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EA Elektro-Automatik Bench Electronic Loads

The EA Elektro-Automatik line of benchtop programmable DC electronic loads come in desktop and tower formfactors and range in power from 300W up to 1500W. Select models have advanced features such as autoranging and a built-in function generator. The autoranging feature automatically adjusts current higher at lower voltages, and vice versa, to maintain full sinking power across a range of voltage/current levels. The function generator can provide many waveforms such as sine, triangle, rectangle, and trapezoid, and can also drive custom arbitrary waveforms for dynamic loading.

All bench loads feature a TFT touchscreen display for intuitive control and test setup. This easy-to-use interface enables you to configure tests quickly and operate the instrument intuitively. The EA line of desktop and tower space-saving DC power supplies and loads are compact, economical and yet have advanced features uncommon with most benchtop units in the market.


Up to 30 kW


Up to 2000 V


Up to 1000 A

EA Elektro Automatic Bench Electronic Loads

Autoranging Gives Flexibility

EA Elektro-Automatik products have autoranging, which allows the supply or load to operate at max power across a range of voltages and currents, down to 33% of the rated output maximum.

Compare this to traditional power supplies, which can only output their rated power at their max voltage and max current. Applying the maximum voltage to a device under test (DUT) is rare, which means most of the time, that supply is not being used to its full potential.

How does it work? EA sources automatically offer more current at lower voltages (or more voltage at lower currents), allowing the supply to continue outputting the rated power. This allows a single source to address multiple voltage and current combinations that would otherwise require multiple supplies.

Regeneration turns waste into savings

EA regenerative electronic loads and bidirectional supplies can recover up to 96% of the energy they sink, that means the AC mains connection is also used as output for the back-feed of the supplied DC energy.

Traditional electronic loads or resistor banks dissipate their sunk power by turning it into heat. This can require large cooling/HVAC solutions and that sunk energy is then lost forever as waste, reducing test and facility efficiency.

Energy recovered by EA loads is fed back into the local facility grid with a mains-synchronized inverter, where that energy can be used by other devices in the facility. If more energy is recovered than used by the facility (a possibility when testing fuel cell output, for example), the energy can be fed back out to the public grid.

Series Power Voltage Current Quote
EA-EL 9000 DT Up to 900W 0-80V up to 0-750V 0-5A up to 0-60A Get a Quote
EA-EL 3000 B 400W 0-80V up to 0-500V 0-10A up to 0-60A Get a Quote
EA-EL 9000 T Up to 600W 0-80V up to 0-500V 0-8A up to 0-45A Get a Quote
Series Power Voltage Current Quote
EA-EL 9000 DT Up to 900W 0-80V up to 0-750V 0-5A up to 0-60A Get a Quote
EA-EL 3000 B 400W 0-80V up to 0-500V 0-10A up to 0-60A Get a Quote
EA-EL 9000 T Up to 600W 0-80V up to 0-500V 0-8A up to 0-45A Get a Quote