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The best gets better when used together.

Architected to fulfill the demands of the application and the needs of the engineer.

The Bench

The right tech for the application.

Signal Acquisition

Testing begins at the probe tip.

Measurement & Analysis

Field-tested algorithms for fast insights.


Award-Winning UI and sharing features.

Test results start with the probe.

Capturing signals accurately relies on the whole signal path. Measurement fidelity starts at the tip of the probe and continues to the scope's A/D converter.

The 4 Series B MSO pairs with a vast selection of probes including the TPR1000 Power Rail Probes to reduce error in voltage bus characterization.

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Close-up image of a probe being used to make a measurement on a device under test.

Breadth of analysis tools.

Application software turns those accurate measurements directly into actionable data.

The 4 Series B MSO has access to a full set of advanced tools, from advanced power analysis to RF measurements to quickly analyze measurements and deliver results that lead to insights.

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Optimized solutions save time.

The 4 Series B MSO, based on decades of experience working with engineers, is designed to be part of test bench solutions optimized to save time.

Each bench solution is adapted to the application providing the power, signal generation, and measurement capability required. Double Pulse Tests to solve high-density power semiconductor applications in one example.

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Image of a female engineer performing on-scope analysis of a motor drive using a Tektronix 4 Series B Mixed Signal Oscilloscope. 
Image showing the Tektronix oscilloscopes product line-up: 2 Series through 6 Series

Upgradable and compatible = future proof investment.

As part of the common scope platform architecture, a 4 Series B MSO solution has today's essential tools and is designed to evolve with your testing needs. 

Field-upgradeable software tools enhance analysis capabilities, while a common platform enables seamless transitions across the scope product family as your needs grow and change. The 4 Series B MSO provides a clear path to get the insights that enable engineers to innovate.

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Your "Partner in Test" with the Tektronix 4 Series B MSO

Reach insights through the 4 Series B MSO solution advantage.

Explore 4 Series B



Application-specific tools that quickly generate results and insights saving you time and improving every step of the design process.


Widest selection of highest performing, industry first probes. Cutting-edge patented technology ensures you can confidently analyze and troubleshoot your electronic designs.


Robust application catalog, streamlined data management, and optimized workflows for amazingly faster insights.


Best user experience with the largest screen, intuitive user interface and robust mechanical layout, plus, premium details and materials.


Fast turnaround times, extensive service options, and global support network for 9000+ manufacturers

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  • Опции встроенного анализатора спектра с полосой 1 ГГц или 3 ГГц
  • Единственный в отрасли встроенный в осциллограф полностью аппаратный анализатор спектра
  • Сверхширокая полоса захвата — до 3 ГГц
Power rail probes

Пробники шин питания

Пробники шин питания отличаются низким шумом, низкой входной ёмкостью, широкой полосой пропускания и высоким смещением по постоянному току, которые так важны при измерениях целостности сигналов питания.

Image of Tekronix TekScope software on a laptop showing varius signal inputs.

Программное обеспечение TekScope PC для анализа сигналов с осциллографов

Функции анализа, доступные в самых лучших осциллографах, можно реализовать на обычном ПК. При этом сигналы можно анализировать в любом месте в любое время.