opt. 02/06 and Opt. 08 (Qty: 2)
AFG3102/C or AFG3252/C - Used for synchronizing and triggering the 2 AWGs in the direct synthesis setup
Ordering information
HDM test software
- Test software includes:
Application CD, HDMI direct synthesis AWG patterns DVDs, and electronic documentation.
Software options
Product/feature | Description |
Option HDM | HDMI 2.0 Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software for Source testing. (Prerequisite for HDMI 2.0 is HDMI 1.4b testing; hence HT3 is required. Prerequisite is Option DJA, Opt 10XL (required for 100M RL), and SR-CUST). |
Option HDM-DS | HDMI 2.0 Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software for Sink testing (Prerequisite HDM and HT3-DS). Since HDMI 1.4b is a prerequisite for HDMI 2.0 testing, HT3-DS is needed. |
Option HDM-DSM | HDMI 2.0 Advanced Analysis and Characterization Software for Receiver tests (Prerequisite HDM-DS) |
Option HT3 | HDMI 1.4b Compliance Test Software |
Option HT3-DS | HDMI 1.4b Direct Synthesis Software (requires Opt. HT3) |
TEK-PGY-HDMI-PA-SW | HDMI 1.4b - only Protocol Analyzer Software (requires Option 20XL and (4) P7313SMA probes) |
TEK-PGY-HDMH-PA-SW | Combined HDMI 1.4b and MHL Protocol Analyzer Software (requires Option 20XL, and (4) P7313SMA probes for HDMI protocol testing or (2) P7313SMA and (1) P7240 probes for MHL protocol testing) |
DPOFL-HDM | Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software for HDMI 2.0 Tx floating license |
DPOFL-HDM DS | Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software for HDMI 2.0 Rx floating license |
DPOFT-HDM | Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software for HDMI 2.0 Tx floating license (trial version) |
DPOFT-HDM DS | Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software for HDMI 2.0 Rx floating license (trial version) |
Software upgrades
Product/feature | Description |
DPO/DSA/MSO70000 | Order DPO-UP – Opt. HDM |
DPO/DSA/MSO70000 | Order DPO-UP – Opt. HDM-DS |
DPO/DSA/MSO70000 | Order DPO-UP – Opt. HT3 |
DPO/DSA/MSO70000 | Order DPO-UP – Opt. HT3-DS 1 |
TEK-PGY-HDMI-PA-SW | HDMI-only Protocol Analyzer Software (requires Option 20XL and (4) P7313SMA probes) |
TEK-PGY-HDMH-PA-SW | Combined HDMI and MHL Protocol Analyzer Software (requires Option 20XL, and (4) P7313SMA probes for HDMI protocol testing or (2) P7313SMA and (1) P7240 probes for MHL protocol testing) |
Note: The recommended oscilloscope bandwidth for performing both physical-layer and protocol-layer testing using the same oscilloscope is ≥12.5 GHz, as the protocol analyzer software requires the 20XL record length option. |
1 HT3-DS is available on DPO/DSA/MSO70000 series scopes with bandwidth greater than 8 GHz.
Recommended equipment and accessories
Accessory |
Description |
Oscilloscope | 16M Record Length / Ch or more - Opt. 2XL on DPO/MSO70000 C, D, and DX series oscilloscopes (for eye diagram and jitter tests) 250M Record Length / Ch - Opt. 20XL on DPO/DPO/MSO70000 C, D, and DX series oscilloscopes (for protocol analysis) 100M Record Length Opt 10XL (needed for HDMI 2.0) Option DJA and SR-CUST (also required for HDM Software) |
Signal sources | AWG70002A with opt 01, 03 and 225 or AWG7122C with option 01, 02/06, and 08 (for direct synthesis method) |
Probes | |
Differential probes | P7350SMA (2 probes required) - for testing TMDS clock rates less than or equal to 74.25 MHz Minimum two P7313SMA probes are required for testing all resolutions of HDMI 1.4a/b testing, and are also used for single-ended testing. Minimum 3 probes are recommended for HDMI 2.0 testing and are also used for single-ended testing. Four P7313SMA probes are recommended for faster physical layer testing of all 4 HDMI 1.4 and HDMI 2.0 channels. Four P7313SMA probes are required for protocol analysis. |
Active probes | P7240 used with old 1.2 test fixtures (2 probes required); P7313SMA probes can also be used to test single-ended tests using 50 Ω short. |
Probe positioner | PPM100 flexible arm probe positioner |
HDMI direct synthesis accessory kit (required with Option HT3-DS and Option HDM-DS) | Consists of: Matched SMA cables (174-5771-xx) (Qty: 10) BNC cables (012-0057-xx) (Qty: 4) Bias tees from Mini-Circuits (ZX85-12G-S+) (Qty: 8) TTC filter from Picosecond pulse labs (5915-110-120PS) (Qty: 8) GPIB cables from NI (763061-xx) (Qty: 4) 6 dB attenuator from Mini-Circuits (BW-S6W2+) (Qty: 8) SMA Male to two SMA Female adapter (Qty: 2) Low pass filters (Qty: 8) SMA male to SMA male connector (Qty: 8) |
External power supply | PWS4205 for providing bias voltage during Sink testing or optionally powering the fixture during source testing |
Additional recommended accessories for HDMI 2.0 | Delay line for introducing 112 ps skew from SPECTRUM (8001-SM21-02) (Qty: 6) Delay line for introducing 0.15 Tbit skew from Carlisle Interconnect Technologies (5018CCSF, SMA (M) to (F))(Qty: 6) 3.5mm Male to Male phase-equal adapter (Qty: 4) SMA Female to SMA Male attenuator (Qty: 8) BNC female to SMA male adapter (Qty: 4) |
Additional recommended accessories for impedance test | 50 Ω male terminations (015-1022-01) - (Qty: 6) 50 Ω female terminations (015-1004-01) - (Qty: 2) 50 Ω SMA cable, 1 M length from HUBER+SUHNER SUCOFLEX (104PE) - (Qty: 2) 80A09 DC-coupled voltage limiter, Tektronix 26 GHz ESD Protection Device - (Qty: 2) |
HDMI 2.0 Fixture | Available, please contact Tektronix Local Representative for more details. |
Sink test automation 1 | |
NI GPIB-USB-A/B | USB-to-GPIB controller (with driver software) |
NI GPIB-ENET/100 | Ethernet GPIB controller (with driver software) |
1 For ordering, contact National Instruments (ni.com).
Recommended test fixtures cables and tools
HDMI 1.4b type A fixtures
- TF-HDMI-TPA-S Test Adapter Set (used for Source, Sink, and Cable test) includes the following:
- TF-HDMI-TPA-P plug fixture
- TF-HDMI-TPA-STX Test Adapter Set (used for Source and Sink test) includes the following:
- TF-HDMI-TPA-P plug fixture
- TF-HDMI-TPA-R receptacle fixtures (Qty: 2)
- Calibration fixture
- TF-HDMI-TPA-S Test Adapter Set (used for Source, Sink, and Cable test) includes the following:
HDMI 1.4b type C fixtures
- TF-HDMIC-TPA-S Test Adapter Set (used for Source, Sink, and Cable testing) includes the following:
- TF-HDMIC-TPA-P plug fixture
- TF-HDMIC-TPA-R receptacle fixtures (Qty. 2)
- Calibration fixture
- TF-HDMIC-TPA-STX Test Adapter Set (used for Source testing only) includes the following:
- TF-HDMIC-TPA-P plug fixture
HDMI 1.4b type D fixtures
- TF-HDMID-TPA-P Plug Board
- TF-HDMID-TPA-R Receptacle Board
- TF-HDMI-TPA-CE consisting of (to be ordered separately):
- EDID Fixture PCBA
- EEPROM with HDMI 1.4a/b Software
- Ribbon Cable (174-5746-xx)
- Customer Documentation
HDMI 1.4b type E fixtures
- TF-HDMIE-TPA-KIT Test Adapter Kit (used for Source, Sink, and Cable testing) includes the following:
- 1 TF-HDMIE-TPA-P plug board
- 2 TF-HDMIE-TPA-R receptacle boards
- TF-HDMI-TPA-CE consisting of (to be ordered separately):
- EDID Fixture PCBA
- EEPROM with HDMI 1.4a/b Software
- Ribbon Cable (174-5746-xx)
- Customer Documentation