Question :
Which channel does the MTM400 look at or does it look at all channels simultaneously?
Answer :
When connected to an RF input, the MTM400 needs to be told which frequency to look at. You can set this frequency from the "Config" screen or from the "Input Card" screen. There is also a polling option (option 07) which allows the MTM400 to be configured to scan through multiple channels automatically, pausing for a specified period of time on each channel to monitor it.
One exception to this paradigm is with the MTM400 gigabit Ethernet interface. With this card, the MTM400 performs a small subset of tests on all "channels" within the gig-E link simultaneously and then performs an in-depth analysis of one "channel" at a time. The polling option can also be used with the gigabit Ethernet option to cycle through "channels" monitoring each one in turn.
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FAQ ID 63076
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