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Streamline the USB4 Validation Journey

USB4 compliance testing is the process of verifying that your design aligns with a variety of specifications set out by the official USB4 standard. Obtaining the USB4 certification involves testing the electrical layer, logical layer, and interoperability of your design. Without USB4 compliance testing, companies can not legally display the USB4 logo on their products.

Tektronix developed the USB4 Transmitter Solution to streamline the USB4 compliance testing journey. We designed our solution with custom test environments in mind so that designers can quickly and accurately test and debug USB4 silicon, systems, devices and hubs.

USB4™, USB Type-C® and USB-C® are trademarks of the Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum (USB-IF).

USB4 Designers face a number of challenges including increased test times, signal integrity challenges and complications related to Device Under Test (DUT) control. Tektronix’s USB4 Transmitter Solution was designed to meet those challenges head-on:

  • Reduced test times with automated and optimized test sequencing
  • Extensive debug tools for improved root cause analysis
  • Automatic DUT control to capture all compliance test patterns and reduce the need for error-prone manual interventions

Tektronix’s USB4 Transmitter Solution is compliant with the USB4 specification and USB4 Router Assembly Electrical Compliance Test Specification (CTS). As an approved vendor for USB compliance solutions, we provide design engineers with a reliable path to the USB4 certification they need to go to market.Our unique Signal Validation feature verifies the compliance pattern so designers can be confident in the accuracy of results.

USB4 Transmitter Solution Hardware

Máy hiện sóng hiệu suất DPO70000SZX công nghệ ATI

Máy hiện sóng hiệu suất DPO70000SX ATI

Băng thông 70 GHz.
Tốc độ lấy mẫu 200 GS/giây: Nhiễu thấp nhất.
Độ trung thực cao nhất. Hiệu suất tối đa.

Máy hiện sóng tín hiệu hỗn hợp MSO 6 series B

Máy hiện sóng tín hiệu hỗn hợp MSO 6 Series B

Khắc phục sự cố và xác thực các thiết kế tốc độ cao với băng thông bắt đầu từ 1 GHz và lên đến 10 GHz.

Resources about USB4 Transmitter Testing

Tổng quan về ứng dụng

USB4 Webinar

Watch our recent webinar on USB4 Compliance and Characterization Test Challenges.
Tờ số liệu

USB4 Data Sheet

Explore this data sheet for a deeper dive into our USB4 Tx Compliance/Debug solution and how it can help you analyze and optimize complex USB4 designs with ease.
Tờ số liệu


Tektronix's advanced Serial Data Link Analysis solutions enable a seamless transition between characterization, compliance, and debug tasks required to bring your product to market.
DPOJET Datasheet
Tờ số liệu

DPOJET Data Sheet

Tektronix's advanced Serial Data Link Analysis solutions enable a seamless transition between characterization, compliance, and debug tasks required to bring your product to market.