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RSA500 Series Real Time Spectrum Analyzers

Find signals of interest and take the necessary actions to resolve issues with industries best ruggedized, portable USB Real-time Spectrum Analyzer, packed with features for your most common tasks out in the field.
See all spectrum / signal analyzers »


  • Enable precise, real-time measurements with the RSA500 spectrum analyzer packaged in a portable, rugged form factor with advanced spectrum analysis capabilities.
  • Quickly capture VLF to Ku signals of interest from 9 kHz to 18.0 GHz with 40 MHz bandwidth capture.
Base Price
US $10,600 +
Maximum Frequency Range

9 kHz to 18 GHz 

Capture Bandwidth

40 MHz

Dynamic Range

-160 dBm to +20 dBm

Performance with no compromises.

The RSA500 provides performance to match conventional mid-range spectrum analyzers on the market. With real-time sweeps and a 4x faster scanning capability compared to other spectrum analyzers, you won’t miss signals you need to see and complete tasks faster. No compromises for even your toughest challenges.

Powerful and intuitive. Measurement insight at your fingertips.

RSA500 Spectrum Analyzer plugged into a tablet PC running SignalVu-PC and displaying a DPX density trigger

The RSA500 is powered by SignalVu-PC software – the same software that powers the benchtop line of Tektronix Real-time Spectrum Analyzers. SignalVu-PC provides advanced measurement and analysis capabilities – including advanced triggering that enables the capture of selective pulses from pulsed transmitters, as well as fast and elusive or unexpected transients during device troubleshooting. Choose from more than 20 add-on packages that cover general purpose modulation analysis, pulsed signal analysis, Bluetooth 5, and commercial wireless signal analysis.

Simplify your time in the field

With a built-in tracking generator for RF component test and GPS to geo-locate and map signals, the RSA500 makes field test a lot easier. Application-optimized software options for vector signal analysis, pulsed measurements, EMI/EMC pre-compliance testing, RADHAZ detection and more, make signal analysis a breeze.

See more with proprietary DPX® technology.

Discover the most difficult, hard-to-find problems with the powerful real-time architecture of the RSA Series. With the advanced DPX® technology, you can see RF characteristics that are practically invisible to a conventional spectrum analyzer.

Accidents happen. Make sure you're protected.

We have the only plan in the industry to offer coverage for accidental damage. Yes, this includes screen damage, spills, broken mounts, and electrostatic discharge or electronic overstress events. Reduce unplanned repair or replacement costs with our Total Protection Plan. Watch the video or click below to learn more.

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Model Frequency Range Real-Time Bandwidth Minimum Event Duration for 100% POI Weight SFDR (typical) List Price Configure And Quote
RSA503A 9 kHz-3.0 GHz 40 MHz

15 μs

2.99 kg (6.6 lb) with battery

70 dBc US $10,600 Configure & Quote
RSA507A 9 kHz-7.5 GHz 40 MHz

15 μs

2.99 kg (6.6 lb) with battery

70 dBc US $17,300 Configure & Quote

9 kHz-13.6 GHz

40 MHz

15 μs

3.85 kg (8.5 pounds) with battery

70 dBc

US $28,000 Configure & Quote

9 kHz-18.0 GHz

40 MHz

15 μs

3.85 kg (8.5 pounds) with battery

70 dBc

US $32,900 Configure & Quote

RF Sensing

The ability to sense important signals of interest (SOIs) in a crowded spectrum has become more challenging for military and government personnel. As spectrum density grows, understanding what is in your environment at any given time has become increasingly complex. RF monitoring with the RSA500 provides real-time situational awareness in the field to quickly identify and monitor spectrum violations, such as unauthorized transmission, LPI threats, hazardous power or emissions control conditions.

Detecting Drones Using a Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer


Advancements in radar technology have led to adoption in mobile applications ranging from defense systems to autonomous vehicles. With applications operating across a large spectrum range, it’s important to have spectrum analysis solutions that provide the ability to quickly and accurately identify sources of interference and noise. The Tektronix RSA500 series provides unparalleled performance for analyzing radar signals from the UHF to Ku bands. In a compact form factor, the RSA500 is the perfect choice for on the range, in the field or in the lab.

Electronic Warfare

Operating in today’s battlefield has been amplified by advancements in electronic warfare (EW). The proliferation of high-end electronics and the evolution of commercial technologies have given adversaries unprecedented capabilities. Tektronix Real-time Spectrum Analyzers provide real-time, robust visibility into signals emitted into the electromagnetic spectrum to provide Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) and identify potential threats before they occur.

Spectrum Monitoring and Interference hunting

Mobile communications are creating a complex and crowded signal environment with unprecedented spectrum capacity pressure. Tektronix’ Real-time Spectrum Analyzers help you discover and examine sources of interference quickly, so you can locate and identify unwanted activity. Ensure your signal integrity and compliance to standards using the RSA500 for real-time spectrum insights.

EMI/EMC pre-compliance Testing

Save cost and precious time by performing pre-compliance testing in your lab with our Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers. You can use peak detection with a free version of SignalVu-PC. You also get more accurate results with quasi-peak and average detection by purchasing the additional option EMCVu.

Model Frequency Range Real-Time Bandwidth Minimum Event Duration for 100% POI Weight SFDR (typical) List Price Configure And Quote
RSA503A 9 kHz-3.0 GHz 40 MHz

15 μs

2.99 kg (6.6 lb) with battery

70 dBc US $10,600 Configure & Quote
RSA507A 9 kHz-7.5 GHz 40 MHz

15 μs

2.99 kg (6.6 lb) with battery

70 dBc US $17,300 Configure & Quote

9 kHz-13.6 GHz

40 MHz

15 μs

3.85 kg (8.5 pounds) with battery

70 dBc

US $28,000 Configure & Quote

9 kHz-18.0 GHz

40 MHz

15 μs

3.85 kg (8.5 pounds) with battery

70 dBc

US $32,900 Configure & Quote
Spectrum Master
Maximum Frequency Ranges 9 kHz to 18 GHz N9915A: 100 kHz to 9 GHz
(other models to 50 GHz)
FSH: 9 kHz to 20 GHz FPH: 5 kHz to 5 GHz 9 kHz to 43 GHz 9 kHz - 6.2 GHz
Capture Bandwidth 40 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 15 MHz 40 MHz
Dynamic Range
(DANL to Max Imput)
-161 dBm to +33 dBm -153 dBm to +27 dBm -163 dBm to +30 dBm -164 dBm to +33 dBm -160 dBm to +23 dBm
Phase Noise (1 GHz CF, 10 kHz offset) -94 dBc/Hz -106 dBc/Hz -105 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz Offset -108 dBc/Hz -84 dBc/Hz
Real Time Capabilities Yes Yes No No Yes
Sweep Times for finding low level signals (-120 dBm) 9 sec (1 kHz RBW, 7.5 GHz Sweep) 11.4 min (1 kHz RBW, 7.5 GHz Sweep) FSH: 36 sec (1 kHz RBW, 7.5 GHz Sweep) 3 min (1 kHz RBW, 6 GHz Sweep, Fast Mode) >1 hour (1 kHz RBW, 7.5 GHz Sweep, Performance Mode) 9 sec (1 kHz RBW, 7.5 GHz Sweep)
Cable/Antenna Testing: VSWR, DTF, Return Loss measurements Yes Yes Yes Yes, up to 20 GHz No
Wideband Vector Signal Analysis Capabilities Yes – 40 MHz No FSH: No – 10 MHz FPH: No No Yes – 40 MHz
Signal Capture and Playback Spectrum, Spectrogram, and IQ signals for full analysis Spectrum and Spectrogram Only Spectrum and Spectrogram Only Spectrum and Spectrogram Only Spectrum, Spectrogram, and IQ signals for full analysis
Ruggedized MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2 MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2 MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2 MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2 MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2
Battery Life 5 hours – Instrument Up to 8 hours - Toughpad 3.5 hours FSH: 4 hours FPH: 8 hours 3 hours USB 3.0
Weight 1.1 kg; 2.4 lbs – Toughpad 3.2 kg; 7 lbs – Instrument N9952A: 3.2 kg; 7.1 lbs N9918A: 3.0 kg; 6.6 lbs FFSH: 3 kg; 6.6 lbs FPH: 2.5 kg; 5.5 lbs 3.7 kg; 8.5 lbs 1.1 kg; 2.4 lbs – Toughpad 0.73 kg; 1.3 lbs – Instrument
Size 2.65'" x 11.78" x 10.68" 292 x 188 x 72 mm (11.5 in x 7.4 in x 2.8 in 7.6 in × 11.8 in × 2.7 in (5.7 in) 315 mm x 211 mm x 77 mm, (12.4 in x 8.3 in x 3.0 in) 1.2" x 7.5" x 5"


SignalVu-PC software brings benchtop and field features to the RSA500A


RSA500A operates with SignalVu-PC, a powerful program that is the basis of Tektronix performance signal analyzers. The software controls the spectrum analyzer acquisition and updates measurement displays continuously.

The base version ships free with the product; add options to configure the software for your application.


  • Free base version has 17 signal analysis and real-time spectrum analysis measurements
  • Paid add-on options for more than 26 advanced measurements including WLAN testing, P25 compliance testing, pulse analysis, modulation analysis and more

DataVu-PC Record Analysis Software for Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers

When combined with the signal recording capabilities of all Tektronix USB and PCIe-based spectrum analyzers, DataVu-PC can turn hours of attended monitoring into fast post-acquisition search, mark, and measurement tasks. Analyze your results without adding the extra step of conversion software.


  • Search based on signal amplitude characteristics, marking each event occurrence for later examination
  • Make an unlimited number of Scalar pulse measurements with the eMarker application and export the results in Pulse Descriptor Word format for integration into other workflows.
  • Export results to in-depth analysis packages like SignalVu-PC from within DataVu-PC – without any additional conversion software.
  • Using two Tektronix Real-time Spectrum Analyzers, scan or record up to two independent frequencies and spans simultaneously. One instrument can be used for wide-span signal detection and a second instrument can be used for isolation on signals of interest and recording for later analysis.

Datasheet Manual

EMC pre-compliance testing with EMCVu.

EMCVu is an all-in-one software solution for EMI/EMC pre-compliance testing and troubleshooting that runs on your own PC. This gives you an easy, fast, accurate and affordable way to determine if your product designs are ready to submit to the test house for EMI/EMC radiation emission compliance testing. This is done through push button support for multiple standards, automated multiple measurement/multiple format reporting, ambient noise calibration and comparison, harmonic markers and faster scans using peak detector and spot measurements with quasi-peak and average detector failures.

The base version ships free with the product; add options to configure the software for your application.

Optional applications tailored for your RF applications

Application-optimized software is available for P25, Bluetooth, LTE, Mapping, Playback of recorded files, WLAN, settling time, audio, modulation, pulse, and OFDM analysis. Wideband satellite and point-to-point microwave links can be directly observed with SignalVu-PC analysis software. Settling time measurements (SVT) are easy and automated. The user can select measurement bandwidth, tolerance bands, reference frequency (auto or manual), and establish up to 3 tolerance bands vs. time for Pass/Fail testing. Settling time may be referenced to external or internal trigger, and from the last settled frequency or phase.

Instrument controller for USB spectrum analyzers

For field operations, a complete solution requires a Windows Tablet or laptop for instrument operation, record keeping and communication. Tektronix recommends the Panasonic G2 tablet computer for controlling the RSA500 series and as a standalone unit.

The Panasonic G2 tablet computer is sold separately and is available for purchase from Panasonic at their website here, and a variety of third party vendors. Tektronix recommends the G2 over other tablets because of its performance, portability, and ruggedized form-factor and it has been tested to work with all USB RSA products.

EMI and EMC testing accessories

Tektronix offers a complete set of validated EMI and EMC accessories including antennas, Line Impedance Stabilization Networks and pre-amplifiers for both conducted and radiated tests. All of these accessories are pre-loaded into EMCVu, Tektronix’ new software option for SignalVu. This means loss and gain of accessories are already captured in the software and are taken into account during the measurement. We’ve done this to help speed up setup and help you get more accurate results.

Full set of accessories are below:

Accessory Product Number Datasheet
Biconical Antenna EMI-BICON-ANT Download Now
LPDA Antenna EMI-CLP-ANT Download Now
5 uH LISN EMI-LISN5UH Download Now
50 uH LISN EMI-LISN50UH Download Now
20 dB near field amp EMI-NF-AMP Download Now
Near field probes EMI-NF-PROBE (TEKBOX TBPS01) Download Now
Preamplifier EMI-PREAMP (Com-Power PAM-103) Download Now
Transient Limiter EMI-TRANS-LIMIT (Com-Power LIT-153A) Download Now
Antenna Tripod EMI-TRIPOD (Com-Power AT-812) Download Now

Tracking Generator


Single solution for maintenance, troubleshooting, interference hunting. Factory calibration minimizes measurement setup time and errors.

Part Number Description
OPT 04 Tracking Generator: 10 MHz to 3 GHz (RSA503A)
10 MHz to 7.5 GHz (RSA507A, RSA513A, RSA518A)

Antennas for interference hunting

Tektronix recommends the Alaris DF-A0047 smart antenna with built-in USB compass for direction finding and interference hunting applications.

  • Frequency Range: 20 MHz – 8.5 GHz
    • 9 kHz-20 MHz extension available(0.3m loop antenna)
  • Trigger control for one-hand operation with functions for:
    • Preamp on/off
    • Band switch
    • Push to measure with SignalVu-PC with MAP option
  • Standard armrest extension for ease in long interference hunting sessions


Part Number Description
119-6609-xx Whip antenna, BNC, Wideband untuned, with center of sensitivity approximately 136 MHz, passband 5-1080 MHz. 9 inches length.
DF-A0047 Directional antenna, 20-8500 MHz, with electronic compass and preamp
DF-A0047-01 Frequency range extension for DF-A0047 directional antenna, 9 kHz-20 MHz
DF-A0047-C1 DF-A0047 antenna and DF-A0047-01 extension
016-2107-00 Transit case for DF-A0047 and DF-A0047-01
119-6594-00 Yagi Antenna, 825-896 MHz
Forward Gain (over half-wave dipole): 10 dB
119-6595-00 Yagi Antenna, 895-960 MHz
Forward Gain (over half-wave dipole): 10 dB
119-6596-00 Yagi Antenna, 1710-1880 MHz
Forward Gain (over half-wave dipole): 10.2 dB
119-6596-00 Yagi Antenna, 1850-1990 MHz
Forward Gain (over half-wave dipole): 9.3 dB

Calibration kits and phase-stable cables

These calibration kits and phase-stable cables are used with the tracking generator and SV60xx-SVPC when making VSWR, return loss, distance to fault and cable loss measurements.

Part Number Description
CALOSLNM Calibration kit, 3-in-1, open, short, load,  DC to 6 GHz, Type-N(m), 50 ohm
CALOSLNF Calibration kit, 3-in-1, open, short, load, DC to 6 GHz, Type-N(f), 50 ohm
CALOSL716M Calibration kit, 3-in-1, open, short, load, DC to 6 GHz, 7/16 DIN(m)
CALOSL716F Calibration kit, 3-in-1, open, short, load, DC to 6 GHz, 7/16 DIN(f)
CALSOLTNF Calibration kit, 4-in-1 Type-N  (f) short, open, load, through, 9 GHz
CALSOLTNM Calibration kit, 4-in-1 Type-N  (m) short, open, load, through, 9 GHz
CALSOLT35F Calibration kit, 4-in-1 3.5 mm (f)short, open, load, through,  13 GHz
CALSOLT35M Calibration kit, 4-in-1 3.5 mm (m) short, open, load, through, 13 GHz
CALSOLT716F Calibration kit, 4-in-1 7/16 (f) short, open, load, through, 6 GHz
CALSOLT716M Calibration kit, 4-in-1 7/16 (m) short, open, load, through, 6 GHz
CALSOLTNF-75 Calibration kit, 4-in-1 Type-N  (f) short, open, load, through, 75 Ohm, 3 GHz
CALSOLTNM-75 Calibration kit, 4-in-1 Type-N  (m)short, open, load, through, 75 Ohm, 3 GHz
012-1768-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-N(m), 60 cm
012-1765-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-N(f),  60cm
012-1767-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-N(m), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1766-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-N(f), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1746-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m),  5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1745-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N (m) to Type-N (f), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1747-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to 7/16(f),  60 cm
012-1752-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to 7/16(m), 60 cm
012-1750-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to 7/16(m), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1748-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to 7/16(f), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1751-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to 7/16(m), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1749-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to 7/16(f), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1753-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to DIN 9.5(f),  60 cm
012-1758-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to DIN 9.5(m), 60 cm
012-1756-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to DIN 9.5(m), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1754-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to DIN 9.5(f), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1757-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to DIN 9.5(m), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1755-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to DIN 9.5(f), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1762-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to TNC(m),  60 cm
012-1761-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to TNC(f), 60 cm
012-1763-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to TNC(m), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1759-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to TNC(f), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1764-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to TNC(m), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1760-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to TNC(f), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1772-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(m) 60 cm
012-1769-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(f),  60 cm
012-1773-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(m), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1770-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(f), 3.28 ft or 1 m
012-1774-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(m), 5 ft or 1.5 m
012-1771-00 Cable, Rugged, Phase-stable, Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(f), 5 ft or 1.5 m

RF Accessories

We have a wide variety of RF accessories to make one-stop shopping easily.  Listed below are RF cables, adapters, attenuators, filters and other items.

Part Number Description
013-0410-00 Adapter, Coaxial, 50 Ohm Type-N (f) to Type-N (f)
013-0411-00 Adapter, Coaxial, 50 Ohm Type-N (m) to Type-N (f)
013-0412-00 Adapter, Coaxial, 50 Ohm, Type-N(m) to Type-N(m)
013-0402-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N (m) to Type-N 7/16(m)
013-0404-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N(m) to Type-7/16 (f)
013-0403-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N(m) to Type DIN 9.5(m)
013-0405-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N(m) to Type-DIN 9.5(f)
013-0406-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(f)
013-0407-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N(m) to Type-SMA(m)
013-0408-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N(m) to Type-TNC(f)
013-0409-00 Adapter, Coaxial,  50 Ohm Type-N(m) to Type-TNC(m)
013-0422-00 Pad, 50/75 Ohm, Minimum Loss, Type-N(m) 50 Ohm to Type-BNC(f) 75 Ohm
013-0413-00 Pad, 50/75 Ohm, Minimum Loss, Type-N(m) 50 Ohm to Type-BNC(m) 75 Ohm
013-0415-00 Pad, 50/75 Ohm, Minimum Loss, Type-N(m) 50 Ohm to Type-F(m) 75 Ohm
015-0787-00 Pad, 50/75 Ohm, Minimum Loss, Type-N(m) 50 Ohm to Type-F(f) 75 Ohm
015-0788-00 Pad, 50/75 Ohm, Minimum Loss, Type-N(m) 50 Ohm to Type-N(f) 75 Ohm
119-7246-xx Pre-filter, general purpose, 824 to 2500 MHz, Type-N (f) connector
119-7426-xx Pre-filter, general purpose, 2400 to 6200 MHz, Type-N (f) connector
011-0227-00 Bias-T, Type N(m) RF, Type N(f) RF+DC, BNC(f) Bias, 1W, 0.5A, 2.5 MHz-6 GHz
011-0222-00 Attenuator, Fixed, 10 dB, 2 W, DC-8 GHz, Type-N(f) to Type-N(f)
011-0223-00 Attenuator, Fixed, 10 dB, 2 W, DC-8 GHz, Type-N(m) to Type-N(f)
011-0224-00 Attenuator, Fixed, 10 dB, 2 W, DC-8 GHz, Type-N(m) to Type-N(m)
011-0228-00 Attenuator, Fixed, 3 dB, 2 W, DC-18 GHz, Type-N(m) to Type-N(f)
011-0225-00 Attenuator, Fixed, 40 dB, 100 W, DC-3 GHz, Type-N(m) to Type-N(f)
011-0226-00 Attenuator, Fixed, 40 dB, 50 W, DC-8.5 GHz, Type-N(m) to Type-N(f)
119-8733-00 Antenna, Active, GPS GLONASS
119-8734-00 Antenna, Active, GPS, Beidou
Title Type Number Release Date
Advanced Radar Analysis: Tools for Measuring Modern Radar Application Note
With today’s rapid advances in radar technology, developing and manufacturing highly specialized and innovative electronic products to detect radar signals takes leading-edge technology and tools. Tektronix innovative test equipment reduces testingun …
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Spectrum Analyzer
The RSA500A Series USB spectrum analyzers offer high performance portable spectrum analysis in a rugged battery-powered package.
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Fundamentals of Real-Time Spectrum Analysis
Learn how real-time spectrum analyzers can find and solve RF problems faster.
SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Help
Provides in-depth information on how to use the SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software. This application runs with the RSA306B, RSA500 Series, RSA600 Series, and RSA7100 Series Spectrum Analyzers. This document is a PDF version of the SignalVu-PC application Help.
User 077072021
SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Help
Provides in-depth information on how to use the SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software. This application runs with the RSA306B, RSA500 Series, RSA600 Series, and RSA7100 Series Spectrum Analyzers. This document is a PDF version of the SignalVu-PC application Help.
User 077072021
SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Programmer Manual
This document provides detailed information about the programming commands that can be used to remotely control the SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software and connected instruments.
Programmer 077072120
SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software Programmer Manual
This document provides detailed information about the programming commands that can be used to remotely control the SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software and connected instruments.
Programmer 077072120
SignalVu-PC Vector Signal Analysis Software - V5.5.0143)
This version extends advance triggers(DPX Density, TQT, FMT) capability for the USB RSA‚s.This is a web-only release qualified for use with MSO5, MSO5B, MSO6 and MSO6B series oscilloscopes and USB RSA‚s.SignalVu-PC software V5.5.0143 brings the full …
Application 066143450
RSA500A Series Installation and Safety Instructions
These instructions contain basic installation and operation, safety, and compliance information for the Tektronix RSA503A, RSA507A, RSA513A, and RSA518A USB Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers.
User 071345204
Optimizing Frequency Settling Time Measurements
Frequency settling time is an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of RF synthesizers, programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, and more. This technical brief highlights the steps taken to reduce the noise/variation on a de …
Technical Brief 61W-74065-0