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400G Optical Manufacturing Analysis Software

DSA8300 400G-M4 optical analysis software for four channel TDECQ

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400G M4 Optical Analysis Software Datasheet
DSA8300 400G-M4 optical analysis software for four channel TDECQ

The DSA8300 400G-M4 is a PC based application for PAM4 optical signal validation. The 400G-M4 application supports four channel simultaneous acquisition and integrated receiver equalization with support for both auto optimization and user defined equalizer tap values. Adjust transmitter characteristics using the built-in Laser Tuning Mode for fast feedback on measurements.

Key features
  • PC based application for PAM4 optical signal validation for repeatable, reliable measurements
  • Support for 4 channel simultaneous acquisition
  • Automated TDECQ measurement for PAM4
  • Support for bandwidth enhancement filter for 4th order Bessel-Thomson response
  • Support for customer defined filters
  • Laser tuning for fast transceiver characterization

PAM4 measurements

The DSA8300 400G-M4 dashboard style configuration panel enables quick and easy configuration of all necessary parameters for PAM4 analysis.

The PAM4 analysis package provides a comprehensive set of measurements for manufacturing test. TDECQ analysis automates a complex optical PAM4 measurement used to characterize the optical transmitter vertical eye closure.

Measurement capability

Category Measurements
IEEE specified measurements TDECQ
Optical measurements Statistical Eye Analysis Vupp/Vmid/Vlow
Linearity (RLM)
Extinction Ratio (ER)
OMA outer (PAM 4 optical modulation between level 0 and level 3)
Average Optical Power (AOP)
Correlated waveform Level deviation
Level thickness
Time deviation
Transmitter transition time

PC requirements

  • i3 4th generation processor
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 256 GB hard drive
  • Minimum resolution 1920 x 1080 
  • Win 10, 64 bit
  • MATLAB runtime v9.3 

Ordering information

DSA8300 400G-M4
400G Optical Manufacturing Analysis Software, 4 channel TDECQ
DSA83UP 400G-M4
400G-M4 upgrade for existing customers who already have a DSA8300
Option ADVTRG (Advanced Trigger with Pattern Sync) for the DSA8300 is required.