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Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes

TDS3000C Series Datasheet

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TDS3000C Series Datasheet

The TDS3000C Series provides you with the performance you need at a price you can afford. Bandwidths range from 100 MHz to 500 MHz, with up to 5 GS/s sample rates for accurate representation of your signal.

Notice to EU customers

This product is not updated to comply with the RoHS 2 Directive 2011/65/EU and will not be shipped to the EU. Customers may be able to purchase products from inventory that were placed on the EU market prior to July 22, 2017 until supplies are depleted. Tektronix is committed to helping you with your solution needs. Please contact your local sales representative for further assistance or to determine if alternative product(s) are available. Tektronix will continue service to the end of worldwide support life.

Key performance specifications
  • 100 MHz, 300 MHz, and 500 MHz bandwidth models
  • 2 or 4 analog channel models
  • Sample rates up to 5 GS/s real time on all channels
  • 10k record length on all channels
  • 3,600 wfms/s continuous waveform capture rate
  • Suite of advanced triggers
Key features
  • Front-panel USB host port for easy storage and transfer of measurement data
  • 25 automatic measurements
  • FFT standard
  • Multiple language user interface
  • WaveAlert® automatic waveform anomaly detection
  • TekProbe® interface supports active, differential, and current probes for automatic scaling and units
Portable design
  • Lightweight design (only 7 lb./3.2 kg) for easy transport
  • Optional internal battery operation provides up to three hours without line power
Application modules for specialized analysis
  • Advanced analysis module
  • Limit testing module
  • Telecommunications mask testing module
  • Extended video module
  • Digital design and debug
  • Video installation and service
  • Power supply design
  • Education and training
  • Telecommunications mask testing
  • Manufacturing test
  • General bench testing

DPOs provide greater level of insight into complex signals

The TDS3000C Series offers fast waveform capture rates on a continuous basis that save you time by quickly revealing the nature of faults, so advanced triggers can be applied to isolate them.

Real-time intensity grading highlights the details about the history of a signal's activity, making it easier to understand the characteristics of the waveforms you've captured. Unlike other comparable oscilloscopes, the history remains even after the acquisition has been stopped.

Quickly debug and characterize signals with DRT sampling technology and sin (x)/x interpolation

The TDS3000C Series combines unique digital real-time (DRT) sampling technology with sin(x)/x interpolation to allow you to accurately characterize a wide range of signal types on all channels simultaneously. With the TDS3000C Series there is no change in sampling rate when additional channels are turned on, unlike other comparable oscilloscopes. This sampling technology makes it possible to capture high-frequency information, such as glitches and edge anomalies, that elude other oscilloscopes in its class, while sin(x)/x interpolation ensures precise reconstruction of each waveform.


Look for unintentional circuit noise with the TDS3000C series’ FFT capability.


Custom video triggering allows the TDS3000C Series to trigger on standards such as RS-343 (26.2 kHz scan rate).


The TDS3000C Series provides breakthrough test speeds for telecommunications line card testing. The telecom QUICKMENU puts all the commonly used telecom test functions on a single menu.

Easy to setup and use

When working under tight deadlines, you need your oscilloscope to be intuitive; you want to minimize time spent learning and relearning how to use it. The TDS3000C Series oscilloscopes help reduce your learning curve. Simple navigation and dedicated front-panel controls get you to where you want to be quickly, so that you spend less time learning and more time on the task at hand.


The TDS3000C series with the TDS3LIM module is ideal for manufacturing test applications where fast Go/No-Go decisions are required.


WaveAlert waveform anomaly detection alerts you to any waveform that deviates from the “normal” input such as the glitch on channel 2.


Easily transfer, document, and analyze data on your PC.
Simple documentation and analysis

The TDS3000C Series comes equipped with a USB host port so you can easily store and transfer measurement information to your PC.

OpenChoice®PC Communication Software allows you to simply pull screen images and waveform data into a standalone desktop application or directly into Microsoft Word and Excel.

If you prefer not to use a PC for analysis, the TDS3000C Series comes standard with 25 automatic measurements, waveform add, subtract, divide, and multiply math functions, and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Unlike other comparable oscilloscopes, the TDS3000C Series math and measurement allows you to use the full acquisition record length or isolate a specific occurrence within an acquisition.

Instrument control

Utilizing the built-in ethernet port, e*Scope web-based remote control allows you to a control TDS3000C series oscilloscope from anywhere, using the internet and your PC.

Work where you need to

The TDS3000C Series packs the power of a DPO in a compact design that is only 5.9 in. (149 mm) deep, freeing up valuable benchtop space. And when you need to move your oscilloscope to another lab, its portable 7 lb. (3.2 kg) design makes for easy transport.

If your work demands even more mobility, then the optional battery pack will give you up to three hours of operation without line power.


TDS3BATC provides you with up to three hours of portable battery operation.


All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.

Model overview

 TDS3012C TDS3014C TDS3032C TDS3034C TDS3052C TDS3054C
Input channels
Bandwidth 100 MHz 100 MHz 300 MHz 300 MHz 500 MHz 500 MHz
Rise time (typical) 3.5 ns 3.5 ns 1.2 ns 1.2 ns 0.7 ns 0.7 ns
Sample rate on each channel 1.25 GS/s 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 5 GS/s 5 GS/s
Record length 10 kpoints
Vertical system
Hardware bandwidth limits
TDS3012C TDS3014C TDS3032C TDS3034C TDS3052C TDS3054C
20 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz, 150 MHz 20 MHz, 150 MHz 20 MHz, 150 MHz 20 MHz, 150 MHz
Input coupling
Input impedance
1 MΩ in parallel with 13 pF or 50 Ω
Input sensitivity range
1 MΩ
1 mV/div to 10 V/div
50 Ω
1 mV/div to 1 V/div
Vertical resolution
9 bits
Maximum input voltage
1 MΩ

150 VRMSwith peaks at ≤400 V

50 Ω

5 VRMSwith peaks at ≤30 V

DC gain accuracy
Position range
±5 div
Horizontal system
Seconds/division range
TDS3012C TDS3014C TDS3032C TDS3034C TDS3052C TDS3054C
4 ns to 10 s 4 ns to 10 s 2 ns to 10 s 2 ns to 10 s 1 ns to 10 s 1 ns to 10 s
Time base accuracy
±20 ppm over any 1 ms time interval
Trigger system
Trigger modes
Auto (supports Roll Mode for 40 ms/div and slower), Normal, Single Sequence
B trigger
Trigger after time or events
Trigger after time range
13.2 ns to 50 s
Trigger after events range
1 to 9,999,999 events
Trigger types
Conventional level-driven trigger. Positive or negative slope on any channel. Coupling selections: AC, DC, Noise Reject, HF Reject, LF Reject
Trigger on all lines or individual lines, odd/even or all fields on NTSC, PAL, SECAM
Extended video
Trigger on specific lines in broadcast and non-broadcast (custom) standards and on analog HDTV formats (1080i, 1080p, 720p, 480p). Requires TDS3VID application module
Pulse width (or glitch)
Trigger on a pulse width <, >, =, ≠ to a selectable time limit ranging from 39.6 ns to 50 s
Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again
Rise/fall time
Trigger on pulse edge rates that are either faster or slower than a set rate. Edges can be rising, falling, or either
Specifies AND, OR, NAND, NOR when true or false for a specific time
Any logic state. Triggerable on rising or falling edge of a clock. Logic triggers can be used on combinations of 2 inputs (not 4)
Provides isolated pulse triggering required to perform DS1/DS3 telecommunications mask testing per ANSI T1.102 standard. Requires TDS3TMT application module
Sequentially uses each active channel as a trigger source
Acquisition system
Captures and displays complex waveforms, random events and subtle patterns in actual signal behavior. DPOs provide 3 dimensions of signal information in real time: Amplitude, time, and the distribution of amplitude over time
Sample data only
Waveform averaged, selectable from 2 to 512 
Min-max values acquired over one or more acquisitions
Peak detect
High-frequency and random glitch capture. Captures glitches as narrow as 1 ns (typical) using acquisition hardware at all time base settings
Monitors the incoming signals on all channels and alerts the user to any waveform that deviates from the normal waveform being acquired
Single sequence
Use the Single Sequence button to capture a single triggered acquisition sequence at a time
Waveform measurements
Amplitude, time
Automatic measurements

Display any four measurements from any combination of waveforms. Or display all measurements with measurement snapshot feature. Measurements include Period, Frequency, +Width, -Width, Rise time, Fall time, +Duty cycle, -Duty cycle, +Overshoot, High, Low, Max, Min, Peak-to-peak, Amplitude, Mean, Cycle mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Burst width, Delay, Phase, Area1, Cycle Area1

1Requires TDS3AAM application module.

Measurement statistics
Mean, Min, Max, Standard deviation. Requires TDS3AAM application module
User-definable thresholds for automatic measurements; settable in percent or voltage
Isolate a specific occurrence within an acquisition to take measurements, using either the screen or cursors
Waveform math
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide waveforms
Spectral magnitude. Set FFT vertical scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT window to Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, or Blackman-Harris
Advanced math

Integrate, differentiate, define extensive algebraic expressions including analog waveforms, math functions, scalars, up to two user-adjustable variables and results of parametric measurements. For example: (Intg (Ch1-Mean(Ch1)) × 1.414 × VAR1)1

1Requires TDS3AAM application module.

Waveform processing
Single-button, automatic setup of all channels for vertical, horizontal and trigger systems, with undo autoset
Channel-to-channel deskew ±10 ns may be manually entered for better timing measurements and more accurate math waveforms
Display system
Display type
6.5 in. (165.1 mm) liquid-crystal TFT color display
Display resolution
640 horizontal × 480 vertical pixels (VGA)
Waveform styles
Dots, vectors, variable persistence, infinite persistence
Full, grid, crosshair, and frame. NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and vectorscope (100% and 75% color bars) with optional TDS3VID application module
YT, XY, and Gated XYZ (XY with Z-axis blanking available on 4-channel instruments only)
Input/output ports
Ethernet port
RJ-45 connector, supports 10Base-T LAN
USB port

Front-panel USB 2.0 host port. Supports USB flash drive

GPIB port

Full talk/listen modes, setting and measurements.

(Optional with TDS3GV Communications Module)

RS-232C port

DB-9 male connector, full talk/listen modes; control of all modes, settings and measurements

Baud rates up to 38,400 

(Optional with TDS3GV Communications Module)

VGA video

DB-15 female connector, monitor output for direct display on large VGA-equipped monitors

(Optional with TDS3GV communications module)

External trigger input

BNC connector, input impedance >1 MΩ in parallel with 17 pF; max input voltage is 150 VRMS

Power source
AC line power
Source voltage

100 VRMSto 240 VRMS±10%

Source frequency

45 Hz to 440 Hz from 100 V to 120 V

45 Hz to 66 Hz from 120 V to 240 V

Power consumption
75 W maximum
Battery power
Requires TDS3BATC, rechargeable lithium ion battery pack
Operating time, typical
3 hours
Physical characteristics
 mm inches
Width 375.0  14.8 
Height 176.0  6.9 
Depth 149.0  5.9 
 kg lb.
Instrument only 3.2  7.0 
with accessories 4.5  9.8 
Package dimensions
 mm inches
Width 502.0  19.8 
Height 375.0  14.8 
Depth 369.0  14.5 
Rackmount (RM3000)
mm inches
Width 484.0  19.0 
Height 178.0  7.0 
Depth 152.0  6.0 
EMC, environment and safety
0 ºC to +50 ºC
-40 ºC to +71 ºC
(Operating and non-operating)
At or below +30 ºC
Up to 95% RH
+30 ºC up to +50 ºC
Up to 45% RH
To 3,000 meters
15,000 meters
Electromagnetic compatibility
Meets or exceeds EN61326 Class A, Annex D radiated and conducted emissions and immunity; EN6100-3-2 AC Powerline Harmonic Emissions; EN6100-3-3 Voltage Changes, Fluctuation, and Flicker; FCC 47 CFR, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A; Australian EMC framework
UL61010B-1, CSA1010.1, IEC61010-1, EN61010-1 

Ordering information

TDS3000C family
100 MHz, 2 channels, 1.25 GS/s
100 MHz, 4 channels, 1.25 GS/s
300 MHz, 2 channels, 2.5 GS/s
300 MHz, 4 channels, 2.5 GS/s
500 MHz, 2 channels, 5 GS/s
500 MHz, 4 channels, 5 GS/s

Please specify a language option and a power plug option from the lists that follow.

Standard accessories
500 MHz 10x passive probe, one per channel
Front protective cover
Accessory tray
Documentation CD
Contains User Manuals in all languages
Front panel overlay
Translated front panel overlay. Specify language option.
Installation and Safety Manual
Power cord
Specify power plug option.
OpenChoice® PC connectivity software
Enables fast and easy communication between Windows PC and the TDS3000C Series through LAN, GPIB, or RS-232. Transfer and save settings, waveforms, measurements, and screen images
Traceable Certificate of Calibration
Three year warranty covering all labor and parts, excluding probes and accessories
Instrument options
Power plug options
Opt. A0
North America power plug (115 V, 60 Hz)
Opt. A1
Universal Euro power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A2
United Kingdom power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A3
Australia power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A4
North America power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A5
Switzerland power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A6
Japan power plug (100 V, 50/60 Hz)
Opt. A10
China power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A11
India power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A12
Brazil power plug (60 Hz)
Opt. A99
No power cord
Language options
Opt. L0
English manual
Opt. L1
French manual
Opt. L2
Italian manual
Opt. L3
German manual
Opt. L4
Spanish manual
Opt. L5
Japanese manual
Opt. L6
Portuguese manual
Opt. L7
Simplified Chinese manual
Opt. L8
Traditional Chinese manual
Opt. L9
Korean manual
Opt. L10
Russian manual
Opt. L99
No manual

Language options include translated front-panel overlay for the selected language(s).

Service options
Available at time of purchase
Opt. D1 Calibration data report
Opt. R5 Repair service - 5 year
Available after purchase
TDS30xxC-R5DW Repair service coverage 5 years (includes product warranty period); 5-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase
Recommended accessories
100x, 10x, 1x, 0.1x high-gain differential amplifier
2.5 kV, 100x high-voltage passive probe
1.3 kV, 100 MHz high-voltage differential probe
5.6 kV, 50 MHz high-voltage differential probe
1 GHz, ≤1 pF input C 10x active probe

50 MHz, 15 A AC/DC current probe


15 MHz, 150 A current probe1

50 MHz, 50 A current probe1
100 MHz, 30 A current probe 1

100 MHz probe amplifier

50 MHz probe amplifier
2 MHz, 500 A current probe 2

1Requires TCPA300 probe amplifier.

2Requires TCPA400 probe amplifier.

GPIB, VGA, RS-232 interface
Advanced Analysis Module. Adds extended math capability, arbitrary math expressions, measurement statistics, and additional automated measurements
Limit Testing Module. Adds custom waveform limit testing capabilities
Telecom Mask Testing Module. Adds pass/fail compliance of ITU-T G.703 and ANSI T1.102 standards, custom mask testing, and more

Extended Video Analysis Module. Adds video quickmenu, autoset, hold, line count trigger, video picture mode, vectorscope1mode, HDTV format trigger graticules, and more

Lithium-ion battery pack for up to 3 hours continuous operation without line power
Battery charger
Soft case for carrying instrument

Hard plastic case for carrying instrument

(requires AC3000)

Rackmount kit
Service manual (English only)

1Vectorscope does not support composite video.