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What is the TDS7000 and how does it compare to the CSA8000?

Вопрос :

What is the TDS7000 and how does it compare to the CSA8000?

Ответ :

The CSA 7000-series are real-time oscilloscopes. They have very high sample rates (up to 20Gs/s) and up to 4Ghz BW. These products also have an optical input for acquiring optical signals up to 3.125Gb/s (on the CSA 7404B). These products also have four electrical inputs. This makes these products very versatile.

The 8000-series is very different. The 8000-series are sampling oscilloscopes, which have compartments to accommodate both optical sampling modules as well as electrical sampling modules. Therefore, like the CSA7000 series, the 8000-series can acquire both optical and electrical signals.

However, both are excellent products for acquiring optical and electrical Telecom and Datacom signals and performing mask testing as well as make a wide array of measurements.

The key differences between the product families are:

  • The CSA 7000-series acquires data real-time. The 8000-series are sampling oscilloscopes. For every trigger, one sample is acquired. Therefore, the 8000-series needs a repetitive signal to build a waveform.
  • The maximum BW for the CSA 7000-series is 4Ghz. The BW of the modules being used limits the 8000-series BW. BW of over 60Ghz is available in both electrical and optical modules.
  • The CSA 7000-series has options for very long record lengths. The 8000-series has a max record length of 4000 samples.

The correct product for your application is dependent upon many factors. For help in determining the correct product, please contact your local Tektronix Account Manager, or visit our website at: www.tektronix.com

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