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PSPL5350 6 dB Power Divider, 50 GHz

PSPL5350 Datasheet

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The PSPL5350 6 dB Power Divider provides excellent amplitude and phase performance power division from DC to frequencies over 40 GHz. The outputs are nominally attenuated by 6 dB. All ports are impedance matched to 50 Ω when both outputs are terminated in 50 Ω. Power dividers are built using a three-resistor network. The resistors have 1% tolerances, resulting in precise 50 Ω impedance matches at any port. This divider is engineered to provide excellent amplitude and phase symmetry throughout the operating range, regardless of port selection. Maximum division symmetry is obtained when port 1 is used as input, with ports 2 and 3 providing the divided signal output.

Typical performance

Frequency responses from 40 MHz to 40 GHz, liniear sweep at 4 GHz/div




Parameter 1 Value
Rise time 8 ps, typical
Insertion Loss BW (-1.5 dB) DC to >40 GHz
Insertion Loss, DC 6.02 ± 0.08 dB max, DC
Insertion Loss, AC 5.87.2 dB, typical at 50 GHz, 2.4 mm connectors
Insertion Loss Asymmetry 0.05 dB maximum, DC
Phase Tracking
Delay 100 ps, typical
Input Impedance, DC 50 ± 0.5 Ω max
Return Loss >30 dB, 0 – 1 GHz
>17 dB, 1 – 15 GHz
>12.5 dB, 15 – 40 GHz
Max Input Power, avg 2.5 Watts, CW
Temperature Range -55 to 90 °C @ 2.5 W, operating case temperature
linearly derated to 0 W @ 110 °C
Warranty One Year
Mechanical dimensions


1 All parameters listed are typical unless max/min guaranteed limits are provided. The DC specs are based upon resistor tolerances and only when used with 50 Ω source and terminations.

Ordering information

Power Divider, 6 dB
PSPL5350 240JJJ
2.4 mm connectors, jacks (f)
PSPL5350 292JJJ
2.92 mm connectors, jacks (f)