Вопрос :
Speed: How fast can the 2400 series output a pulse?
Ответ :
How fast can the 2400 series output a pulse?
The Models 2400, 2410, 2420, 2425, and 2440 can be configured to output a voltage pulse in approximately 360 microseconds or a current pulse in 640 microseconds.
The Model 2430 can be configured to output a voltage or current pulse in approximately 150 microseconds.
Optimizing for these speeds require the following configuration:
- ALL measurements disabled
- Auto Zero disabled
- Trigger and source delay set to zero
- Output Off enabled
- Triggered source
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Серия приборов: Графические источники-измерители (SMU) серии 2400
Идентификатор часто задаваемых вопросов 69631
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