Question :
Why do I see 16 flat lines for the MSO digital logic inputs when the same signals are displayed properly on the analog channels and all channels are setup for valid trigger threshold levels?
Answer :
A common mistake for some, we first recommend verifing that the front panel MSO digital probe is properly connected by squeezing the probe's side latch buttons to un-plug, remove the probe then re-insert the probe label side up into the front panel receptacle until you hear the latches "click".
If you continue to see flat lines verify the channels are connected to your signal then go into the digital channel menu and adjust the threshold until you see the edges appear. You may need to probe the signal with an analog channel probe to verify where the best threshold level needs to be set.
(Above image from a MSO5000B series scope)
If you continue to have problems after trying these few options please contact one of our Technical Support Centers and an Application Engineer will walk you through these steps and get you up and working quickly.
This FAQ Applies to:
Product Series: MSO3000 / DPO3000 Máy hiện sóng tín hiệu hỗn hợp MSO/DPO5000B Máy hiện sóng tín hiệu hỗn hợp MSO/DPO4000 (Ngừng sản xuất) Máy hiện sóng miền hỗn hợp MDO3024 Máy hiện sóng miền hỗn hợp MDO4000C
FAQ ID 60251
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