Вопрос :
Why am I not able to get my 60 day free trial of the WFMNLE software that I just downloaded from the sample CDs provided by Tektronix?
Ответ :
When the WFMNLE is installed into your Avid editing system, among the several processes that take place is one that looks for the MAC address of your network card. If your network card is disabled, the Unique ID text line (shown in the following picture) will read 0xxxxxx, instead of the 14 character number.
The WFMNLE will not function without the ability to access the network card's ID number.
The network card can be enabled with tools and menus that are normally available in all computer systems. Your Avid editing does not have to be actually placed on a network. The network card just needs to be activated for normal operation.
A step by step sample process for enabling a network card in a modern PC-based workstation that is running a Microsoft XP operating system is available for download here. Other operating systems will have variations on this process. Assistance is available from your systems engineer, or from Tektronix Technical Support.
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