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Trace Analysis Report Generation and Emulation Tool

Features & Benefits
- Automated Report Generation for Fiber Cable Acceptance and Maintenance
- Offline Analysis of OTDR Results
- Remote Control of Tektronix NetTek Applications
- High-level System Summary Report Provides At-a-glance View of Status and Errors
- Individual Tests are Linked to System Summary for Fast Interactive Analysis
- Report Wizard Assists Report Development and Formatting
- Output to Printers, Spreadsheets, or Word Processor Document Formats
- Output to HTML Files for Automatic Web-based Documentation
The TARGET1 Trace Analysis Report Generation and Emulation Tool is a software package that transforms your fiber cable measurement data into reports that are comprehensive, meaningful, and ready to read or publish. When the day's Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) measurements are done, TARGET1 simplifies all your offline reporting work and saves you time.
TARGET1 accepts input from Tektronix Y-Series OTDRs and other Tektronix OTDR models, or any OTDR results stored in the Telcordia SOR format. It runs on a conventional PC and the Windows® 95/98/NT/2000 operating system.
A Solution for Analysis, Control, and Reporting

When paired with the Tektronix NetTek™ Analyzer platform and Y-Series OTDR modules, TARGET1 helps you manage the whole range OTDR operations. It can remotely control Y-Series modules, help you interpret the results, and show you trends that might otherwise pass unnoticed. TARGET1 automates your reports and formats them for printing, Web publishing, word processing, and more.
TARGET1 gives you a system-oriented view of your test results. You can link data at different optical tests. The software analyzes groups of files and creates an information-packed overview known as the System Summary Report. This integrated report, with its automatic links to individual test analyses, can dramatically increase your efficiency, save precious time and reduce the chance of misinterpretation.
In the System Summary Report, problems are highlighted so you can see at a glance the areas that need attention. Clicking on a highlight automatically locates the desired test and shows you the problem. Imagine: you can view data for an entire fiber bundle at once, yet you can easily home in on a specific fiber test for a detailed view of the error.
Professional-quality Reports Take Less Time to Produce
TARGET1 helps you quickly produce those fiber acceptance and maintenance reports that used to take so much time. The Report Wizard leads you through steps that help you consistently create and publish professional-quality reports in a variety of formats.

Remote Control
TARGET1 remote control allows access and control of any NetTek application. The remote operator sees the NetTek screen with full access to all controls. Connection is simple.
System Requirements
Windows 95/98/2000/NT.
CD-ROM drive (for loading software, not required for operation).
Ordering Information
Analysis Software.
User Options
Opt. OL - Organizational (multi-user multi-site) license.