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Руководства Тип руководства Номер по каталогу: Дата выпуска DTG5078, DTG5274, and DTG5334
Data Timing Generator, Volume 1 User ManualОсновной потребитель 071160802 DTG5078, DTG5274, DTG5334
Data Timing Generator Volume 2 User ManualUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071160902 DTG5078, DTG5274, and DTG5334
Data Timing Generators Specifications & Performance Verification Technical ReferenceПроверка рабочих характеристик 071161103 DTG5078, DTG5274 & DTG5334 Service Manual
DTG5078/DTG5274/DTG5334 Service Manual Service ManualОбслуживание 071161500 DTG5078 & DTG5274 Service Manual
DTG5078 & DTG5274 Data Timing Generators Service Manual Service Manual071128500 DTG5078 & DTG5274 & DTG5334 Data Timing Generators Performance Verification & Specifications
DTG5000 Series Technical ReferenceUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071116101 DTG5000 Series Programmer Manual
Data Timing Generator Programmer ManualЭлектронное руководство по программированию 071161001 DTG5078 & DTG5274 & DTG5334 User Manual 2
Data Timing Generators User ManualUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071160901 DTG5078 & DTG5274 Technical Reference
Data Timing Generators Performance Verification and Specifications Technical ReferenceПроверка рабочих характеристик 071128002 DTG5078 & DTG5274 User Manual Volume 1
DTG5027 & DTG5274 Data Timing Generators User ManualUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071128101 DTG5078 & DTG5274 User Manual Volume 2
DTG5078 & DTG5274 Data Timing Generators User ManualUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071128201 Tektronix Supplemental, 071329704
Product Information Sheet for the People‚s Republic of ChinaUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071329704 Tektronix Supplemental, 071218507
Product Information Sheet for the People‚s Republic of ChinaUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071218507
Техническая документация Тип документа Дата выпуска Making waves: Eight years later+ details still matter
Краткое техническое описание $name
Примечание по применению
Программное обеспечение Тип документа Номер по каталогу: Дата выпуска TDSHT3 HDMI Compliance Test DTG Distribution for CTS 1.4 Testing, V3.5.3
This DTG package is a companion distribution to the TDSHT3 HDMI COMPLIANCE TEST SOFTWARE download. This package contains latest DTG instrument setup files customized for HDMI Sink and Cable test needs for CTS1.4a/b.Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066148602 DTG5000 SERIES APPLICATION SOFTWARE v2.1.4
DTG5000 Series product application software requires Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 to be running on the DTG5000.To check Windows 2000 version information, close or minimize the DTG5000 application, then right-click on MY COMPUTER and …Микропрограммное обеспечение 066095802 DTG5000 APPLICATION SOFTWARE
DTG Software 1.0.14 This is the latest application software for the DTG5000 Series product. It also can be installed on a Windows 2k or XP based PC allowing the DTG5000 application to be ran without a DTG5000 present.Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066047600
Часто задаваемые вопросы Идентификатор часто задаваемых вопросов When I connect the DTG mainframes in master and slave arrangement+ what do I lose?
Nothing is compromised when like mainframes are connected in the master and slave arrangement. All the specifications on the data sheet still apply across master and slave mainframes. Unlike simple clock synchronization, the master and slave …56191 What are the Channel Addition modes AND and XOR used for?
In the timing menu you have the capability of ANDing the even channels or XORing the odd channels. This feature (only available in slots A-D) extends the DTG's capability to create very unique timing patterns. With the combination of delaying one …64016 Why do I get an error when creating a pattern with a block size smaller than 960 on the DTG5274 and DTG5334 or 240 on the DTG5078?
In hardware sequencer mode this is the limitation, but using the software sequencer mode you can select a block size as low as 1. To activate the software sequencer mode use the selection in the Sequencer menu. You will notice when software sequencer …56256 What are the differences between the DTG5078+ DTG5274 and DTG5334?
The main differences are: The DTG 5078 supports up to 8 output modules or 32 channels with a maximum data rate of 750Mb/s. The DTG 5274 supports up to 4 output modules or 8 channels with a maximum data rate of 2.7Gb/s. The DTG 5334 supports up to …56026 What is a sequence as used in the DTG Data Generator Series?
A sequence is a list of data that is prepared by combining blocks. You can output a complex pattern by controlling simply listed blocks with a sequence definition, which contains the settings of Repeat (number of repetitions), WaitTrig (wait for …56071 Why is my Data Rate specification lower in PG mode?
The Pulse Generator mode is specified in frequency using the RZ or R1 data format. This will be half the NRZ data rate that the Data Generator Mode is specified in.64401 Can programs I write for the DTG Series Data Generators control the instrument without another PC?
At this time, no, the DTG only accepts programming through the GPIB.55286 Can the minimum block sizes for the DTG Pattern Generators be worked around?
Yes, by selecting the software sequencer mode in the Sequence menu you can get smaller minimum block sizes. There will be some imposed limitations and they are documented on page 1-85 of the DTG5078 & DTG5274 & DTG 5334 Data Timing Generator User …52411 Can I slave a combination of DTG5078’s+ DTG5274’s and DTG5334’s?
OneDTG5334 can be slaved to another DTG5334. One DTG5274 can be slaved to another DTG5274. Up to twoDTG5078's can be slaved to another DTG5078.With clock IN and phase lock IN, synchronization between other mainframe configurations is possible, but in …55271 Can I extend the channel count beyond the slaved 16 for the DTG5274/DTG5334 and the 96 for the DTG5078?
Yes, by using the clock inputs and another DTG as the clock source, you can essentially synchronize separate DTG mainframes. Achieving up to nearly 1,000 channels is possible. For more details, contact your local AE or technical support center.63231 Can I achieve a multi level signal like the de-emphasis signal used for PCI Express when using DTG5000?
Yes, by combining the outputs of two different channels with an external power combiner you can achieve a de-emphasis signal or even a positive going pulse followed by a negative going pulse.63226 Can an absolute voltage level above 2.5 V be achieved into 50 ohms with the DTG Series?
Yes, by using a bias tee and the DTG ’s DC offset you can effectively shift the offset of the DTG output modules as long as the output signal meets the operating frequency range of the selected bias tee.55226 Why is the frequency of the DTG series data generator’s output half the data rate I set in the timing menu?
Data output will occur at the data rate selected. This data rate is specified in NRZ format that equates to a frequency measurement half the NRZ value.56281 Are the output modules of the DTG Series Data Generators static sensitive?
No, if the output modules are off when connecting and disconnecting, there is little chance of ESD or EOS damage. If the output modules are on, however, it is possible to damage the modules especially with electrical over stress (EOS).55206 Can I remove or install a module in the DTG Series with the instrument running?
It is not recommended to remove or install a module while the instrument is running.55266 Can DTG5000 single-ended outputs be used as differential?
Yes. There is a provision in the DTGoperating software to select "differential timing offset" which inverts the waveform on the adjacent channels to provide a complement. Then the skew between the two channels can be adjusted. This can be done for …63221 Can I output on a single event with the DTG Series Data Generators?
Yes, the DTGallows you to manually or externally trigger an event and stop when that event is completed. Once completed, the pattern will automatically go to a low state.55261 Can I slow down fast edges beyond the range of the DTG5000?
Yes. We offer five different transition time converters that slow down fast edges. See the DTG5000 series data sheet for more details.63251 Can I use the four single ended outputs of the DTGM10+ DTGM20 or DTGM21 when installed in the DTG5274 or DTG5334?
No. Only the first two channels are active for the DTGM10, DTGM20, and DTGM21 when installed in the DTG5274 or DTG5334.55281 How do I get the extended data rate ranges of 800Mb/s for the DTG5078 and 3.35Gb/s for the DTG5274 and what performance do I lose when using these extended rates?
These ranges are available on all units. The only difference in performance is that you will see more jitter at these extended rates. See the data sheet for detailed specifications.63561 I would like to create and import a data file. Do you have an example file I could adapt?
Yes, an example is kept on the DTG at C:\Program Files\DTG5000\SAMPLES\TLA Sample.txt59581 What is the best method to synchronize a DTG and an AWG?
You will want to synchronize the clocks the minimize jitter between the instruments. The best method it to use the DTG to synchronize to the AWG:64101 How often should I calibrate the DTG Series Data Generators?
Calibration is recommended on a yearly basis. You can order Tektronix Support Service Options, including calibration, anytime during the instrument’s support period.55751 Do the DTG’s save the current setup when they are powered off?
You can specify in the Options/Preferences menu how you want the DTG to power up. Either using the last setup or a default setup is selectable .55396 On the DTG5000+ when would I use Pulse Generator Mode instead of Data Generator Mode?
Pulse Generator mode is used when a simple pulse pattern is needed. Defining a vector by vector pattern is not required and while in this mode extended features such as the Sequencer and Jitter generator are not available.55986 How can data in ASCII form be exported from the DTG series data generators and brought into a text editor or spreadsheet?
While an import function exists to import ASCII data there’s no direct export counterpart to this command. Fortunately there is an easy workaround. First select a channel or group in the listing or waveform editor. Then right click and select "Copy …57261 On the DTG5000+ what is the difference between short and long delay?
For each of the Delay and Pulse Width, the variable range supported by the DTG 5000 Series hardware is a maximum of 5ns. (short delay) This also allows for a minimum delay of 200ps. For more amounts of Delay and Pulse Width a software mode is used …55981 On the DTG5000+ what is Differential Timing Offset?
This feature outputs two types of patterns. One is a pattern for a logical channel. The other is the inverted pattern that is obtained by displacing the rising and falling edges in the same direction in time. To do this, the feature uses two adjacent …63926 DTG5000:Can I modify or create my own patterns? Does the DTG support PRBS formats? How do I input timing patterns? Can I import data patterns from other Tektronix instruments?
Yes. The easiest way is to paste them in from a .txt file using the windows clipboard function. You can also import them from the Tektronix HFS instrument or from the TLA logic analyzer. Or you can manually edit them in the DTGData menu. Some …63441