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Datasheets, Manuals, and Software Downloads

While we’re happy to “talk tech” with you all day long, we know you’re in a hurry.

So we’ve made it easy for you to download product manuals, datasheets and downloadable software which includes firmware, drivers, etc. for all our current products, and many discontinued products as well. Just tell us which product you’re using, and we’ll provide you with list of latest documents and resources that you can download.

The product model you have chosen is currently available for purchase. The following support information is available.

  • Datasheet Literature Number: ReleaseDate
    Digital Storage Oscilloscope
    The TBS2000B Series Oscilloscopes datasheet provides an overview of the product's features, important specifications, and ordering information.
    Digital Storage Oscilloscope
    With a 9-inch WVGA display, 20 million point record length and 1 GS/s sample rate, TBS2000 Series Oscilloscopes capture and display significantly more signal to help you evaluate designs faster. Easily and confidently analyze your signals with new …
  • Technical Documents Document Type ReleaseDate
    Tektronix Software Solutions for Remote Educational Lab Challenges
    With Tektronix software platforms like TekDrive and TekScope, students no longer need to be in the lab or classroom to get hands-on experience with oscilloscopes.  This application note discusses how TekDrive, TekScope, and other Tektronix software …
    Probe Selection Guide
    Please note:  For the newest version of the Probe Selection Guide download the PDF file from the button above.  The PDF includes two new probes - the TAP1500L (page 5) and an industry-first RF isolated current shunt probe the TICP Series (page 22) …
    Hướng dẫn bộ chọn sản phẩm
    TekScope PC Waveform Analysis Flyer
    Greater productivity and convenience Analyze data at your desk, at home, or on the road. Nothing to learn. It operates just like your oscilloscope. Analyze waveform data from most oscilloscopes on your PC. Remotely access your …
    Tờ số liệu
    Oscilloscope Selection Guide
    From basic signal-checking to high-performance analysis, this selection guide gives an overview of the complete range of oscilloscopes from Tektronix. Comparison tables give high-level specifications and features, and indicate the major differences …
    Hướng dẫn bộ chọn sản phẩm
    XYZs of Oscilloscopes Primer
    After reading this primer, you will be able to: Describe how oscilloscopes work Describe the differences between analog, digital storage, digital phosphor, and digital sampling oscilloscopes Describe electrical waveform types …
    Sách hướng dẫn
    Capacitance and Inductance Measurements Using an Oscilloscope and a Function Generator
    Most labs have an ample supply of digital multimeters (DMMs) for measuring DC resistance, but when it comes to measuring inductance, capacitance and impedance, it is not always easy to find an LCR meter. LCR meters operate …
    Using Raspberry Pi to Control Your Oscilloscope
    Introduction Raspberry Pi is a single-board small computer originally used as a tool to teach computer science to students. It has since grown in popularity due its compact size, low cost, modularity and open design. Each revision has added more …
    Expand the Analysis Capability of Your Oscilloscopes with TekScope PC Analysis Software
    TekScope PC Analysis Software provides a very flexible environment for waveform visualization, advanced measurements, serial protocol decode of a wide variety of buses, and many analysis tools. This application note discusses how TekScope PC Software …
    KickStart Software as a Bench Companion for Education
    The versatile Keithley KickStart Software platform meets a variety of different needs, which is incredibly beneficial for education applications due to the broad spectrum of topics covered in undergraduate and postgraduate studies.  This application …
    Recommended Electronics Engineering Benches for Education
    Recommended Education Bench Configurations Start with one of these three configurations to create the bench best suited for your students Fundamental Teaching Lab Prepare …
    Tóm tắt kỹ thuật
    Hanze University Case Study
    One of the goals for the Hanze Racing Division at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, Netherlands is for students to build an electric formula student race car to compete in races with other universities.  This case study …
    Coventry University Case Study
    This case study takes a look at an advanced, state-of-the-art electrical and electronic engineering laboratory at Coventry University where first and second year students are performing an extensive range of practical electronics and physics …
    Measurement Data Logging with TekBench Oscilloscope Control Software
    Introduction Over the last few decades, a growing number of colleges and universities have revised their approach to laboratory teaching to help students get ready to face real-world electrical engineering challenges after graduation. As part of …
    TBS2000 vs. Rigol DS2000A
    Visualization Tektronix TBS2000 Series ✔ 9” WVGA display with 15 horizontal grids ✔ 20M record length to capture long time windows Rigol DS2000A …
    Tính cạnh tranh
    TBS2000 vs. GW-Instek GDS-2000A Comparison
    Visualization Tektronix TBS2000 Series ✔ 9” WVGA display with 15 horizontal grids ✔ 20M record length to capture long time windows GW-Instek GDS2000A Series ✗ 8” WVGA …
    Tính cạnh tranh
    TBS2000 Technical Demonstration Guide
    A step by step guide on how to use the TBS2000 Oscilloscope.
    Sách hướng dẫn
    The Anatomy of an Oscilloscope Poster
    This poster shows many of the hundreds of parts that work together in an oscilloscope to make sure you see the real signal. It includes a block diagram of a scope's signal path, to show you what happens between the signal input and the display.
    Sách quảng cáo
    TBS2000 vs. R&S HMO Compact Comparison
    A comparison fact sheet of the TBS2000 and the R&S HMO Compact Oscilloscopes.
    Tính cạnh tranh
    TBS2000 vs. LeCroy WaveAce2000 Comparison
    A comparison between the TBS2000 and the LeCroy WaveAce2000
    Tính cạnh tranh
    TBS2000 vs. Keysight X2000 Comparison
    Visualization Tektronix TBS2000 Series ✔ 9” WVGA display with 15 horizontal grids ✔ 20M record length to capture long time windows Keysight X2000 …
    Tính cạnh tranh
  • Software Document Type Part Number: ReleaseDate
    KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.3
    KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application KICKSTART-2.11.3
    TBS2000B Series Firmware Release v1.32.147. This firmware is applicable ONLY for TBS2072B, TBS2074B, TBS2102B, TBS2104B, TBS2202B and TBS2204B models.(For TBS2000 Series NON-B Models, please use firmware v1.26.0 )
    Firmware 066209108
    TBS2000X Series Firmware Release v1.32.147. is applicable ONLY for TBS2104X model.(For TBS2000 Series Models, please use firmware v1.26.0 )This fixes the issue of Tek secure erasing licenses.
    Firmware 066211504
    KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.2
    KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application KICKSTART-2.11.2
    TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V5.11.1
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Driver 066093813
    TBS2000X Series Firmware Release v1.32.139. is applicable ONLY for TBS2104X model.(For TBS2000 Series Models, please use firmware v1.26.0 )
    Firmware 066211503
    TBS2000B Series Firmware Release v1.32.139. This firmware is applicable ONLY for TBS2072B, TBS2074B, TBS2102B, TBS2104B, TBS2202B and TBS2204B models.(For TBS2000 Series NON-B Models, please use firmware v1.26.0 )
    Firmware 066209107
    KickStart Instrument Control Software Version 2.6.0 (Windows 10, 8, 7 compatible) (NOT SUPPORTED)
    "KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments.Key Features• Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings.• Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application KICKSTART-2.6.0
    Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - V2.8
    The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …
    Utility 066093915
    TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V4.2.0
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Driver 066093812
    TBS2000 Firmware Release v1.26.0
    TBS2000 Series Firmware Release v1.26.0. This firmware is applicable ONLY for TBS2072, TBS2074, TBS2102 and TBS2104 models.(For TBS2000B Series, please use firmware v1.27.26 or above )
    Firmware 066186704
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Driver 066093811
    TBS2000 Series Firmware Release v1.18
    TBS2000 Series Firmware Release v1.18. This firmware is applicable ONLY for TBS2072, TBS2074, TBS2102 and TBS2104 models.(For TBS2000B Series, please use firmware v1.27.26 or above )
    Firmware 066186701
    Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - v2.6
    The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …
    Utility 066093914
    V2.0 application release for the PC Courseware Editor, V2.0
    The PC Courseware Editor helps you create lab descriptions and instructions on a PC and then upload the material directly onto a TBS1000B-EDU or TBS2000 oscilloscope
    Application 066164002
  • Found in labs and workshops across a diverse range of engineering professions, modern oscilloscopes are faster, more precise and more affordable than ever. Many people new to oscilloscopes can be …
    Duration: 46m 26s
    TekScope v2.12 includes a built-in screenshot capture feature, HSI enhancements supporting 2.5Gbps USB to ethernet adapters, digital power management, protocol decodes and more.  Watch this short …
    Duration: 2m 22s
    For new engineering students, gaining a quick understanding of fundamental concepts is an important step in the learning process. This updated video explains the fundamental principles of the Fast …
    Duration: 4m 3s
    Watch this short video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 2.4, including TekScope Basic – a new free tier license, maintenance licenses, fast frames with improved support, a new …
    Duration: 4m 39s
    With many new features, the TBS2000B oscilloscope is a great option to replace our recently discontinued TDS2000 line of oscilloscopes. This video covers five key reasons to consider upgrading to …
    Duration: 2m 34s
    Technical Marketing Manager Wilson Lee discusses important criteria to use when choosing your next oscilloscope. In this webinar, you will learn about:• The “5 times rule” to avoid Bandwidth …
    Duration: 43m 11s
    Watch this video to see more on the advanced features and performance that you can expect from the TBS2000 Series. From longer recording time, flexible triggering, automated measurements, easy …
    Duration: 7m 7s
    This video tutorial will introduce you to basic time and amplitude measurements using built-in automated measurement functions available on TBS2000 series oscilloscopes. You will be guided through …
    Duration: 3m 58s
    Find out how to take voltage and time measurements off the oscilloscope display and by using cursors.
    Duration: 7m 45s
    Anyone can twiddle the knobs on a scope and get something. And there’s always “Autoset” in a pinch. But do you know how to compensate a probe? How about the difference between a 1X and 10X probe? …
    Duration: 6m 37s
    Have you ever struggled to get a stable waveform on your scope? This video will show you how to set your triggers to get a stable display of signals from simple sine waves to modulated signals and …
    Duration: 5m 57s
    With the built-in courseware feature, the TBS1000C and TBS2000B oscilloscopes become a powerful educational tool enabling students to create labs on their computer and view them right on the …
    Duration: 1m 54s
    This video tutorial will show you how to make important amplitude measurements using built-in automated measurement functions on a digital oscilloscope. It covers the definitions of average, RMS …
    Duration: 10m 39s
    Many oscilloscope measurements are used for characterizing pulse signals or digital data. While you can always use cursors or estimate the measurement off the disply, it's often easier and more …
    Duration: 9m 31s
    In the 2nd video on triggering an oscilloscope, we look at pulse width triggering, trigger hold-off and runt pulse triggers. These techniques will come in handy when capturing digital signals and …
    Duration: 5m 15s
    Watch this short video to see how to use the Raspberry Pi as a remote control PC for test automation with the Tektronix 2 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope and Python language.
    Duration: 3m 50s
    Being able to easily collect waveform data from your oscilloscope is essential when performing a variety of applications. Fortunately, there many options to export data from your TBS2000B and then …
    Duration: 1m 56s
    Watch this video learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.44, including RF analysis capabilities, added support for the MSO2000 and MSO2000B oscilloscopes, user interface improvements …
    Duration: 8m 8s
    For new engineering students, gaining a quick understanding of fundamental concepts is an important step in the learning process. This video uses plain language and clear visual examples to define …
    Duration: 4m 31s
    An oscilloscope is typically set up to measure voltage versus time. But you can configure the oscilloscope to measure current as well. This video shows two very simple methods of using the …
    Duration: 1m 32s
    Oscilloscopes are often used in educational settings, and our TBS1000C and TBS2000B oscilloscopes includes many features that come standard. Watch this video to learn about the many ways that the …
    Duration: 1m 51s
    Testing just got easier. Whether you need a scope every day or just every now and then, it’s an affordable scope that delivers class-leading performance. The only thing it’s missing is your …
    Duration: 42s
    Learn how using TekScope software together with entry-level  oscilloscopes enables far greater insight into the data captured and far more powerful analysis and sharing capabilities than might be …
    Duration: 21:00
    TekScope PC software, combined with Tektronix oscilloscopes, makes it easy to log waveform data, waveform images and measurements on your PC.  Simply set the logging interval, count, and hit Start …
    Duration: 5m 29s
    Watch this video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.40, including continuous acquisition, license expiration notification, and IMDA-MECH and WBG-DPT in the pro automotive and …
    Duration: 7m 19s