With up to six instruments in one, the MDO3000 Series of mixed domain oscilloscopes is a powerful addition to any test bench. But for someone just starting out in electrical or RF engineering, getting your head wrapped around all that functionality can mean plenty of quality time with the manual and experimenting with all the various options and settings.
If reading through manuals isn’t your thing, you might want to head over to Test & Measurement Tips where you’ll find a series of videos where contributing editor David Herres offers step-by-step guidance on using an MDO3000 Series, covering everything from automatic time domain measurements to RF spectral analysis to displaying and interpreting histograms (shown here).
To clear up any potential confusion, note that on the testandmeasurementtips.com website, John Hansel is listed as posting the videos, but they are actually created by Herres. If you click on the link under Hansel’s name, you’ll get the full list of Herres’ videos.
For reference, here’s Herres’ official bio:

David Herres is the owner and operator of a residential and commercial construction company. He obtained a Journeyman Electrician’s License in 1975, and has certificates in welding and wetland delineation, along with experience with elevators. Beginning in 2001, Mr. Herres has focused primarily on electrical work, upgrading his license to Master status. In 2011, Mr. Herres completed a 425-page book with 45 photos, titled 2011 National Electrical Code Chapter By Chapter. It was published by McGraw-Hill, released in 2010. He completed a second McGraw-Hill book, Troubleshooting and Repairing Commercial Electrical Equipment. It was released in 2011. Mr. Herres completed a third McGraw-Hill book, The Electrician’s Trade Demystified. It was released in 2013.His fourth McGraw-Hill book, Homeowner’s DIY Guide to Electrical Wiring, was released the following year.
In addition to the videos, Herres is a prolific writer for Test & Measurement Tips. Click here for a complete list of his articles, including many that involve Tektronix equipment.