Вопрос :
Have there been any changes to the Ines PCMCIA GPIB card or cable?
Ответ :
Product :
Question : Have there been any changes to the Ines PCMCIA card or cable?
Chipset change: From serial number 20449 and higher, the new ines iGPIB chip version 2.2 or newer is used. This change was made to improve compatibility with Ricoh cardbus chipsets. Serial numbers lower than 20449 can be inoperable with some Ricoh cardbus chipsets.Cable Change: From serial number 23891 and higher, the case and the cable of the KPCMCIA-GPIB card have been changed to a HIROSE case and a HIROSE cable. Cards with lower serial numbers were built with a BERG connector.
Keithley stocks replacement cables of each type. The part numbers to order a replacement cable are KCAB-GPIB-BERG or KCAB-GPIB-HIRO.
NOTE: a cable is an included accessory when a KPCMCIA-GPIB card is sold. This information applies only to the situation where a replacement or additional cable is desired.
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