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Blog: #SMU


TSP ToolKit software
Quickly Develop Test Scripts with the New Keithley TSP™ Toolkit Software Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Semiconductor manufacturers, validation engineers and reliability engineers can now get faster test script development while automating Keithley test instruments such as SMUs, DAQs or DMMs with Keithley TSP Toolkit Software, the new TSP (Test Script Processor) script development environment, which takes the form of a Visual Studio Code extension. In this blog, we’ll explore TSP technology and how …
SMUs vs. 5 Other Instruments Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Source Measure Units (SMUs) are versatile instruments developed at the advent of semiconductors to characterize their complex behavior. Key capabilities of a SMU include 4-quadrant operation, precision measurement and sourcing, and high speed. These capabilities make SMUs similar to a range of other test and measurement equipment, yet different in meaningful ways. This blog explores some of the …
Keithley 2461 Graphical Touchscreen SMU Connections to a Battery Cell
Testing Battery Resistance Wednesday, December 13, 2023
It’s easy to think of a battery as a bucket full of energy. When we would like some energy, we connect our circuit and pour the energy out. However, this analogy doesn’t account for internal impedance. A better analogy is that batteries are like water bottles. When a water bottle is tipped over, the water cannot flow out freely because a nozzle restricts the flow. Similarly, a battery has internal …
KickStart software from Tektronix
Testing and Debugging PMICs with Ease Friday, September 22, 2023
Adaptive Power Optimization is Revolutionizing PMICs “There is no better way to save energy and cut bills than by turning all electronic devices off.” This basic piece of advice is the underlying principle and philosophy behind any form of energy management applied to energy consumption optimization, and in general in so-called adaptive power optimization. In the case of battery powered …
Double pulse test with AFG31000
4 Key Testing Phases for Power Conversion Equipment Tuesday, February 14, 2023
While the types of electrical tests required during the design and production of power conversion equipment are similar to those required for previous generations of devices, the adoption of wide-bandgap materials like silicon carbide (SiC) or gallium nitride (GaN) requires added rigor and new test strategies. Bench testing continues to play an important role at every stage of the development of …
Tektronix touchscreen oscilloscope.
Are You Keeping Pace with Wide-Bandgap Test Requirements? Tuesday, September 13, 2022
A new generation of wide-bandgap (WBG) materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are becoming more prevalent. Electrically, these substances are closer to insulators than silicon and other typical semiconductor materials. Their adoption is an effort to overcome limitations of silicon that stem from it being a narrow bandgap material, which leads to undesirable conductive …
Different 2400 Graphical Series SMUs
Using Your Source Measure Unit as a Power Supply Friday, August 12, 2022
Keithley’s line of Touch Test Invent™ graphical Instruments have the ability to locally run custom scripts written in the Test Script Processor (TSP™) language. These scripts allow the instrument to execute code in real time written by you. The example script provided allows a 2400 Series Graphical SMU to function as a power supply by outputting a constant wattage. A traditional power supply …
Keithley 2280S DC Power Supply
Forming the Best Solution for Battery Formation and Aging Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Current markets are leading to high demand for battery cells. One way for manufacturers to increase throughput is to reduce the time spent making each battery. The formation and aging stage is the most time consuming part of the cell manufacturing process. Ensuring that the right equipment is used for the job can help with some of the challenges facing formation and aging. What is Formation and …
An engineer using the Keithley touchscreen interface on a source measure unit (SMU).
Touchscreen User Interface for Keithley Instruments Friday, September 24, 2021
Keithley's Touchscreen User Interface Keithley’s Touch, Test, Invent® touchscreen products feature the same look and feel thanks to their UI, referred to as the TTI interface. This custom interface, developed by Keithley engineers, makes it incredibly simple to use the instruments and analyze data right in the box. The TTI interface can be found with Keithley’s Source Measure Units (SMUs), some …
Modèle de traceur de courbes 576 lancé par Tektronix en 1955
Kennlinienschreiber vs. IV-Kennlinienschreiber-Software Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tektronix führte 1955 den branchenweit ersten Kurvenschreiber ein, der charakteristische Kurven für Vakuumröhren anzeigte, gefolgt im Laufe der Jahre von Modellen zum Testen von Transistoren, Dioden und anderen Halbleiterbauelementen. Tektronix-Kurvenschreiber wie 576 (unten) und 370A/370B fanden breite Akzeptanz in der Industrie, bis die Produktion schließlich Mitte der 80er Jahre eingestellt wurde. Die Kennlinienschreiber sind wie ein Netzteil und ein Oszilloskop in einem Gehäuse vereint und können die Spannung und den Strom aufzeichnen.