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How You Can Streamline Your Calibration Program with a Single-Source Provider

Managing a lab (or even a network of labs) full of equipment can be a daunting task. Many calibration providers don’t have the expertise or capabilities to calibrate your entire lab, leaving you managing relationships with multiple vendors to keep your lab in compliance. But what if you had a comprehensive solution that enabled you to consolidate and streamline all of your calibration and asset management needs? You’d have…

  • A single point of contact to help address calibration requirements across your entire organization.
  • Consolidated management of all supplier qualifications, purchasing activities, and equipment logistics to and from your facility.
  • Requisition and validation of all certifications issued for all calibrations performed.
  • Organization-wide visibility of your instrument’s service status and comprehensive records management in a cloud-based calibration program management platform.
  • Fully-integrated invoicing that streamlined review and approval.

Tektronix has developed an extensive network of Authorized Services Providers (ASPs) to ensure that no matter what your equipment service needs are, we have you covered with a convenient, easy-to-manage solution. Having your entire instrument inventory serviced by Tektronix will maximize productivity, increase your equipment availability, and reduce your cost in managing approved suppliers.

Tektronix calibration service rep working on calibrating a product

Our calibration experts rigorously review all ASPs to ensure that they meet the highest standards. They must certify their capabilities and quality processes, and all ASPs receive stringent quality and performance oversight, including a 24-step audit procedure. They are requalified every three years and all our customers are contacted for consultation and approval prior to authorization of any work performed by ASPs. 

As the world’s leading multi-brand service provider of calibration, repair and related services for test, measurement and control equipment, we’ve put a great deal of thinking and support behind our Authorized Service Provider network. For more information, download our quick guide to ASP’s.

FAQs on Authorized Service Providers

Couldn’t I just go straight to an outside service provider myself?

Yes. However, you will save significant administrative time and eliminate the hassle of working with many suppliers by bringing all of your instruments to Tektronix. Let Tektronix take care of supplier qualification, the applicable purchasing activities and equipment logistics. You’ll have the peace of mind that your test equipment service needs are being met by a qualified service provider with no additional administrative overhead.

Is this more expensive than normal Tektronix equipment calibration services?

Tektronix utilizes a detailed logistic and service process to ensure the quality of service provided through an ASP. There are 29 steps required to process test equipment through an ASP. Tektronix manages the interaction with the ASP so that the delivery and quality of service meets all customer quality requirements, as well as any associated warranty service that might be required. Allowing Tektronix to manage your calibration through an ASP is still less expensive overall than going directly to a third party for service as Tektronix can use its superior buying power to negotiate better prices for its customers.

Does Tektronix take responsibility for the quality of the off-site provider’s work?

Yes, Tektronix takes full responsibility for the quality of calibration and repair service completed by an ASP. In the event there is an issue, Tektronix will work directly with the ASP to quickly resolve the issue.

Are outside service calibration labs accredited? What levels of calibration do they offer?

Many of our ASP’s are accredited and offer accredited calibration service. Tektronix will only utilize an ASP that can perform the service level needed to sup­port the customer’s quality requirements.

What happens if my instrument needs repair?

Tektronix can manage test equipment that requires repair by an outside service provider. If Tektronix is unable to repair the test equipment within its network of service centers, Tektronix will utilize a qualified ASP for repair. All test equipment repairs are quoted and need to be approved by the customer prior to the repair being authorized.