This TSP script outputs a linear current pulse sweep from 0A to 10A with a 100V limit on a 2461 Graphical SMU. It uses the built-in command smu.source.pulsesweeplinear() documented in the 2461 Reference Manual.
This represents the upper edge of the 2461's power envelope.
-- Define pulse sweep characteristics
local pulseName = "Pulse10A" -- Name of configuration list to be used. Meas will be prepended to this name for the measure config list. Should be <28 characters.
local bias_level = 0 -- A level the instrument sources before the first pulse and returns to between pulses (delay and off time)
local start = 0 -- Starting pulse amplitude
local stop = 10 -- Ending pulse amplitude
local points = 20 -- Number of pulses
local pulseWidth = 0.00091 -- The time spend at amplitude for each pulse. At 10A/100V: 0.001 is the maximum pulse width, 0.00015 is the minimum (load dependent)
local measEnable = smu.ON -- Do you want to measure at the top of each pulse? (yes) Other option is smu.OFF
local sDelay = 0 -- Time spent at bias level before each pulse, 0 to 10,000
local offTime = 0.1 -- Time spent at bias level after each pulse, 0 to 10,000
local count = 1 -- How many times to repeat the pulse, 1 to 268,435,455, or smu.INFINITE
local vLimit = 2 -- Voltage limit at bias level
local vPulseLimit = 100 -- Voltage limit at pulse level
local failAbort = smu.OFF -- Should the sweep stop immediately if a limit is exceeded? (no), otherwise set to smu.ON
local dual = smu.OFF -- Should the sweep go back from stop to start _after_ running start to stop? / dual sweep? (no), other option is smu.ON
-- Configure Sourcing
smu.source.func = smu.FUNC_DC_CURRENT
smu.source.autorange = smu.OFF
smu.source.range = 1
smu.source.level = 0
smu.source.readback = smu.OFF -- Readback needs to be off when using smu.measure. Of you need to also measure current, use smu.digitize commands
smu.source.autodelay = smu.OFF
smu.source.vlimit.level = vPulseLimit
-- Configure Measurement
smu.measure.setattribute(smu.FUNC_DC_VOLTAGE, smu.ATTR_MEAS_RANGE, vPulseLimit) -- Using ...setattribute() to set the measure range prevents a warning from being thrown
smu.measure.func = smu.FUNC_DC_VOLTAGE
smu.measure.nplc = 0.01 -- Number of Power Line Cycles. @ 60Hz 0.01 NPLC ~= 0.00016s ~= 160us, this must be less than pulseWidth
smu.measure.sense = smu.SENSE_4WIRE -- Other option is smu.SENSE_2WIRE, 4WIRE is recommended because this is a high current test
smu.measure.autozero.enable = smu.OFF
smu.measure.autozero.once() -- It's good practice to force a ref measurement before testing when autozero is disabled
if eventlog.getcount(eventlog.SEV_WARN | eventlog.SEV_ERROR) > 0 then
print("Error with source/measure set up")
-- Configure pulse sweep with built-in function smu.source.pulsesweeplinear()
-- Here we are using the most complete Usage from the 2461 Reference Manual:
-- smu.source.pulsesweeplinear(configListName, biasLevel, start, stop, points, pulseWidth, measEnable, bufferName, sDelay, offTime, count, xBiasLimit,
-- xPulseLimit, failAbort, dual)
smu.source.pulsesweeplinear(pulseName, bias_level, start, stop, points, pulseWidth, measEnable, defbuffer1, sDelay, offTime, count, vLimit, vPulseLimit, failAbort, dual)
if eventlog.getcount(eventlog.SEV_WARN | eventlog.SEV_ERROR) > 0 then
print("Error configuring Pulse")
-- Execute the pulse sweep
smu.source.output = smu.OFF
if eventlog.getcount(eventlog.SEV_WARN | eventlog.SEV_ERROR) > 0 then
print("Error during trigger model execution")
-- Print results to the terminal, they are of course located in defbuffer1
for i = 1, points do
print("Pt ", i, "meas", defbuffer1.formattedreadings[i], ", source", defbuffer1.sourceformattedvalues[i])
Example Output from 10 Ohm resistor:
Pt 1 meas +000.000 V , source +00.00000 A
Pt 2 meas +004.939 V , source +00.50000 A
Pt 3 meas +009.881 V , source +01.00000 A
Pt 4 meas +014.822 V , source +01.50000 A
Pt 5 meas +019.758 V , source +02.00000 A
Pt 6 meas +024.695 V , source +02.50000 A
Pt 7 meas +029.630 V , source +03.00000 A
Pt 8 meas +034.556 V , source +03.50000 A
Pt 9 meas +039.478 V , source +04.00000 A
Pt 10 meas +044.379 V , source +04.50000 A
Pt 11 meas +049.284 V , source +05.00000 A
Pt 12 meas +054.171 V , source +05.50000 A
Pt 13 meas +059.056 V , source +06.00000 A
Pt 14 meas +063.960 V , source +06.50000 A
Pt 15 meas +068.837 V , source +07.00000 A
Pt 16 meas +073.745 V , source +07.50000 A
Pt 17 meas +078.628 V , source +08.00000 A
Pt 18 meas +083.524 V , source +08.50000 A
Pt 19 meas +088.408 V , source +09.00000 A
Pt 20 meas +093.304 V , source +09.50000 A
Pt 21 meas +098.156 V , source +10.00000 A