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Simplified 24/7 Spectrum Monitoring Networks
Tektronix’s rugged, portable real-time spectrum analyzers bring capabilities needed to create a robust, cost-effective network for continuous spectrum monitoring of buildings, bases, or any area of interest.
Real-time spectrum analyzers are ideal for spectrum monitoring thanks to their very low probability of intercept (POI) that means they’ll never miss a signal of interest, no matter how brief. They can monitor huge swaths of the spectrum in a fraction of the time required by traditional swept spectrum analyzers.
Calibrated with NIST-traceability, real-time spectrum analyzers from Tektronix are well suited for building your own remotely accessible and intelligent real-time spectrum monitoring system. They can be easily fit into small spaces and deployed remotely. Their robust command set allows them to be easily implemented as a stand-alone monitoring station, or integrated into a larger, integrated network. Utilize commercial off-the-shelf (COTs) equipment, at an affordable solution price.