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Applications for SourceXpress® and AWG5200 series generators
LVDS Video Signal Generator Plug-in Datasheet

The Tektronix LVDS Video signal generator plug-in enhances the capabilities of either the AWG5200 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators or the SourceXpress® application software, adding the ability to easily create FPD-Link (Flat Panel Display Link) high-speed digital video interface waveforms to generate known-good signals, with the channel counts and data rates you need, to thoroughly test LVDS FPD-Link devices.
Key features
- Turns your AWG into an FPD-Link pattern generator.
- Import user-defined bitmap files and easily generate FPD-Link signaling, in the AWG’s native waveform format, to test your device.
- Supports 6 to 10 bits encoding.
- Supports user-defined: Sync, Blanking, Horizontal Front Porch (HFP), Horizontal Back Porch (HBP), Vertical Front Porch (VFP), Vertical Back Porch (VBP), Active Video.
- Supports JEIDA and VESA formatted packets.
- Offline Mode
- Designed to also run on an external PC via the SourceXpress PC application, thereby reducing the time taken to synthesize large waveforms and leaving the instruments free for continued testing.
- Seamless transition between design and playback.
- The easy to use graphical user interface integrates seamlessly with the user interfaces of the SourceXpress PC application and the Tektronix AWG70000 series and AWG5200 series generators.
- Designed for integration for automated test or manufacturing.
- Programmatic Interface allows for integration into existing workflows.
Low voltage differential signaling (LVDS), or LVDS Video, is used in the FPD-Link, a high-speed digital video interface. The FPD-Link is used in applications such as:
- Flat Panel Display functional testing.
- Flat Panel Display manufacturing testing and servicing.
- Plug-in installed with SourceXpress on PC:
- SourceXpress software version 6.1 or greater
- PC operating systems: Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8 (64 bit), Windows 10 (64 bit)
- Plug-in installed on compatible instruments:
- AWG5200 Series, firmware version 6.1 or greater
Ordering information
The Video Signal Generator plug-in is available to download for free. You can download from the SourceXpress website . Visit the Tektronix website to request more information or contact your nearest sales representative.Additional information
Additional information
This and other plug-ins are available for SourceXpress and compatible waveform generators.
Use the following website links to view available application plug-ins, downloads, and trial licenses.