Вопрос :
Can the AWG400 series+ AWG500 series+ AWG610 and AWG710 use an external clock or external reference for the clock?
Ответ :
The AWG400 series, AWG500 series, AWG610 and AWG710 all have an external 10 MHz reference input on the rear panel. The AWG400 series, AWG500 series also have an external clock input. This input allows the user to provide the actual clock that outputs the data. This gives the user total control over the quality of the clock as well as the ability to introduce controlled changes in the clock such as a swept clock. Another benefit of the external clock input is the ability to run multiple generators together with the same clock, just as though they were all one instrument. There is no provision for using an external clock on the AWG610. Using the external 10 MHz reference input to synchronize multiple generators, does phaselock the generators together, however, you will see a timing jitter between generators that is typically 220 ps to 600 ps on the AWG710, 350 to 800 ps on the AWG610, 1.6 ns on the AWG500 series and 5 ns on the AWG400 series.
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