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The product model you have chosen is currently available for purchase. The following support information is available.
Datasheet Literature Number: ReleaseDate TriMode™ Probe Family
The P7700 Series TriMode probes datasheet provides an overview of the product's features, important specifications, and ordering information.51W-60283-14
Manuals Manual Type Part Number: ReleaseDate P7700 Series TriMode Probes Technical Reference
SpecificationsPerformance Verification 077112405 P7700 and TDP7700 Series TriMode Probes Quick Guide
TriMode Probes Quick GuideUser Manuals 070738601 P7700 Series TriMode Probe User Manual
TriMode ProbePrimary User 071342105 P7700 Series Trimode Probes and Tips Installation and Safety Instructions
Multi-language quick start installation, safety, and compliance information for the P7700 Series TriMode probes and tips.User Manuals 071379303 Probes and Accessories Declassification and Security Instructions
Declassification and SecurityDeclassification Manuals 071238400
Software Document Type Part Number: ReleaseDate P7700 SERIES PROBES FIRMWARE UPGRADE - V4.0
P7700 Series TriMode Probes firmware, version 4.0. Any P7700 series probes not running version 4.0 or higher firmware should be upgraded. The firmware file should be downloaded and placed on a Tektronix performance oscilloscope. Using the Tektronix …Firmware 066186502 P7700 SERIES PROBES FIRMWARE UPGRADE - V3.0
P7700 Series TriMode Probes firmware, version 3.0. Any P7700 series probes not running version 3.0 or higher firmware should be upgraded. The firmware file should be downloaded and placed on a Tektronix performance oscilloscope. Using the Tektronix …Firmware 066186501