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Digitizing Signal Analyzers
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Features & Benefits
- 1-GHz Bandwidth
- 1 mV/Div to 10 V/Div
- 2-GS/s Sampling Rate
- 150-MHz Differential Amplifier
- 50-MHz Current Amplifier
- Multistandard Video Trigger
- Bandwidth and Number of Channels Are Based on Amplifier Selected
- Operating Mode and Amplifiers Selected Determine Number of Channels That Can Be Acquired
- Research
- Design and Debug
- Characterization
- Automated Testing
Vertical System
Delta DC Volt Accuracy - ≤1% for an 8-division signal.
Vertical Resolution - 8 bits. Resolution can be increased to 14 bits with signal averaging or smoothing.
Bandwidth - To 1 GHz. Determined by the plug-in used.
Wide Dynamic Range - 1 mV/div to 10 V/div.
Horizontal System
Time Bases (Main and Window) Sweep Speeds - 50 ps/div to 100 s/div.
Record Duration - 512 ps to 1024 s in 1-2-5 sequence.
Time Base Accuracy -
+0.005%: -0.015%: 0 to 45 °C.
±0.005%: 20 to 30 °C.
Record Length - 512 to 32,768 pts (both single-shot and repetitive).
Sampling Rate - 2 GS/s max.
Main Record Positioning - The main record is positioned with respect to the main trigger point. At maximum pretrigger, all points except the last point in the main record precede the trigger point. At maximum posttrigger, all points except the first point in the main record follow the trigger point.
Window Time Base - The main record plus two window records may be acquired and displayed. The window records may be different lengths and can have a different time/div than the main record.
Window Record Positioning - The window records may be positioned with respect to their own trigger points on the main record. Window triggers may be delayed from the main trigger by time or events.
Multitrace Pan and Zoom - Multiple traces may be panned and zoomed simultaneously.
Display Interpolation - Zoomed waveforms can be displayed using either sin (x)/x or linear interpolation, or using a dots-only display without any interpolation.
Waveform Memory - More than 210 K points of volatile memory shared between acquired and stored waveforms.
Settings Memory - Nonvolatile memory for approximately five settings.
Triggering System
Range - ±Full Screen
Bandwidth - 1 GHz max: 500 MHz for extended triggering
Coupling and Sensitivity - DC Coupled: 0.4 div from DC to 10 MHz, increasing to 1 div at maximum trigger bandwidth
DC Noise Reject Coupled - 1.2 divs from DC to 10 MHz, increasing to 3 divs at maximum trigger bandwidth
DC HF Reject Coupled - 0.5 divs from DC to 30 kHz
AC Coupled - 0.4 div from 60 Hz to 10 MHz, increasing to 1 div at maximum trigger bandwidth
AC Noise Reject Coupled - 1.2 divs from 60 Hz to 10 MHz, increasing to 3 divs at max trigger bandwidth
AC HF Reject Coupled - 0.5 div from 60 Hz to 30 kHz
AC LF Reject Coupled - 0.5 div from 80 kHz to 10 MHz, increasing to 1 div at max trigger bandwidth
Holdoff Range -
Main Record Min: 2 µs or less; max: 500 s
Window Record Min: 35 ns; max: 1000 s
Waveform Processing
Waveform Functions - Absolute value, average (exponential and summation), convolution, correlation, delay, dejitter, differentiate, envelope, exponential, FFT filter, FFT integrate, interpolate, logarithm, natural log, pulse, signum, smooth, and square root. Live waveforms can be changed by using adjustable parameters.
Arithmetic Operators - Add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
FFT - Magnitude and phase; real and imaginary; inverse FFT, correlation, and convolution; six window functions; Typical Noise Floor: -60 dB; -70 dB with averaging.
Act on Delta - Save, repeat, chime, SRQ, and hard copy.
Histograms - Vertical or horizontal histograms generated from a user-defined portion of any waveform. Statistical information is provided for histogram data.
Measurement System
Amplitude - Min, max, mid, mean, pk-pk, gain, RMS, overshoot, undershoot, area+, area-, and energy.
Timing - Rise, fall, width, delay, main-to-window trigger time, period, propagation delay, cross, phase, frequency, duty cycle, and skew.
FFT - Fundamental track, harmonic amplitude, frequency, and total harmonic distortion.
Statistics - Available for any measurement listed above for both live acquisitions and groups of stored waveforms.
Cursors - Single or dual dots, split or paired mode, horizontal and vertical bars, and measurement-zone delimiters. delta volts, delta time, 1/delta time, and slope.
Input/Output System
Ports - Centronics, GPIB, and RS-232-C ports standards. Fully GPIB and RS-232-C programmable.
Data Transfer Rates - Up to 100 waveforms per second. Up to 60 measurements per second.
Disk Drive
One 3.5-in. microfloppy disk drive, 1.44-MB or 720-KB formatted capacity, depending on disk used. MS-DOS compatible formatting.
CRT And Display Features
CRT - 10-in. diagonal, color, magnetic deflection. Vertical raster-scan orientation.
Resolution - 552 horizontal by 704 vertical displayed pixels.
Power Requirements
Line Voltage Ranges - 90 to 132 VRMS; 180 to 250 VRMS
Line Frequency - 48 to 72 Hz
Maximum Power Consumption - 585 W max
Environmental And Safety
Temperature (Mainframe) -
Operating: 0 to +45 °C.
Nonoperating: -40 to +75 °C.
Disk Drive -
Operating: 5 to +45 °C.
Nonoperating: -22 to +60 °C.
Humidity (Mainframe) -
Operating and Nonoperating: Up to 95% relative humidity; up to +45 °C.
Disk Drive -
Operating: Up to 80% relative humidity; up to +30 °C.
Nonoperating: Up to 90% relative humidity; up to +40 °C.
Altitude, Vibration, Shock, Bench Handling -
Operating and Nonoperating: Meets MIL-T-28800C, Type III, Class 5.
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Referenced to MIL-STD-461B. Meets FCC part 15, subpart J, class A. Meets VDE 0871/6.78 for Class "B."
Safety - Listed UL 1244; Certified to CSA C22.2 No. 231-M89.
Single-Shot Acquisitions
Sample Rate 500 MS/s -
No of channels: 4
Time resolution: 2 ns
Record Length: 512 to 10 K pts
Sample Rate 1 GS/s -
No of channels: 2
Time resolution: 1 ns
Record Length: 512 to 20 K pts
Sample Rate 2 GS/s -
No of channels: 1
Time resolution: 500 ps
Record Length: 512 to 32 K pts
Physical Characteristics
Benchtop Dimensions -
Width: 457 mm (18.0 in.)
Height: 328 mm (12.9 in.)
Depth: 678 mm (26.7 in.)
Net Weight: 32.7 kg (72.0 lbs.)
Shipping Weight (Domestic): 49.4 kg (109.0 lbs.)
Rackmount Dimensions -
Width: 482 mm (19.0 in.)
Height: 311 mm (12.3 in.)
Depth: 678 mm (26.7 in.)
Net Weight: 38.6 kg (85.0 lbs.)
Shipping Weight (Domestic): 56.7 kg (125.0 lbs.)