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In the TLA Application I am writing a power trigger and the program does not let me add more than four clauses in a state. I have another trigger program that lets me define up to 8 clauses per state. What trigger program rule am I breaking?

Вопрос :

In the TLA Application I am writing a power trigger and the program does not let me add more than four clauses in a state. I have another trigger program that lets me define up to 8 clauses per state. What trigger program rule am I breaking?

Ответ :

Each state is made up of one or more clauses. If you use more than four trigger
event resources in a state, you can have up to four clauses per state. If you have
four or fewer trigger event resources in a state, you can define up to 16 clauses
per state.

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Серия приборов: TLA7000 TLA7000 TLA7000


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