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Advanced RF/IF/IQ Waveform Software
RFX100 RFXpress®
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- RFXpress
- AWG4000
- Генератор сигналов произвольной формы AWG5000
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RFX100 RFXpress®
Features & Benefits
- Quickly and Simply Create Digitally Modulated IQ, IF, and RF Waveforms
- Great Flexibility to Customize Waveform to Meet Specific Requirements
- Define Baseband IQ, IF, and RF Signals using a Variety of Modulation Schemes
- Create Single and Multicarrier Signals where Each Carrier is Independently Defined
- Define and Create Hopping Patterns
- Apply Impairments such as Quadrature Error and Imbalance or Nonlinear Impairments
- Add Sinusoidal Interferences, Noise (SNR), and Multipaths during Waveform Creation
- Capture and Replay Waveforms from Oscilloscopes, Real-time Spectrum Analyzers, and MATLAB®*1 files as IQ or IF/RF
- Add Impairments or Interference and then Replay Captured Waveforms
- Support for Characterizing a DUT and S-parameter Emulation of RF Components
- Apply Calibration for Flat Frequency and Linear Phase Response out of AWG
- Support for Programmatic Interface in General-purpose and Radar Plug-ins enables Easy Integration of RFXpress into Test Automation Systems
- Create Single or Multiple Pulse Groups to form a Coherent or Noncoherent Pulse Train
- Define Each Pulse Group Independently or Add Different Pulse Groups to Simulate Simultaneous Multiple Target Returns
- Define Inter and Intra Pulse-hopping Patterns in both Frequency and Amplitude
- Define all Pulse Parameters including Start Time, Rise Time, Off Time, Fall Time, Pulse Width, Droop, Overshoot, and Ripple
- Define a Staggered PRI with Ramp, User-defined Profiles and Add up to 10 Different Multipaths
- Create a User-defined Pulse Sequence and use the AWG Sequence Mode to Optimize the Memory and to Create a Large Number of Pulses*3
- Support for a Variety of Intra-modulation Types including FM Chirp, QPSK, BPSK, FM Step, Barker/Frank/Polyphase Codes including P1/P2/P3/P4, User-defined Step FM/AM and Step PM/AM, and Custom Modulation
- Define Antenna Beam Profile and Simulate Target Returns
Generic OFDM
- Configure All Parts of Your OFDM Signal. Build Your Own OFDM Frame from Base Data to Packets to Frames
- Support for Reed Solomon, Convolution Coding, and Scrambling
- Add Impairments such as Phase Noise, Multipath, and Quantization
- Define Frequency Hopping and Gated Noise
- Support for a Variety of Subcarrier Modulation Formats including BPSK, QPSK, QAM (16, 32, 64, 256), and 8-PSK
- Support for Tone Nulling and Clipping
- Presets for WiFi and WiMAX Standards
Environment Signal Generation
- Define up to 25 Signals that Add up to your Environment
- Support for WiMAX, WiFi, GSM, GSM-EDGE, EGPRS 2A, EGPRS2B, CDMA, W-CDMA, DVB-T, Noise, and CW Radar
- Seamlessly Import Signals from other RFXpress Plug-ins (including Radar, Generic Signal, etc.), Matlab®*1, Tektronix Spectrum Analyzers and Oscilloscopes into the Environment
- Configure PHY Parameters of your Standard-specific Signals
- Ability to Control Carrier Frequency, Power, Start Time, and Duration for all the Signals in the Environment
- Direct RF Generation of all the WiMedia Band Groups (BG1 to BG6) including Band Hopping*2
- Comprehensive WiMedia Signal Generation Support for MAC and PHY Layers
- Gated Noise Feature can be Used to Define Noise Profiles, which can be Defined Individually for Each Section of the UWB Packet (Preamble, PPDU HeadBer, and PSDU)
- Create Tone Nulling with Intermediate Values for both Amplitude (+20 dB to –40 dB) and Phase (–180° to +180°) for OFDM Carrier Mapping
- Apply Ready-to-Use "Real-world Interference" like WiFi (802.11a and MIMO), WiMAX, Radar, and Captured Baseband Waveforms as Interferer to the WiMedia Waveform
- Define Your Own TFC Pattern in Custom Mode
- Design, Characterize, and Debug Wideband Wireless Communications Receivers
- Generate General-purpose Digitally Modulated IQ, IF, and RF Signals
- Design, Debug, and Development of Radar Receivers and Radar Systems
- Radar Interference Testing and Environment Signal Creation
- Characterize WiMedia MB-OFDM Ultra Wideband (UWB) Radio Platform for Applications like Wireless USB (WUSB), FireWire, Bluetooth, and Others
*1 MATLAB® is a registered trademark of Math Works.
*2 Using Tektronix AWG7122 models with Option 06, BG5 requires calibration.
*3 Using a Tektronix AWG7000 or AWG5000 Series AWG with Option 08.
RF Signal Generation Made Easy
RF signals are becoming more and more complex, making it more difficult for RF engineers to accurately create the signals required for conformance and margin testing. To address this design challenge, RFXpress delivers advanced RF/IF/IQ creation and editing tools. RFXpress is a software package that digitally synthesizes modulated baseband, IF, and RF signals taking signal generation to the new levels by fully exploiting the wideband signal generation capabilities of Tektronix arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs).
Digitally Modulated signals are easily created with the base RFXpress package. Supporting a wide range of modulation schemes, the software allows users to create standard waveforms or customized waveforms with specific modulation and frequency-hopping criteria. In Auto mode, the software can automatically calculate the waveform length (in time (sec), samples, or symbols) and the sampling rate required to accurately create the desired output from the arbitrary waveform generator.
RFXpress also includes a calibration feature that can pre-distort the signals to provide flat frequency and linear phase response from the AWG output. RFXpress enables users to easily replicate waveforms from Tektronix oscilloscopes (*.wfm), and IQ waveforms of a real-time spectrum analyzer (*.iqt, *.tiq). Impairments, distortion, or interference can then be added to thoroughly stress test designs.
Radar Signal Creation is a software module for RFXpress that provides the ultimate in flexibility for creating Pulsed Radar waveforms. It gives users the ability to build custom Radar Pulse suites starting from pulse-to-pulse trains to pulse groups. It supports a variety of modulation schemes including LFM, Up-Down Chirp, QPSK, BPSK, Barker/Frank/Polyphase Codes including P1/P2/P3/P4, Step FM, Nonlinear FM, User-defined Step FM/AM and Step PM/AM, and Custom Modulation. It also has the ability to generate pulse trains with staggered PRI to resolve Range and Doppler ambiguity, frequency hopping for Electronic Counter-Counter Measures (ECCM), and pulse-to-pulse amplitude variation to simulate Swerling target models, including antenna scan patterns, clutter, and multipath effects.
Environment Signal Creation is a software module that allows you to emulate the interference between Radar and other communication standards to test Radar receivers under realistic and worst-case conditions. The users can configure the various standard-specific parameters of these interfering signals including power levels, start time, and duration. The time and frequency overview enables them to adjust the above parameters to quickly create worst-case scenarios. The standards that are supported in the environment module include WiMAX, WiFi, GSM, GSM-EDGE, EGPRS 2A, EGPRS2B, CDMA, W-CDMA, DVB-T, and CW Radar. It also allows seamless integration of signals created using other RFXpress plug-ins such as Generic, Radar, OFDM, and WiMedia.
Generic OFDM Creation is a software module for RFXpress that allows users to configure every part of the OFDM signal definition. It allows users to build the signal symbol-by-symbol to create a complete OFDM frame. RFXpress supports a variety of data coding formats that include Reed Solomon, Convolution, and Scrambling. Each subcarrier in the symbol can be configured independently for Type, Modulation, and Base Data. You could then add Zero Padding or Cyclic Prefix. Symbols can be modified by specifying the clipping ratio and tone nulling. A symbol table gives you a summary of all the carriers in the selected symbol. OFDM packets/frames can be built by specifying the spacing between the symbols/frames. Parts of the OFDM packets can be stressed by adding Gated Noise to it.
SPARA is a software module for RFXpress that provides emulation of RF components from touchstone files. You can cascade multiple touchstone files to emulate a RF chain. The effect of the RF component can also be de-embedded by selecting the Inversion option. This option also adds a provision to characterize a two-port device (DUT). A wizard guides you through a step-by-step process to obtain S21 characteristics (Insertion Loss) of the device in a text format.
UWB-WiMedia (UWBCF/UWBCT) is a software module for RFXpress that has the capability to digitally synthesize and generate signals in the UWB spectrum. As per the latest WiMedia specification, the software module can recreate signals that are required to band hop in real time over 1.5 GHz modulation bandwidth. UWBCF/UWBCT gives users complete control over the characteristics of the WiMedia signal including the preamble synchronization sequences, cover sequences, and TFCs in all band groups. All six band groups (BG1 to BG6) can be generated in either IQ, IF, or Direct RF signals giving users 3 different options for creating/up-converting the signals. The software operates in two modes, in the conformance mode (UWBCF) users can generate the standard waveforms that conform to the latest version of the WiMedia’s specifications, in the custom mode (UWBCT) users can adjust any part of the signal header or payload to perform for stress and margin testing.
RFXpress runs on a PC or as an integral part of Tektronix AWG7000 and AWG5000 Series arbitrary waveform generators.
*4 All ranges mentioned in the data sheet are for AWG7122 models with Opt. 06 until and otherwise explicitly stated.
Digital Modulation software creation package. |
Compatibility for Import and Replication of Waveform Files
Product |
Description |
Oscilloscopes |
Tektronix TDS6000, MSO70000, DSA70000, DPO70000, and DPO7000 Series (*.wfm) |
Arbitrary Waveform Generators |
Tektronix AWG400, AWG500, AWG600, and AWG700 Series (*.wfm) |
Real-time Spectrum Analyzers |
Tektronix RSA3000, RSA5000, and RSA6000 Series (*.iqt , *.tiq) |
Others |
MATLAB®*1 Binary Formats (*.mat), ADS®*5 (*.txt), VSA®*5 (*.csv) |
*1 MATLAB® is a registered trademark of Math Works.
*5 PSG®, ADS®, VSA® are registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies.
Instrument Control
Characteristic |
Description |
Tektronix Arbitrary Waveform Generators |
RFXpress runs on an external PC or an integral part of the AWG7000 and AWG5000 Series. When installed as an integral part of the instrument waveform transfer and control can be performed directly from RFXpress. |
Controls |
Analog |
Sampling Rate, Interleave and Zeroing On/Off, Amplitude, Offset, Run, Stop and Channel Output On/Off, Sequence Run Mode (For radar plug-in only) |
Digital markers |
Amplitude High, Low, and Delay |
Tektronix Oscilloscopes |
Remote-control Tektronix oscilloscope parameters from RFXpress |
Controls |
General settings |
Run, Stop, Single, and Autoset |
Vertical settings |
Channel, Scale |
Horizontal settings |
Scale, Record Length, Sampling Rate |
Tektronix Spectrum Analyzers |
Remote-control Tektronix real-time spectrum analyzer parameters from RFXpress |
Controls |
Settings |
Center, Start, Stop Frequency, Span, Step Size, Max Trace Points |
Acquire |
Bandwidth, Samples, and Length |
Analysis |
Offset, Length, Time Zero Ref, Amplitude Ref Levels |
IQ Modulators |
Remote-control PSG®*5 – E8267D modulator parameters from RFXpress |
Controls |
Frequency, Frequency Offset, Amplitude, Amplitude Offset, Output RF On/Off, Output Mod On/Off, Source Type, Frequency Mode, ALC On/Off, ALC Mode, ALC Bandwidth, ALC Levels, Attenuation Hold On/Off, ALC Power, Attenuation |
Carrier leakage suppression |
IQ State, IQ Adjustment, I Offset and Q Offset |
*5 PSG®, ADS®, VSA® are registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies.
RFXpress for General Purpose IQ, IF, and RF Signal Creation
Characteristic |
Description |
Carrier Definition |
Single Carrier, Multicarrier (1 to 1024) |
Amplitude |
IF/RF: –100 dBm to +30 dBm IQ: 0 VRMS to 5 VRMS |
Base Data |
All 0 (Zero), All 1 (One), PRBS (7, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, user defined), Pattern and File Input |
Modulation Schemes |
No Modulation, QPSK, π/4-QPSK, π/2-QPSK, BPSK, π/2-BPSK, n-DPSK, O-QPSK, 8PSK, O-8PSK, SD-PSK, QAM16, π/2-QAM16, QAM32, QAM64, QAM128, QAM256, QAM512, QAM1024, GMSK, 2-FSK, 4-FSK, 8-FSK, 16-FSK, 32-FSK, CPM, SBPSK, SOQPSK, ASK, OOK, AM, FM, PM, Guassian Noise, File1 (I and Q Samples), File2 (I and Q Symbols), File3 (Symbol Maps) |
Symbol Map |
Total symbols |
2 to 512 |
Modulation modes |
Normal, Diff (Continuous), Diff (Alternate) |
Rotation angle |
–180° to +180° |
Offset modulation |
On/Off |
Predefined map |
None, BPSK, QPSK, QAM16, QAM32, QAM64, QAM128, QAM256 |
Filter |
No Filter, Raised Cosine, Rectangular, Triangular, Square Root Raised Cosine, Gaussian (Dirac Delta), Gaussian (Rectangular), EDGE, Half Sine, User-defined Filter (from a file) |
Window |
No Window, Triangular, Hamming, Kaiser, Hanning, Chebyshev Ripple, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Tapered Cosine, Exact Blackman, and Flat Top |
Window Parameters |
Kaiser parameter |
1 to 10 |
Chebyshev ripple |
10 db to 80 dB |
Coding |
Gray, Differential, Gray Differential, NADC, TFTS, MSAT Differential |
Hopping |
Pattern |
Pseudo Random (Range, List, Avoid) |
Hopping range |
100 Hz to 12 GHz |
Channel spacing |
100 Hz to BW |
7, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, user defined |
Hop time |
Symbols per Hop / Hops per Second |
Pattern |
Custom |
Hopping parameters |
Hop, Start Symbol, End Symbol, Frequency Offset (±MHz), Relative Amplitude (±dB) |
Power Ramp |
Ramp functions |
None, Linear, and Cosine |
Ramping time |
0 to 1 second |
Power level for the symbols |
from –60 dB to +20 dB |
IQ Impairments |
Carrier leakage |
I: –50% to +50% Q: –50% to +50% |
Quadrature error |
–30° to +30° |
IQ imbalance |
–30% to +30% |
AM/AM conversion |
k2: –3 dB +3 dB k3: –3 dB to +3 dB |
AM/PM conversion |
k2: –30° to +30° k3: –30° to +30° |
Hardware skew |
–100 ps to +100 ps (AWG7000) –5 ns to +5 ns (AWG5000) |
IQ Swap |
On/Off |
I Invert |
On/Off |
Q Invert |
On/Off |
Distortion Addition |
Amplifier distortion |
Amplifier – Nonlinear, soft limiting, hard limiting |
AM/AM conversion |
k3: –3 dB to +3 dB k5: –3 dB to +3 dB |
AM/PM conversion |
k3: –30° to +30° k5: –30° to +30° |
Interference Addition |
Frequency offset |
–12 GHz to +12 GHz (AWG7000 Option 02/06) –6 GHz to +6 GHz (AWG7000 standard option) –600 MHz to +600 MHz (AWG5000) |
Sinusoidal interference |
C/I |
–40 dB to +40 dB |
Frequency offset |
–6 GHz to +6 GHz (AWG7000B Option 02/06) –3 GHz to +3 GHz (AWG7000B standard option) –185 MHz to +185 MHz (AWG5000B) |
Signal addition |
Software, Hardware, IQ, and RF/IF |
Additive noise |
–40 dB to +40 dB |
Eb/No |
–40 dB to +40 dB |
Bandwidth |
1 Hz to 12 GHz |
Multipath |
# of paths |
0 to 10 |
Delay |
–80 symbols to +80 symbols |
Amplitude |
–60 dB to 0 dB |
Phase |
–180° to +180° |
Subcarrier Modulation |
Modulation |
AM, FM, PM |
Carrier frequency |
1 Hz to 12 GHz |
AM modulation index |
0 to 200% |
Graphs |
In-phase i(t) and quadrature q(t) component vs. time |
Eye diagram I |
Eye diagram q |
Constellation (Vector q (t) vs. i (t)) |
Spectrum for both RF/IF and I/Q signals (magnitude spectrum of the I/Q signal vs. frequency) |
Pulse Shape |
Spectrogram |
Correction Plot of Phase and Amplitude after calibration |
CPI Plot (only for radar plug-in) |
Calibration*6 |
Calibrate the signal or calibrate the image IQ Direct, IQ with Modulator, IF with Mixer & RF |
Average |
1 to 100 |
Start frequency |
10 MHz to 0.49 fs |
End frequency |
10 MHz to 0.49 fs |
Frequency resolution |
1 MHz to 10 MHz in increments of 1 MHz |
Supported Instruments |
Tektronix TDS6000, MSO70000, DSA70000, DPO70000, DPO7000 Series Oscilloscopes and RSA6000, RSA5000 Series Real Time Spectrum Analyzers |
*6 DUT characterization is supported only on AWG7000 Series instruments.
RFXpress Plug-in for Radar Signal Creation
Characteristic |
Description |
Number of Pulses |
4096 max |
Groups |
Simulate Simultaneous Multiple Targets Returns using "Add Pulse Group" feature |
Pulse Shape |
Trapezoidal, Raised Cosine, Exponential, Rectangular, Saw Tooth, and Custom |
Pulse Parameters |
Start Time (To), Rise Time (Tr), Pulse Width (Ton), Fall Time (Tf), Off Time (Toff) |
Amplitude Relative to Carrier |
–80 dB to 0 dB |
Offset from Carrier Frequency |
–12 GHz to +12 GHz (AWG7000 Option 02/06) –6 GHz to +6 GHz (AWG7000 standard option) –600 MHz to +600 MHz (AWG5000) |
Staggered PRI |
Ramp |
–180° to +180° |
User defined |
Modulation |
Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) |
Sweep range |
0 to 12 GHz |
Frequency sweep |
Low to High, High to Low |
Bi-phase Coded Pulse – Barker |
2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13 |
Polyphase Codes |
# of steps |
200 |
Initial offset |
–180° to +180° |
Phase offset |
–180° to +180° |
User-defined Step PM/AM |
1 to 200 Symbols/Pulse |
1 to 200 Symbols/Pulse |
Polyphase Codes |
P1, P2, P3, P4 1 to 10 code lengths |
Frank Code |
1 to 10 code lengths |
Up-Down Chirp |
1 to 12 Up-Downs with an option to Invert |
Step Frequency Modulation |
# of steps |
200 |
Initial step |
–12 GHz to +12 GHz |
Step size |
–12 GHz to +12 GHz |
Nonlinear FM |
User-defined Step FM/AM |
Custom Modulation |
Pulse-to-Pulse Hopping |
Frequency Offset (±MHz), Relative Amplitude (±dB) |
Pulse Impairments |
Edge jitter |
Gaussian, Uniform |
Width jitter |
Gaussian, Uniform |
Amplitude Deviation |
Droop |
–50% to 50% |
Overshoot |
0% to 50% |
Ripple |
0% to 50% |
Ripple frequency |
1 Hz to 12 GHz |
Multipath |
# of paths |
0 to 10 |
Delay |
0 to PRI (in μs) |
Amplitude |
–60 dB to 0 dB |
Phase |
–180° to +180° |
Antenna |
Beam type |
Sinc, Guassian, user defined |
Beam width |
0° to +180° |
MRA (Max Radial Axis) |
0° to +180° |
Scan rate |
0 to 180°/s |
Clutter |
Signal to Clutter Ratio |
–60 dB to +60 dB |
Start Time Duration |
0 s to PRI |
Statistical Profile |
Rayleigh |
Power Spectral Density |
None, Guassian |
Clutter Frequency Offset |
–12 GHz to +12 GHz (AWG7000 Option 02/06) –6 GHz to +6 GHz (AWG7000 standard option) –600 MHz to +600 MHz (AWG5000) |
IQ Impairments |
Carrier leakage |
I: –50% to +50% Q: –50% to +50% |
Quadrature error |
–30° to +30° |
IQ imbalance |
–30% to +30% |
Hardware skew |
–100 ps to +100 ps (AWG7000) –5 ns to +5 ns (AWG5000) |
IQ swap |
On/Off |
Signal Addition |
Software, Hardware, IQ, and RF/IF |
Noise |
–60 dB to +60 dB |
Bandwidth |
0.01 fs to 0.50 fs |
RFXpress Option for S-parameter and DUT Characterization
Characteristic |
Description |
S-parameter |
Mode |
Noncascading, Cascading (6 max) |
Filter bandwidth |
Auto, Full Bandwidth, Manual (1 Hz to 12 GHz) |
File formats |
s1p, s2p, and s4p (single-ended and differential), *.txt created from DUT characterization |
Apply inversion |
On/Off |
DUT Characterization*6 |
Frequency |
Start, Stop, and Resolution |
# of Iterations |
1 to 5 |
Mixer |
On/Off – Low Frequency, LSB, USB |
Plot |
Amplitude, Phase |
Output File |
*.txt (containing S21 characteristics) |
*6 DUT characterization is supported only on AWG7000 Series instruments.
RFXpress Plug-in for Environment Signal Generation
Characteristic |
Description |
Carrier Magnitude Peak |
–2 dBm to 3.9 dBm |
Standards Supported |
WiFi (a/b/g), WiMAX, GSM, CDMA, W-CDMA, DVB-T |
Common Parameters |
Carrier frequency, power in dB, start time, and duration of the signal, option to periodically extend |
Configuration Parameters for Individual Standards |
WiFi (802.11a) |
Data Rate |
6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mb/s |
Data Length |
40, 1024 bytes |
Off Time |
1 μs to 1 s |
WiFi (802.11b) |
Data Rate |
1 Mb/s – Barker DPSK, 2 Mb/s – Barker DQPSK, 5.5 Mb/s – CCK DQPSK, 11 Mb/s – CCK DQPSK, 5.5 Mb/s – PBCC BPSK, 11 Mb/s – PBCC QPSK |
Data Length |
40, 1024 bytes |
Off Time |
1 μs to 1 s |
WiFi (802.11g) |
Data Rate |
1 Mb/s – Barker DPSK, 2 Mb/s – Barker DQPSK, 5.5 Mb/s – CCK DQPSK, 11 Mb/s – CCK DQPSK, 5.5 Mb/s – PBCC BPSK, 11 Mb/s – PBCC QPSK, 22 Mb/s – PBCC 8PSK, 6 Mb/s – OFDM, 9 Mb/s – OFDM, 12 Mb/s – OFDM, 18 Mb/s – OFDM, 24 Mb/s – OFDM, 36 Mb/s – OFDM, 48 Mb/s – OFDM, 54 Mb/s – OFDM |
Data Length |
40, 1024 bytes |
Off Time |
1 μs to 1 s |
WiMAX (802.16e) Downlink Only |
Bandwidth |
1.25, 2.5, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 28 MHz |
Modulation |
Payload |
4, 10, 40 |
Off Time |
1 μs to 1 s |
Guard Interval |
1/4 |
Frequency Band |
900, 1800, 1900 MHz |
Transmit |
Base, Mobile |
Radio Format |
Time Slot Burst Type |
Normal, Frequency Correction, Synchronization, Access, Dummy |
Link |
Forward, Reverse |
Number of Channels |
9, 12, 15 |
Radio Configuration |
RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4, RC5 |
Data Rate |
1200,1500, 1800, 2400, 2700, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400 bps |
Link |
Up, Down |
Downlink Mode |
DPCH, Test Mode 1 to 6 |
Number of DPCH Channels |
1 to 6 |
Data Rate |
15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960 Kb/s |
Transmission |
Hierarchical, Non-hierarchical |
Alpha |
1 |
Mode |
2K, 8K |
Bandwidth |
5, 6, 7, 8 MHz |
Modulation |
QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM |
Interleaver |
Native, In-depth |
Noise |
Bandwidth |
White, Band Limited |
Duration |
0 to 1 s |
RFXpress Plug-in for OFDM Signal Creation
Characteristic |
Description |
Carrier Magnitude |
–2 dBm to 3.9 dBm |
Base Data |
Up to 8 max All 0 (Zero), All 1 (One), PRBS (7, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, user defined), pattern, and file input |
Data Coding |
Reed Solomon, Scrambling, and Convolution |
Symbol |
Spacing between carriers |
1 Hz to 12 GHz |
# of subcarriers |
2 to 65536 |
Subcarrier type |
Data, Pilot, Null, and Guard |
Subcarrier modulation |
BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 32-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, 8-PSK |
Zero Padding / Cyclic Prefix |
0 ns to 1 s or 0% to 1000% |
Frequency offset |
–12 GHz to +12 GHz (AWG7000 Option 02/06) –6 GHz to +6 GHz (AWG7000 standard option) –600 MHz to +600 MHz (AWG5000) |
Packet |
Preamble/ Postamble |
As file input |
Spacing between symbols |
0 ps to 1 s |
Overlap between symbols |
0% to 50% |
Overlap window |
None, Trapezoidal, Hanning, Hamming, Blackmann |
Hopping |
Hopping parameters |
Hop, Start Symbol, End Symbol, Frequency Offset (±MHz), Relative Amplitude (±dB) |
Gated Noise |
Symbols S/N |
–60 dB to +60 dB |
Frames |
Spacing between packets |
42 ps to 1 s |
Multipath |
# of paths |
0 to 10 |
Delay |
84 to 1 frame (in μs) |
Amplitude |
–60 dB to 0 dB |
Phase |
–180° to +180° |
Phase Noise |
Time model |
Profile |
1/f0, 1/f1, 1/f2, 1/f4 |
VCO bandwidth |
1 Hz to 6 GHz |
Phase noise (RMS) |
0.01° to 180° |
Frequency profile model |
Frequency offset |
1 Hz to 6 GHz (in 5 steps) |
dBc/Hz |
–40 to –180 |
Distortion Addition |
Quantization |
1 to 10 bits |
Presets |
WiFi (802.11a 36 Mb/s), WiMAX (802.16-2004 Down Link 5 MHz, 10 MHz, and 20 MHz) |
RFXpress Plug-in for UWB-WiMedia Signal Generation
Characteristic |
Description |
RFXpress Plug-in for UWB-WiMedia IQ, IF, and RF |
Conformance Signal Creation (UWBCF) Custom Signal Creation (UWBCT) |
Setup |
In addition to user-defined setup using “My setup”, three example setups are provided:
WiMedia Specs Example Packet 53.3, 80, and 106.7 Mb/s Packets 480 Mb/s Burst Mode Packets |
Marker Mapping |
Two markers can be mapped for each of the bands with a marker delay ranging from: –312.5 ns to +312.5 ns |
Number of Packet Groups |
1 to 100 |
Number of Packets in a Packet Group |
1 to 30 |
Packet Group Repetition |
1 to 100 times |
Group Start Delay |
0 to 200 symbols |
Group End Delay |
0 to 200 symbols |
Spacing between Packets |
Standard mode |
6 symbols to 200 symbols. (Can be defined in pSIFS and pMIFS) |
Payload Source |
WiMedia Spec Example |
ALL 0 (Zero), ALL 1 (One) |
PRBS7, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, and 23 |
User Defined (by file input) |
Tone Nulling |
–40 dB to +20 dB |
MAC Header |
10 byte MAC header data can be selected from WiMedia Spec Example |
ALL 0 (Zero), ALL 1 (One) |
PRBS7, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, and 23 |
User Defined: wherein user can enter the MAC header pattern and file input |
Packet Mode |
Standard, Burst |
Preamble Type |
Standard or Burst for data rates greater than 200 Mb/s |
Packet Size |
Standard mode |
0 to 4095 |
Burst mode |
1 to 4095 |
BandGroup |
BandGroup1 to BandGroup6 |
TF Code |
TFC1 to TFC10 |
BandGroup Center Frequency |
Can be defined by the user |
Calibration |
RF and IF |
IQ Impairments |
Carrier leakage |
I: –50% to +50% Q: –50% to +50% |
Quadrature error |
–30° to +30° |
IQ imbalance |
–30% to +30% |
AM/AM conversion |
k2: –3 dB to +3 dB k3: –3 dB to +3 dB |
AM/PM conversion |
k2: –30° to +30° k3: –30° to +30° |
Hardware skew |
–100 ps to +100 ps (AWG7000) –5 ns to +5 ns (AWG5000) |
Distortion Addition |
Amplifier distortion amplifier |
No linear, soft limiting, hard limiting |
AM/AM conversion |
k3: –3 dB to +3 dB k5: –3 dB to +3 dB |
AM/PM conversion |
k3: –30° to +30° k5: –30° to +30° |
Interference Addition |
Frequency offset |
–12 GHz to +12 GHz (AWG7000 Option 02/06) –6 GHz to +6 GHz (AWG7000 standard option) –600 MHz to +600 MHz (AWG5000) |
Sinusoidal interference C/I |
–60 dB to 60 dB |
Real-world signal interference |
WiMAX, WiFi (MIMO), WiFi (802.11a), Radar, IQ Interference Signal as file input |
Frequency |
1 Hz to 12 GHz |
Amplitude |
–60 dB to +60 dB |
Signal Addition Software, Hardware IQ and RF/IF |
Gated Noise |
Packets |
Preamble S/N, PLCP Header S/N, Payload S/N – "–40 dB to +20 dB" |
Symbols S/N |
–40 dB to +20 dB |
Multipath |
# of paths |
0 to 10 |
Delay |
–2 symbols to +2 symbols |
Amplitude |
–60 dB to 0 dB |
Phase |
–180° to +180° |
Conformance Mode |
Data rates |
53.3, 80, 106.7, 160, 200, 320, 400, and 480 Mb/s |
Custom Mode |
TF code |
TFC1 to TFC10 and user defined. User can define his/her own hopping sequence and number the TFC code from 1 to 15. Select this option to generate signals for the selected TF code without hopping. However, markers still continue to hop based on the TFC pattern. |
User-defined components in the PPDU structure |
Preamble Time Domain Base Sequence, Cover Sequence, Reserved bits, Tail bits, HCS, Channel Estimation, Frame Payload, Sequence, Length, Scrambler Init, Hopping Pattern, Reed Solomon parity bits and FCS can either be calculated/taken from standard or can be defined by the user |
Provision to switch off the PLCP header and the PSDU |
System Requirements
The following PC configuration is required to install the offline version.
Note: The hardware requirements detailed here are the minimum required. Additional processing power and memory will increase the performance of the generation software.
- PC with genuine Intel Pentium class >1.2 GHz processor recommended
- Intel or 100% compatible motherboard chipset
- Windows XP Operating System, Windows Vista Business Edition (English Language), or Windows 7
- 512 Megabytes (MB) RAM
- 2 GB of available hard disk space for the applications and documentation
- XVGA 1024×768 with 120 dpi font size recommended
- CD-ROM or DVD drive
- Keyboard and Microsoft mouse or other compatible pointing device
Ordering Information
RFX100 can be ordered as follows:
Product |
Option |
Description |
RFX100 |
Base Software: RFXpress for general purpose RF, IF, and IQ signal creation |
RFXpress plug-in for: |
Opt. UWBCF |
UWB-WiMedia IQ, IF, and RF conformance signal creation (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. UWBCT |
UWB-WiMedia IQ, IF, and RF custom and conformance signal creation (requires RFX100 as prerequisite and includes Opt. UWBCF) |
Opt. RDR |
Radar Signal Creation (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. SPARA |
S-parameter emulation and DUT characterization (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. OFDM |
OFDM Signal Creation (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. ENV |
Environment Signal Generation (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. ENV01 |
Bundling Option – Opt. ENV + Opt. RDR (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. ENV02 |
Bundling Option – Opt. ENV + Opt. RDR + Opt. OFDM (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. ENV03 |
Bundling Option – Opt. ENV + Opt. RDR + Opt. OFDM + Opt. SPARA (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Opt. ENV04 |
Bundling Option – Opt. ENV + Opt. RDR + Opt. OFDM + Opt. SPARA + Opt. UWBCT (requires RFX100 as prerequisite) |
Product Upgrades
Product |
Option |
Description |
RFX100 |
Upgrade option to add Environment Signal Generation to RFX100 |
Upgrade option to add Radar Signal Generation to RFX100 |
Upgrade option to add S-parameter and DUT Characterization to RFX100 |
Upgrade option to add Generic OFDM Signal Generation to RFX100 |
Upgrade option to add UWB-WiMedia Conformance Signal Generation for RFX100 |
Upgrade option to add UWB-WiMedia Custom Signal Generation to RFX100 (requires Opt. UWBCF) |
Upgrade option to add UWB-WiMedia Customer and Conformance Signal Generation to RFX (includes Opt. UWBCF) |