Вопрос :
How can I operate the Model 2380 in CV mode using the external analog control (EXT PRG) function?
Ответ :
To configure External Analog (EXT PRG) Control of the Model 2380:
1. Connect your analog control source (V-source) to the EXT PRG terminals on the rear panel 9-pin connector. A diagram can be found on page 7 of the user manual for reference.
2. From the front panel:
a. Select Config (Shift + 9)
b. Ext-Program, Enter
c. On, Enter
d. EXT should be displayed on the front panel display.
3. Connect to device under test (DUT) and turn load output on.
4. Configure analog control to desired level (determined by full scale of range).
For Example, if on the 50V (CV) range: 1V (analog) = 5V load setting, 4V (analog) = 20V load setting, 10V (analog) = 50V load setting
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