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Digitizing Oscilloscopes with InstaVu™ Acquisition

TDS700A Series: TDS784A, TDS782A, TDS754A, TDS744A, TDS724A

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TDS700A Series: TDS784A, TDS782A, TDS754A, TDS744A, TDS724A

Features & Benefits

  • InstaVu™ Acquisition (up to 400,000 wfms/sec)
  • 500 MHz Bandwidth (TDS754A/744A/724A); 1 GHz (TDS784A/782A)
  • Sample Rates to 2 GS/s (TDS782A/754A/744A)
  • 1 GS/s (TDS724A)
  • 4 GS/s (TDS784A)
  • 2 Input Channels (TDS782A/724A)
  • 4 Input Channels (TDS784A/754A/744A)
  • Pulse Width, 1 ns Glitch; Runt, Pattern, State, Triggering
  • 1 mV/div -10 V/div Sensitivity
  • Infinite and Variable Persistence
  • Color Grading
  • Record Lengths to 500,000 Points (250,000 Points on TDS782A/724A)
  • 8-Bit Vertical Resolution and up to 13 Bits with HiRes
  • High­Resolution Color Monitor
  • 3.5­Inch DOS Floppy Disk Drive (Standard)
  • Vertical Accuracy to 1%
  • Tek TriStar™ (DSP) Processor
  • Slew Rate, Setup & Hold Violation, and Time-Out Triggers
  • Waveform Pass/Fail Testing
  • Advanced Signal Processing Functions
  • 25 Automatic Measurements
  • Full GPIB Programmability
  • Desktop Publishing Outputs
  • HDTV Video Trigger Option
  • Segmentable Acquisition Memory
  • VGA Output
  • Three­Year Warranty
  • Direct Readout in "Amperes" and "Watts" using P5200 and TCP202 Probes
  • Channel Deskew
  • HP Deskjet Printer Support


Channels - 4 (2 Channels for TDS782A/724A)

Samplers - 4 (2 Channels for TDS782A/724A)

Bandwidth*1 -

1 GHz*2 (TDS784A/782A)

500 MHz*3 (TDS754A/744A)

500 MHz (TDS724A)

*1 Reduce the upper bandwidth frequencies by 2.5 MHz for each degree C above 30 degree C

*2 50 ohm; 1 mV/div: 500 MHz, 2 mV/div: 600 MHz, 5 mV/div: 900 MHz. Reduce the upper bandwidth frequencies by 5 MHz for each degree C above 30 degree C

*3 1 mV/div: 450 MHz


CH1, CH2 - 1 mV to 10 V/div

CH3, CH4 - 1 mV to 10 V/div

Position Range - ±5 Divisions


CH1, CH2 -

±1 V from 1 mV to 100 mV/div (TDS784A/782A)

±1 V from 1 to 99.5 mV/div (TDS754A/744A/724A)

AUX 1, AUX 2 -

±10 V from 101 mV to 1 V/div, ±100 V from 1.01 V to 10 V/div

CH3, CH4 -

±1 V from 1 to 99.5 mV/div

Maximum Sample Rate

Any One Channel -

1 GS/s (TDS724A)

2 GS/s (TDS782A/754A/744A)

4 GS/s (TDS784A)

Any Two Channels -

500 MS/s (TDS724A)

1 GS/s (TDS744A)

2 GS/s (TDS784A/754A)

Four Channels -

500 MS/s (TDS744A)

1 GS/s (TDS784A/754A)

Three, Four Channels -

500 MS/s (TDS744A)

1 GS/s (TDS784A/754A)

Maximum Record Length

Any One Channel -

50 K (250 K opt.) (TDS782A/724A)

50 K (500 K opt.) (TDS784A/754A/744A)

Any Two Channels -

130 K (TDS724A)

50 K (250 K opt.) (TDS754A/744A)

50 K pts (250 K w/Opt. 1 M) (TDS784A/782A)

Any Four Channels -

50 K (130 K opt.) (TDS784A/754A/744A)

Any Three, Four Channels -

50 K pts (130 K w/Opt. 1 M) (TDS784A/754A/744A)

Time Base System

Time Bases - Main, Delayed

Time Base Range - 500 ps to 10 s/div. (10,000 s/div with fit-to-screen for TDS754A/744A/724A) 200 ps to 10 s/div. 4 ps (to 2500 s/div with fit-to-screen or zoom TDS784A/782A)

Time Base Accuracy (over any interval ≥1 ms) - ±25 ppm

Pretrigger Position - 0% to 100% of any record

Delay Between Channels (any 2 channels with equal V/div and coupling) - ≤50 ps

Vertical System

DC Gain Accuracy - ±1.0% (Warranted); ±0.7% (Typical)

Vertical Resolution - 8­bits (256 levels over 10.24 vertical divisions). ≥13 bits with HiRes; ≥11 bits with averaging

Analog Bandwidth Selections - 20 MHz, 250 MHz, and full

Step Response Setting - ≤0.5% error within 20 ns of a ≤2 V step

Effective Bits -

5.5 bits (1 GHz at 4 GS/s) (TDS784A/782A)

6.8 bits with HiRes (500 MHz at 2 GS/s), 9.7 bits (1 MHz at 10 MS/s) (TDS754A/744A/724A)

9.7 bits with HiRes (1 MHz at 10 MS/s) (TDS784A/782A)

Input Coupling - AC, DC or GND

Input Impedance Selections - 1 megohm in parallel with 10 pF, or 50 ohm (AC and DC coupling)

Maximum Input Voltage - ±400 V (DC + peak AC). Derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz. 1 megohm or GND coupled

Channel Isolation - ≥100:1 at 100 MHz and ≥30:1 at bandwidth for any two channels having equal Volts/div settings

AC Coupled Low Frequency Limit - ≤10 Hz when AC 1 megohm coupled. ≤200 kHz when AC 50 ohm coupled

Acquisition Modes

InstaVu™: Instantaneous capture of random anomalies and changing signals. Captures up to a maximum of 400,000 waveforms per second (TDS784A/754A/744A). Uses color grading to show relative occurrence of events.

Peak Detect - High­frequency and random­glitch capture. Captures glitches of 1 ns using acquisition hardware at all real-time sampling rates.

Sample - Sample data only

Envelope - Max/min values acquired over one or more acquisitions

Average - Waveform averages selectable from 2 to 10,000

HiRes - Vertical resolution improvement and noise reduction on low-frequency signals, e.g. 13 bits at 50 microsecond/div and slower

FastFrame™ - Acquisition memory size segmentable with trigger rate up to 50,000 per second from 50 to 5,000 points per frame (independent of the number of channels)

Single Sequence - Use Run/Stop button to capture a single triggered acquisition at a time which may be automatically saved to NVRAM with AutoSave

Trigger Types

EDGE (main and delayed) - Conventional level driven trigger. Positive or negative slope on any channel or rear panel auxiliary input. Coupling Selections: DC, AC, noise reject, HF reject, LF reject.

PULSE (main) -

WIDTH: Trigger on width of positive or negative pulse either within or not within selectable time limits. Time limits settable from 1 ns to 1 s.

GLITCH: Trigger on or reject glitches of positive, negative or either polarity. Minimum glitch width threshold is 1.0 ns, with 200 ps resolution.

RUNT: Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again.

SLEW RATE: Trigger on pulse edge rates that are either faster or slower than a set rate. Edges can be rising, falling, or either.

TIME-OUT: Trigger on an event which remains high, low, or either, for a user-specified time.


PATTERN: Specifies a logical combination (AND, OR, NAND, NOR) of the four input channels (Hi, Lo, Don't Care). Trigger when pattern stays True or False for user specified time.

STATE: Any logical pattern of channels 1, 2 and 3 plus clock edge on channel 4. Triggerable on positive or negative clock edge.

SETUP & HOLD: Trigger on violations of both setup time and hold time between clock and data which are on separate input channels.

VIDEO (Optional) NTSC, PAL, HDTV, FlexFormat™ - Trigger on a particular line of individual, odd/even, or all fields. Trigger on a specific pixel of a line by using video trigger with delay by events. Choose horizontal sync polarity. Choose from popular HDTV formats (1125/60, 1050/60 1250/50, 787.5/60) or use FlexFormat™ for other HDTV-type formats by defining frame rep rate, number of lines and fields, and sync timing structure.

Triggering System

Triggers - Main, Delayed

Main Trigger Modes - Auto, Normal, Single

Delayed Trigger - Delayed by time, events, or events and time

Time Delay Range - 16 ns to 250 s

Events Delay Range - 1 to 9,999,999 events

External Rear Input - ≥1.5 kilohm; Max input voltage is ±20 V (DC + AC peak)


Waveform Style - Dots, vectors, variable persistence selectable from 250 ms to 10 s, infinite persistence, and intensified samples

Color - Standard palettes and user definable colors for waveforms, text, graticules, and cursors. Measurement text and cursor colors matched to waveform. Waveform collision areas highlighted with different color. Statistical waveform distribution shown with color grading through variable persistence.

Color Grading - With variable persistence selected, historical timing information is represented by temperature or spectral color scheme providing "z-axis" information about rapidly changing waveforms.

Gray Scaling - With variable persistence selected, waveform points time-decay through 16 levels of intensity.

Waveform Capture Rate - For 500 point waveforms with infinite persistence mode selected: 150/sec typically. With InstaVu: up to 400,000/sec (TDS784A/754A/744A).

Graticules - Full, grid, cross hair, frame. NTSC and PAL with video trigger option

Format - YT and XY

Fit to Screen - Entire acquisition memory displayed on screen


The zoom feature allows waveforms to be expanded or compressed in both vertical and horizontal axes. Allows precise comparison and study of fine waveform detail without affecting ongoing acquisitions. When used with HiRes or Average acquisition modes, Zoom provides an effective vertical dynamic range of 1000 divisions or 100 screens.

Dual Window Zoom - Dual graticules simultaneously show selected and zoomed waveforms. Up to two zoom boxes show areas on the selected trace that are being magnified, and the two magnified areas can be overlapped for quick comparison. Color of zoomed trace matches selected trace.

Measurement System

Automatic Waveform Measurements - Period, Frequency, High, Low, +Width, -Width, Maximum, Minimum, Rise, Fall, Peak to Peak, Amplitude, +Duty cycle, -Duty cycle, +Overshoot, -Overshoot, Propagation Delay, Burst Width, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Area, Cycle Area, Phase.

Continuous update of up to four measurements on any combination of waveforms.

Thresholds - Settable in percentage or voltage

Gated - Any region of the record may be isolated for measurement using vertical bars

Snapshot - Performs all measurements on any one waveform showing results from one instant in time

Cursor Measurements - Absolute, Delta; Volts, Time, Frequency. NTSC IRE and Line Number with video trigger option

Time Measurements Accuracy - (Single Shot Typical)

<38 ps typical at 4 GS/s Single Shot (TDS784A)

<80 ps at 2 GS/s Single Shot (TDS782A/754A/744A)

<150 ps at 1 GS/s Single Shot (TDS724A)

Cursor Types - Horizontal bars (volts); Vertical bars (time); operated independently or in tracking mode

Waveform Processing

Waveform Functions - Interpolate-selectable sin(x)/x or linear, Average, Envelope

Advanced Waveform Functions - FFT, Integration, Differentiation

Arithmetic Operators - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Invert

Autosetup - Single button, automatic setup on selected input signal for vertical, horizontal and trigger systems

Waveform Limit Testing - Compares incoming or math waveform to a reference waveform's upper and lower limits

Computer Interface

GPIB (IEEE-488.2) Programmability - Full talk/listen modes. Control of all modes, settings, and measurements.


Printer - HPThinkjet, Epson, Interleaf, Deskjet, Laserjet, PostScript, TIFF, PCX, BMP (Microsoft Windows), DPU 411/412, RLE

Plotter - HPGL

Data - MathCAD, Spreadsheet formats

Interface - GPIB standard

Hardcopy Interface - Centronics and RS-232


Waveforms -

4 full 50 K (with Option 1 M: 2 full 130 K point, 1 full 250 K point, or 1 compressed 500 K point waveform) (TDS784A/754A/744A)

2 full 50 K (with Option 1 M: 2 full 130 K point, 1 full 250 K point waveform) (TDS782A/724A)

Setups - 10 front­panel setups

Floppy Drive - Store reference waveforms, setups, (and data files w/TDS784A) and image files on 3.5­inch 1.44­MByte or 720­KByte DOS­format floppy disk


Type - 7 in. diagonal, NuColor™ liquid crystal full color shutter display, 256 color levels

Resolution - 640 horizontal by 480 vertical displayed pixels (VGA)

Power Requirements

Line Voltage Range - 90 to 250 VRMS

Line Frequency - 45 to 440 Hz

Power Consumption - 300 Watts max

Environmental And Safety

Temperature -

Operating: +4 to +50 degree C (floppy not used)

+10 to +50 degree C (floppy in use)

+4 to +45 degree C (floppy not used) (TDS784A)

+10 to +45 degree C (floppy in use) (TDS784A)

Nonoperating: -22 to +60 degree C

Humidity -

Operating (floppy not used): To 80% RH at ≤32 degree C. Derates to 30% RH at +45 degree C.

Operating (floppy in use): To 80% RH at ≤32 degree C. Derates to 30% RH at +45 degree C.

Nonoperating: To 90% RH at 3 405C. Derates to 30% RH at +60 degree C.

Altitude -

Operating: 15,000 ft.

Nonoperating: 40,000 ft.

Electromagnetic Compatibility - Meets or exceeds Vfg. 243/1991 amended per Vfg. 46/1992; FCC 47 CFR, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A; EN 50081-1; and EN 50082-1

Safety - Listed UL 1244; CSA - C22 No. 23; Tektronix self-certification to comply with IEC 348 recommendations

Physical Characteristics







Height (with feet)



Height (without feet)



Width (with handle)



Depth (with front cover installed)




14.1 (approx.)



25.4 (approx.)