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Can you create a delay to AES/EBU digital audio signal without inputting a watermarked serial digital signal?

Вопрос :

Can you create a delay to AES/EBU digital audio signal without inputting a watermarked serial digital signal?

Ответ :

Yes. In the CONFIG menu use the ARROW keys to get to the DECODER menu. In that menu set the DELAY CORRECTION to MANUAL, use the SELECT button to enter that command. Then use the ARROW keys to get to get to DEFAULT AUDIO DELAY. In that menu set the required number of fields (0-150) of delay using the left and right ARROW keys. Use the SELECT button to enter the number of fields of delay required. An AES/EBU audio signal can now be delayed by the desired number of fields (up to 150) without having to use a watermarked video signal input for reference.

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