Вопрос :
I need to provide the results of an Tektronix OTDR shot to another person, what can I do?
Ответ :
There are a couple of different methods that may be used to export data in a readable form.
1. If you have a printer that is compatible with the printers listed in the OTDR, you can print out the file to share with others. Note: Printer drivers cannot be added to the OTDR, only the listed printers are supported.
2. You can copy the OTDR file to a PC then view said file if you have the Tektronix Target1 software. (Note: Tektronix no longer offers the Target1 software.) The .CFF file is a Tektronix proprietary format and can only be viewed with the Target1 software. The .SOR file is an industry standard format. You can search the web for compatible .SOR viewers.
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