Вопрос :
What is the part number for the Ethernet test fixture used with the TDSET3 application and where can it be purchased?
Ответ :
The part numbers are listed below. These can be orderd through Tektronix.
TF-GBE-ATP 1000/100/10BaseT Advanced Test Package (consists of test fixture PCB set, RJ45 interconnect cable and 1000BaseT jitter test channel cable)
TF-GBE-BTP 1000/100/10BaseT Basic Test Package (consists of test fixture PCB set and RJ45 interconnect cable)
TF-GBE-JTC 103-meter 1000BaseT jitter test channel cable
TF-GBE-SIC short (4-inch (0,1-meter)) RJ45 interconnect cable
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