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Correlation between VNA and TDR/TDT Extracted S-Parameters

This paper compares two-port S-parameter responses extracted from vector network analyzer (VNA) measurements and time domain reflection and transmission (TDR/TDT) measurements up to 20 GHz, and demonstrates excellent correlation between the two methods. The measured devices consisted of various via structures and a microstrip trace on a printed circuit board. To de-embed the launch effects, the VNA measurements used on-board Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) calibration while the TDR/TDT measurements used Thru and Open references. The Sparameters from TDT/TDR measurements were extracted using TDA Systems IConnect. Parameters for VNA and TDR measurement such as IF bandwidth, number of points, sampling interval, acquisition time window, and number of averages were optimized.

This paper is a presentation of empirical data, demonstrating TDR/TDT as an alternative network analysis and more accessible methodology for obtaining Sparameters, compared to VNA, which will be helpful to engineers who work in high-speed digital technology.

Author: Cherry Wakayama, Jeff Loyer