Hear ye, hear ye! A new product is here and it is the only one of its kind. Tektronix is excited to announce the introduction of the new MDO3000 Series of Mixed Domain Oscilloscope, the only integrated oscilloscope with a spectrum analyzer.
Want to know more! Check this out.
This ultimate integrated oscilloscope includes an arbitrary function generator, logic analyzer, protocol analyzer, and digital voltmeter, in addition to the spectrum analyzer. The MDO3000 clears the design bench of costly, specialized equipment and provides the tools needed to test and debug virtually any embedded design. It is also completely customizable enabling customers to select the functionality and performance needed now, and later.
Due to the complexity of modern embedded designs and the growth of wireless, it has become costly for designers to have all the tools they need to properly debug and troubleshoot. This new oscilloscope squashes this issue by providing a product that includes six independent instruments including a spectrum analyzer! So now designers do not have to purchase each function separately.
Not only does this new product save engineers money but it also saves space on the bench, improving usability with the same basic controls for multiple instruments and ensures engineers always have access to all the instruments they need. One stop shop, really!
The trend towards integrated instrumentation is one that Tektronix is embracing enthusiastically. Developing a product, like the MDO3000, that gives engineers the full set of tools they need to do their job while saving them money is a win-win. It started with the MDO4000 Series of Mixed Domain Oscilloscope – the only oscilloscope with a built-in spectrum analyzer, and continue now with the MDO3000.
Be sure to register for your chance to win a MDO3000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope. You’ll also find helpful virtual demos, application notes, and product videos.
For more information on the MDO3000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope’s integrated design, upgradable platform, infinite versatility and pricing and availability check out the recent press release.
What are your thoughts on this new product? Please share below!
Since publishing the above blog, Tektronix is currently offering a free upgrade to 3/6 GHz spectrum analyzers and a free bundle of software applications on mixed-domain oscilloscopes.