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Clarius Compliance USB4v2 Tx V2.0.0

The Tektronix USB4v2 Compliance and Debug Solution provides an easy way to validate and characterize the emerging USB4 Router-Host, USB4 Router-Device, and USB4 Hubs as per the USB4 Electrical Compliance Test Specification v2.0. Tektronix DPO70000SX ATI Oscilloscopes supports the Tektronix USB4v2 Compliance and Debug solution.The Clarius compliance is a new-generation compliance test automation software platform that offers a range of features and benefits• Higher asset utilization and faster test times - Disaggregated architecture to offload analysis from the oscilloscope.• Easy workflow integration – Leverage REST API’s and SDK for faster automation.• Integrated data management for results, reports, and waveforms in the UI, along with a dashboard view.

Это программное обеспечение относится к следующему: DPS75004SX, DPS75904SX, DPS77004SX

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