Вопрос :
What is the digital or HD replacement for the 1700 series waveform monitors and vectorscopes?
Ответ :
Tektronix now offers a variety of digital and high-definition waveform monitor/vectorscope combination instruments. For digital standard-definition applications we recommend the WFM601, WVR6100 or WFM6100. For digital high-definition applications we recommend the WFM700 series, WFM7000 series or WVR7100.
The WFM instruments are better suited to equipment manufacturers as they allow analysis of the physical layer (eye diagram, jitter, serial data viewing etc...).
The WVR series rasterizers and the WFM6100/7000/7100 are better suited to the broadcast and production industry since they offer more advanced audio analysis capabilities and are capable of supporting analog inputs as well as digital.
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