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Partner Details
Instrumex GmbH

Instrumex is a quality source for buying refurbished test and measurement equipment. We at Instrumex are committed to providing the highest level of service possible for our customers. Instrumex is located south of Munich, Southern Bavaria, in one of the most beautiful parts of Germany. The company was founded in 1986 and we have grown considerably since then to become Germany´s biggest supplier of refurbished test and measurement equipment. We boast thousands of customers in Germany, but are also very proud of being able to serve both large and small companies throughout the world whether it is just selling them the odd unit or their entire test and measurement requirements.
Spécialisation du produit
Refurbished Test and Measurement Equipment
- Acheter en ligne -
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- Téléphone:+49 (8104) 6675 0
- Fax: 08104/ 6675-50
Pays de commercialisation
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Germany | Sauerlach , Bayern | Téléphone: +49 (8104) 6675 0 Fax: 08104/ 6675-50 |