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Digital Sampling Oscilloscope
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Features & Benefits
- DC to 50-GHz Bandwidth
- 7-ps Rise Time
- 8 Channels, Expandable to 136 (with SM-11)
- 10-fs Sampling Interval (0.01 ps)
- Modular Architecture
- 200-kS/s Sample Rate
- Dual Time Base
- Nonvolatile Waveform and Setting Storage
- Predefined Telecom Masks (Opt. 1T)
- Automatic Measurements:
- Jitter/Noise, Statistical
- Histograms, Mask Testing
- Pulse with Statistics
- Programmable for ATE Applications
- Comprehensive Waveform Processing
- Color Display
- Semiconductor Testing
- TDR Characterization of Circuit Boards, IC Packages, and Cables
Sampling Heads
SD-14 - 2.5-GHz high-impedance (100 kilohm/0.475 pF) dual-channel probe sampler
SD-20 - 20-GHz single-channel loop-through head
SD-22 - 12.5-GHz dual-channel low-noise head
SD-24 - 20-GHz dual-channel TDR/sampling head
SD-26 - 20-GHz dual-channel sampling head
SD-30 - 40-GHz single-channel sampling head
SD-32 - 50-GHz single-channel sampling head
SD-42 - 6.4-GHz O/E converter (55-ps optical pulse response FWHM)
SD-46 - 20-GHz O/E converter (22-ps optical pulse response FWHM)
SD-51 - 20-GHz trigger head
Vertical System*1
Rise Time/Bandwidth - Determined by the sampling head used.
Vertical Resolution - 8-bit full screen (78 µV/LSB at 2 mV/div deflection factor).
Amplifier Gain Accuracy - ±1% of all settings.
Deflection Factors - 2 to 255 mV/div in 1 mV/div increments.
Offset Range - ±2 V.
*1 Vertical system specifications of 11801B with SD-14 nonapplicable. See 11800 Series Sampling Head specifications.
Horizontal System
Main and Window Time Base - 1 ps/div to 5 ms/div, settable to 1-2-5 sequence or in 1-ps increments.
Record Length - 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, and 5120 samples.
Windows - Any number of window records may be placed on any number of main records, up to a maximum of eight displayed traces. All window records have the same duration, but may be independently positioned on any main record. Windows may be set to automatically track a moving edge on the main record.
Maximum Sample Rate - 200 kS/s.
Trigger System*2
Trigger Bandwidth - 3 GHz.
Trigger Sensitivity -
DC, 1X ≤3 GHz: 100 mV.
AC, 1X 300 kHz to 3 GHz: 100 mV.
DC, 10X ≤3 GHz: 1 V.
AC, 10X 300 kHz to 3 GHz: 1 V.
Delay Jitter - 1.3 ps + 4 ppm of a position typical. 2.0 ps + 5 ppm of position maximum (RMS).
Internal Clock - 100 kHz (drives TDR, Internal Clock Output, and Calibrator).
Trigger Level Range - ±1.0 V (±10 V with 10X trigger attenuator activated).
Trigger Input Range - ±1.5 V (+15 V, 5 VRMS maximum with 10X).
Trigger Holdoff - 5 µs to 2.5 seconds.
*2 11801B external trigger requires 23-ns pretrigger or DL 11 Delay Lines to view trigger point (45.5 ns with Option 1M).
Measurement System
Waveform Processing Functions - Add, subtract, multiply, divide, absolute, average, differentiate, envelope, exponent, integrate, natural log, log, signum, square root, smoothing, and filter.
Measurement Set - Max, Min, Mid, Pk-Pk, Mean, RMS, Amplitude, Extinction Ratio, Overshoot, Undershoot, Noise*3, Rise, Fall, Spectral Magnitude, Spectral Frequency, THD, SNR, Frequency, Period, Prop Delay, Cross, Width, Phase, Duty Cycle, Jitter*3, Area+, Area-, and Energy. Measurements are constantly updated; mean and standard deviation available on all measurements.
Measurement Parameters - (Proximal, mesial, distal, and start/stop levels): May be set to absolute levels.
Cursors - Paired or split dots, vertical bars, and horizontal bars.
*3 Available only in statistical measurement mode.
TDR System (SD-24 only)
Combined TDR/Acquisition Reflected Rise Time - 35 ps or less
TDR Step Amplitude - Adjustable to ±250 mV (polarity of either step may be inverted)
Time Coincidence Between TDR Steps - Adjustable to less than 1 ps
Source Resistance - 50 ±0.5 ohm
Typical Aberrations (at ±250 mV Amplitude) -
10 ns to 20 ps before step: ±3% or less
Less than 300 ps after step: +10%, -5% or less
300 ps to 5 ns after step: ±3% or less
Elsewhere: ±1% or less
CRT And Display Features
CRT - 9-inch diagonal, magnetic deflection, vertical raster scan orientation. Color.
Colors - Eight-color default color set included; or colors are user-selectable from palette of 262,144 colors.
Video Resolution - 552 horizontal by 704 vertical displayed pixels.
Power Requirements
Line-Voltage Ranges - 90 to 132 VRMS, 180 to 250 VRMS
Line Frequency - 48 to 440 Hz
Maximum Power Consumption - 214 W
Environmental And Safety
Temperature -
Operating: 0 to +50 °C.
Nonoperating: -40 to +75 °C.
Humidity -
Operating and Nonoperating: up to 95% relative humidity, up to 50 °C. Per MIL-T-28800E, Type III, Class 5.
Altitude, Vibration, Shock Nonoperating, Bench Handling - Meets MIL-T-28800E, Type III, Class 5.
Electromagnetic Compatibility -
(with sampling heads or optional blank panels installed in all sampling head compartments)
Meets the Requirements of: MIL-STD-461B; FCC Part 15, subpart J, Class A; VDE 0871/6.78 Class B.
Safety - Listed UL 1244, CSA Bulletin 556B September 1973.
Time Base Accuracy - Typical Specifications
Range*4, 5 = Interval ≥ 1 ns - Base: 4 ps + Interval Specification: 0.004%*4 Interval + Position Specification 0.0004%*4 Position
Range*4, 5 = Interval = 100 ps - Base: 2.5 ps + Position Specification: 0.0004%*4 Position
Range*4, 5 = Interval ≤ 10 ps - Base: 1 ps + Position Specification: 0.0004%*4 Position
*4 For intervals <100 ps, the above holds for time/div ≤20 ps/div.
*5 For other intervals not listed above, linearly interpolate the cardinal points.
Physical Characteristics
11801B Cabinet -
Width: 448 mm (17.6 in.)
Height: 238 mm (9.4 in.)
Depth: 599 mm (23.6 in.)
Net Weight: 22.3 kg (49 lbs.)
Shipping Weight: 25.9 kg (57 lbs.)
SM-11 Cabinet -
Width: 448 mm (17.6 in.)
Height: 238 mm (9.4 in.)
Depth: 558 mm (22.0 in.)
Net Weight: 20.0 kg (44 lbs.)
Shipping Weight: 23.6 kg (52 lbs.)
11801B Rackmount -
Width: 483 mm (19.0 in.)
Height: 222 mm (8.8 in.)
Depth: 550 mm (21.6 in.)
Net Weight: 23.2 kg (51 lbs.)
Shipping Weight: 26.8 kg (59 lbs.)
SM-11 Rackmount -
Width: 483 mm (19.0 in.)
Height: 222 mm (8.8 in.)
Depth: 550 mm (21.6 in.)
Net Weight: 20.9 kg (46 lbs.)
Shipping Weight: 24.5 kg (54 lbs.)