Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1
Part 1 of looking at clock recovery from a practical point of view with emphasis on how it affects measurements.
Dual-Dirac+ Scope Histograms and BERTScan Measurements
This primer discusses how the dual-Dirac relates to practical measurements that can be made with sampling scopes and BER-based instruments.
The Basics of Serial Data Compliance and Validation Measurements
Serial Buses - An Established Design Standard
High-speed serial bus architectures are the new norm in today's high-performance designs. While parallel bus standards are undergoing some …
Stressed Eye Primer
In addition to an introduction to stressed eye testing, this primer discusses some of the high-speed standards that use it, and how a receiver test using stressed eye is constructed.
Clock Recovery Primer, Part 2
Part 2 of looking at clock recovery from a practical point of view with emphasis on how it affects measurements.
Understanding and Characterizing Timing Jitter Primer
Timing jitter is the unwelcome companion of all electrical systems that use voltage transitions to represent timing information. This paper focuses primarily on jitter in electrical systems..
Evaluating Stress Components using BER-Based Jitter Measurements
This primers describes how jitter measurements can be self-verified using a BER-based Jitter Peak measurement and how to simplify the jitter measurement challenge by using a pattern that does not …
DesignCon 2015 Paper - Statistical Principles and Trends in Mask Testing
This paper relates mask testing on these models with that ultimate figure of merit, the system BER as measured against a mask. It includes a new method that determines the BER of a mask from an eye …
Paper presented 8/9/05 at the T11.2 FC-MSQS Ad Hoc Meeting: Impact of Noise on BER Estimation
Page content will go here.
Jitter Fact Sheet
Regardless whether you need a quick clock jitter measurement, or a thorough analysis of a BER performance problem, Tektronix oscilloscopes and integrated software tools deliver. You can rapidly solve …
Choose the Right Platform for Your Jitter Measurements
This document will explain some essential jitter terms, and then go on to discuss jitter measurements and the tools best suited for evaluating and quantifying jitter, when working with serial data …
Controlled Jitter Generation for Jitter Tolerance and Jitter Transfer Testing
This application note explores how (and how not) to generate controlled jitter. It also reviews a few cases where you might use a jittered source, such as Jitter Tolerance testing, Jitter Transfer …
Characterizing Phase Locked Loops Using Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers
This application note shows measurements of linear and non-linear effects in both the time and frequency domains using Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers.
BERTScope® Bit Error Rate Testers Jitter Map “Under the Hood”
Delve into jitter problems in new ways, such as examining Random Jitter on each edge of the data pattern, separating out the jitter caused by transmitter pre-emphasis, and performing jitter …
Six Sigma’ Mask Testing with a BERTScope® Bit Error Rate Tester
Six sigma is a form of mask testing that provides for critical insight when mask testing depth specification are important for pass/fail testing or deeper evaluation on high-speed signaling standards …
Clock Recovery’s Impact on Test and Measurement
As clock recovery becomes increasingly common in more systems and test setups, its effects on measurements must be considered. Many outside influences can disturb the relationship between data and …
Characterize Phase-Locked Loop Systems Using Real Time Oscilloscopes
Phase-locked loops (PLL) are frequently used in communication applications. For example, they recover the clock from digital data signals (CDR), recover the carrier from satellite transmission …
Ultra-low Jitter Performance with Phase-Reference Module 82A04 & TDS/CSA8200 Sampling Oscilloscope
Comparing Jitter Using a BERTScope® Bit Error Rate Testing
Comparison of DCD and F/2 Jitter.
Anatomy of an Eye Diagram
This application note discusses different ways that information from an eye diagram can be sliced to gain more insight. It also discusses some basic ways that transmitters, channels, and receivers …
Bridging the Gap Between BER and Eye Diagrams — A BER Contour Tutorial
BER Contour Measurement - What it is, how it is constructed, and why it is a valuable way of viewing parametric performance at gigabit speeds.
Jitter Timing Fundamentals
Timing Jitter Analysis and Evaluation
Timing jitter (or simply "jitter") is an undesirable phenomenon inherent to any electrical system that represents timing information with voltage transitions …